满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

----Good news! Yao Ming entered the Hall...

----Good news! Yao Ming entered the Hall of Fame!(名人堂)

---- He made progress in basketball career ________ his years of hard work.

A. across               B. over            C. through         D. by


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--好消息!姚明进入名人堂!——经过多年的努力,他在篮球事业上取得了进步。A. across 穿过;B. over 越过;C. through 通过;D. by被,通过。通过句意可知,答案为C。 考点:考查介词的辨析。  

In the growth of children, what really __________ much is what their parents say and do.

A. considers          B. values            C. matters           D. minds



--- Are Jim and Tom in the classroom?--- ____. Look! The students are all playing outside.

A. None          B. Nothing        C. Neither            D. Both



Get your pens and notebooks ready _________ we begin our lesson.

A. before              B. until         C. because of           D. while



--- Who will be our Biology teacher this term?

--- Mr. Green will teach __________ Biology and his lessons are worth ________.

A. you ; listening       B. your; to listen

C. you; listening to      D. your; listen to



The swimmer is ______ unusual disabled player. He never loses _____ heart when meeting trouble.

A. a; a               B. an;/               C. a; the          D. an; an



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