满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Washington D.C. is the capital of the US...

Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA. It is a beautiful city. But there are many poor and hungry people in it. Some of them are even homeless.

In the northwestern part of the city there is a house called Martha’s Table. It has been there since 1980. A group of volunteers go there every day. They collect food clothes and money for the poor people.

Every day the volunteers prepare 2100 sandwiches and a lot of soup and cakes for about 500 people. They give food to many homeless people the only meal in the streets and parks.

Mrs Morley is one of the volunteers. She looks after 60 children in a big room. Some are very young and some are old. She tells them stories and teaches them how to read and draw. She also helps them with their homework. These children parents have to work long hours. They can’t take care of them. Marths’s Table can help look after their children.

When Christmas comes Mrs Morley and the other volunteers are even busier. They have to prepare Christmas dinner or hundred of poor people in that party of the city.

1.What is the capital of USA?


2.Is Martha’s Table the name of a restaurant?


3.According to the passage what food can homeless people get from Martha’s Table?


4.What can Mrs Morley help the children do?



1.WashingtonD.C is the capital of the USA 2.No 3.Sandwiches and a lot of soup and cakes 4.She tells them stories and teaches them how to read and draw. She also helps them with their homework. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在美国的首都华盛顿,有很多的贫穷饥饿,无家可归的穷人,有一个名叫“Martha’s Table”的机构里面有很多志愿者专门为穷人募集食物,衣服和金钱,他们也帮助没有时间的家长照顾他们的孩子。 1.根据Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA.故填WashingtonD.C is the capital of the USA 2.根据In the northwestern part of the city there is a house called Martha’s Table. 可知不是餐馆,故填No 3.根据Every day the volunteers prepare 2,100 sandwiches and a lot of soup and cakes for about 500 people. 故填Sandwiches and a lot of soup and cakes 4. 考点:任务型阅读。


Mike and John are good friends. Both of them like traveling very much.

One day when they were traveling through a desert they quarreled (吵架) with each other. Mike was very angry and hit John in the face. John was hurt    1. he wrote in the sand “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

Then they went on walking and found an oasis (绿洲). It was very hot    2.. John was not good at swimming and he started drowning (溺水) after a few minutes.   3.. When John got up he wrote on a stone “Today my best friend saved my life.”

Mike felt a little surprised and asked “Why after I hurt you you wrote some words in the sand and now you wrote on a stone?” John smiled and said “When a friend hurts us we should write it down in the sand.    4.. However when something great happens we should write it in the stone of our memory and remember it forever.” 5.. He learned what true friendship was. Let’s learn to write in the sand and on the stone.

A. Mike was very moved

B. but without anything to say

C. so they wanted to have a swim

D. And the wind can blow it away easily

E. Mike swam to him quickly and saved him










Five-year-old Susie loved to listen to her older sister, Emma, play the piano. Susie wanted to play it, too. But every time Susie asked to play, her mother would tell her how much work it needed to learn to play the piano well. Susie was sure she could learn to play it. She decided to make her mother believe that she was ready(准备好的)to learn to play the piano, so Susie helped her mom do the dishes and clean the house.

“Mom, can I start taking the piano lesson?” asked Susie.

“Susie, if you take the piano lesson, you must practice every day,” said her mom.

Susie was so excited. She could not wait to learn how to play her favorite songs!

Susie was excited for her first piano lesson. When she was finally in class, she was surprised: her teacher had flashcards(教学卡片)and a book for her. Susie didn’t know there were so many other things to know about the piano first. During that first lesson, the teacher didn’t let Susie play the piano.

The next day, after Susie got home from school, she ran outside.

“Where are you going?” asked her mom.

“Outside to play volleyball,” said Susie. “Bye, Mom!”

“You must study your piano flashcards,” said her mom. “Susie, this is what you wanted, now you have to do it.”

1. Mom didn’t let Susie learn to play the piano at first, because Mom thought playing the piano ____________.

A. cost a lot of money

B. needed a lot of practice

C. was difficult for a five-year-old girl

D. would make Susie have no time to study

2.How did Susie show her mom that she was ready for the piano lesson?

A. She told her mom she was ready.

B. She asked Emma to tell her mom that she was ready.

C. She helped her mom with chores around the house.

D. She tried to learn to play the piano by watching her sister.



If you think you’re too shy and want to be a little brave try the followings

You can make it. Tell people you’re shy. There’s no need to hide it. When they get to know you’re a shy kid they’ll understand you better. This also helps you feel more at ease in talks.

Try to smile more. When you smile people think you are friendly and easy to talk. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start talks say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties and games. Don’t waste time say to yourself “You did it”. Keep trying and one day you’ll never feel “shy” when you talk about yourself

1.How many pieces of advice does the passage give us? _______

A. Four         B. Five        C. Six        D. Seven

2.The underlined phrase “at ease” in the passage means _______ in Chinese.

A. 容易        B. 快乐       C. 害羞       D. 自在

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Ask yourself to smile more.

B. Never say something nice about people

C. Think less about ways to enjoy parties around you.

D. One day you’ll never feel “shy” when people talk about you.

4. Which of the best title of the passage?

A. Change Your Life Every Day

B. How to Overcome Shyness

C. Keep Trying to Like Something Nice

D. Keep up You



Playing video games has become a real job now. Players can get a lot of money. They compete watched by thousands of fans in arenas (竞技场) with millions more following online.

40 years ago the first known competition (playing Spacewar at the US’s Standford University) offered a magazine as first prize. In 2014 the world championship (冠军赛) for Dota 2 had the prize of almost $11 million and 10000 fans watched live as Chinese team won the first prize.

Last year also saw the first e-sports arenas open in the US and a 15000-seater e-sports stadium (体育场) in China the e-TV sports report by sports network ESPN and the $450000 worth e-sports scholarship (奖学金) offered by Chicago’s Robert Morris University.

If you’re over 30 you probably don’t directly unless you happen to be a fanatical (狂热的) player of the most popular e-sports games. But your children or grandchildren do. They know the players by their gaming handles (用户名) and hope to follow their heroes into a gaming world.

1.What has playing video games become now?

A. A job.   B. A sport.   C. A hobby.   D. A competition.

2.When did the Chinese team win the first prize?

A. 40 years ago. B. 30 years ago.  C. In 2014.      D. In 2015.

3.What did Chicago’s Robert Morris University offer?

A. The first e-sports arenas.

B. An e-sports stadium.

C. The e-TV sports report.

D. An e-sports scholarship.

4. Who likes e-sports best according to the passage?

A. Newly-born babies.    B. Young children.

C. Middle-aged people.     D. Old people.



Bike Rentals (租赁)


Zoo Station

We are directly at the Zoo train station facing the parking area. You’ll find us just past the main entrances (入口) opposite the Zoo entrance.


We’re right under the TV tower. If you’re facing the entrance of the Tower walk to your right around the corner.

Open Hours


Rental Prices

1/2 Day


One Day


2nd Day


Please call 650-968-3575 for bike rentals.

1.Where is Alexanderplatz?

A. Near the Zoo entrance.         B. Under the TV tower.

C. In the parking area.           D. At the train station.

2.When can we rent a bike?

A. At 630.   B. At 800.   C. At 1400.   D. At 2100.

3.How much is it if you keep the bike for one day?

A. $7.    B. $10.    C. $12.    D. $22.



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