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Kobe Bryant plays _______ basketball ver...

Kobe Bryant plays _______ basketball very well. He is _______ very famous basketball player in NBA.

A. a the  B. / the  C. the a  D. / a


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Kobe Bryant打篮球非常棒。他在NBA中是个非常著名的篮球明星。球类运动前面不加冠词。第一次提到某物(人)时,用an/a,根据very的首个字母音标,可知是辅音音素,故选D。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  








  My Dream







Do you keep a diary(日记) every day? Do you think it is great to remember just what you did on a day many years ago? One way to remember each day is to write about it in a diary. Many people write their diaries every day. They write about what they did, what they ate, whom they saw and met, how they did something and how they felt during that day.

Most people do not want anyone else to read their diaries. They keep them in a safe (安全的)place. Some Chinese students try to keep diaries in English not only to help themselves to remember something, but also to practice English.

Long ago, many people wrote diaries, too. People have found some of those old diaries.  Some diaries are useful because we can learn about the life long ago, or we can get to know something important or something interesting.

There are many famous diaries in the world. Most people in China have read the Diaries of Lei Feng. Lei Feng was a soldier(战士).In his short life, he did a lot of good things for others and for his country. He was always ready to give, but never asked for anything from people. He kept diaries and from them, people learn what a great man he was. In China’s schools,  students learn some of his diaries as texts(课文).


1.How many things do people write about in their diaries according to the passage(短文)?

2.Where do most people keep their diaries?

3.Are some of the old diaries useful?

4.Can students practice English if they write their diaries in English?

5.What do you think of Lei Feng from his diaries?



It was a little dark(黑) outside yesterday. When I was having dinner, 1. ________ .

It was a child. He said he found a phone on the football field(场).He found the number in the phone and called. Soon, 2._________.

I asked the child to stay there. When I arrived, I saw a group of five children, aged about 7 to 9. 3.________ .They told me how they found the phone. They also told me that some bigger children tried(试图) to take it, but they didn’t give it to them.

I was moved(感动) by their kindness(好意).When I saw a shop nearby(附近的), 4._______ and asked them to buy something to eat. They looked surprised. And then they said “thank you” happily.

They were so cute. There were another three dollars in my pocket(口袋).I said to them, “OK, three more dollars. 5._______ .”“Oh, no!” they said. “Thank you, sir. We have enough.” When I left, they were still excited to talk about what to buy.


A. I gave each of them one dollar

B. the telephone rang

C. You can share(分享)them

D. They came running over to meet me

E. I knew it was my son’s










I was quite close to my grandmother, Julia. We lived with her and then she lived with us. She was a very nice person, both kind and patient. She taught me to read and write when I was young and helped me to be interested in stories and poems.

In my mind, my grandmother was a great cook. She cooked more delicious food than anything you can eat in a restaurant today. She always cooked for family and friends.

My grandmother was also a hard-working worker both at home and at work. I can still remember the difficult time when we were very poor. At that time, my grandmother was already sixty years old but she worked in a hospital for a long time every day –not in the office but doing the cleaning outside and taking care of me at the same time while my mom was at work!

My brother and sisters also love her. We will never forget our grandmother. She is really important in our lives and is always there for all of us in one way or another. I am proud to be her grandson.


1.The writer’s grandmother taught him to  when he was young.

A. read and write          B. sing and dance

C. draw and sing           D. play and learn

2.His grandmother always made  for family and friends.

A. cakes B. cardsC. clothesD. meals

3.While his mom was ___ , his grandmother took care of him.

A. at homeB. at workC. out of workD. in hospital

4.At the age of 60, his grandmother  in a hospital for a long time every day.

A. cooked meals

B. worked in the office 

C. did the cleaning

D. stayed with his mother.

5.Which of the following is not TRUE?

A. His grandmother was hard-working. 

B. Her grandchildren all loved her.

C. His grandmother could read.

D. His grandmother worked in a hospital for taking care of him.



One of my friends Fred did very little work when he was a student. He spent more time drinking in bars(酒吧) than working in the library. Once, we had to take an important exam. The exam had a hundred questions. To each question we had to write "Right" or "Wrong". The night before the exam, Fred was watching TV and drinking. He usua1ly worried a lot the night before the exam. But on that night he looked quite quiet. He told me what he would do." It's very easy," he said to me, "There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty right answers to pass the exam. I' ll bring a coin(硬币 )with me and throw it to decide(决定)answers. I' m sure I’ll get half the questions right in this way. "During the exam, Fred sat down and really threw the coin for half an hour when he was writing down his answers. Then he 1eft half an hour before the others. The next day he saw the teacher on the playground. "Oh, good, Mr. Wu," he said, "Have you checked the papers? Have I passed?" The teacher 1ooked at him and smiled, "Ah, it's you, Fred. A moment, please." Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it into the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it. "I' m very sorry, Fred, you failed."


1.The writer and Fred are still students.

2.Fred usually worried a lot before the exam because he did little work.

3.Fred was quite quiet that night because the exam questions were easy.

4.The coin didn't bring good luck to Fred.

5.Mr Wu was glad that Fred was very clever.[来



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