满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

口语应用。 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 Mi...



Mike: Who is your best friend, Connie?

Connie: Helen.

Mike: Why?

Connie: Because she likes to do the same things as I do.1           .

Mike: Are you good at drawing, too?

Connie: Sure, we both like drawing. 2           

Mike: 3          

Connie: She is more outgoing than me. I am a little quieter.4             Who is your best friend?

Mike: My best friend is Harry.

Connie: Is he like you?

Mike: No, he isn’t. 5             And I’m more outgoing. But some people say that we look the same.

A. And both of us are pretty outgoing.B.She is good at reading.

C.She is good at drawingD. Who is more outgoing?

E.What about you? F.They’re both funny.

G.Harry is quieter than me.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.G 【解析】 试题分析: 1.C句意:她擅长画画。根据后面的句子“Are you good at drawing, too?”可知,此句一定与绘画有关,故答案为C。 2.A句意:我们两人都很外向。下面两句都是有关性格方面的话题。此句是引出话题,故答案为A。 3.D句意:谁性格更外向?根据答语“She is more outgoing than me.”可推测上句是询问谁性格更外向。答案为D。 4.E句意:你呢?根据下面的内容判断,是询问迈克同样的话题,答案为E。 5.G句意:哈利比我更文静。根据下句“And I’m more outgoing.”可知,哈利比我更文静。答案为G。 考点:补全对话。

For many people of Norway(挪威),skiing(滑雪) is the best way to have fun in winter. Almost everyone can ski. Children learn to ski after they learn to walk. Long long ago in Norway there were no buses trains or cars. People had to find a way to walk over the deep (深的)snow. Skis were the right answer!

Although they love winter the people of Norway are also happy to see summer come. They enjoy the out-door activities at any time of the year. In summer they swim and sunbathe(日光浴) near the beach. Some people go hiking and go mountain climbing. Sail-boating is also very popular during the warm sunny summer months.

The Norwegians(挪威人) like people everywhere find many in-door ways to have a good time. During the long winter they also enjoy movies. They like to read books from the libraries in all seasons(季节). Family life is very important to the people of Norway.

1.In winter ______ is the most popular sport for Norwegians to have a good time.

A. skiing. B. skating .C. swimming

2.Long long time ago Norwegians skied for______.

A. having fun

B. crossing the deep snow

C. making money

3.How many activities can you find in the passage?

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8

4.Which sentence is right?

A. Norwegians like winter but they don’t like summer.

B. Norwegians don’t think family life is very important.

C. Norwegians also like indoor activities.



Do you like playing soccer? If you do you may want to join the school soccer team. Read on and see how to join the school soccer team.

The first step is to know the information about the team. You can find more information by asking these questions. How many students are there in the soccer team? How many new players do they need? How often do they play soccer?

The second step is to practice. Practice soccer with your friends or your family. Only good players can join the school soccer team. So you need to practice your skill.

The third step is to study hard. If you always get bad grades in the exam your teachers and parents won’t let you join the soccer team.

The last step is to relax. Don’t be too nervous(紧张的). You can take a deep breath(深呼吸) and keep smiling. Believe in(相信) yourself and you can be the best player.

1.Which is not the suitable (适合的)question according to(按照) the second paragraph(段)?

A. How often do they play soccer?

B. Can I join the school team?

C. How many students are there in the soccer team?

D. How many new players do they need?

2.Which step is about studying hard?

A. The first step. B. The second step.

C. The third step. D. The last step.

3.What does the underlined word “skill” mean in Chinese?

A. 锻炼 B. 技能 C. 实践 D. 方法

4.What’s the main (主要的)idea of the passage(文章)?

A. It’s about how to join the school soccer team.

B. It’s about how to be a good soccer player.

C. It’s about how to get good grades in the exam.

D. It’s about how to make more friends at school.



One day a rich boy bought a magic mirror (镜子). When he got home, he looked in the mirror. His face looked sad. He tried to smile and make funny faces, his face looked still sad. Then he did many happy things, but his face always looked sad.

“Oh, what a terrible mirror! It doesn’t work! ” he said angrily.

The next day on his way to buy some chocolate, he saw a little girl crying sadly. The rich boy went up to her and asked what had happened. The little girl said she couldn’t find her parents. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you,” the rich boy said. So they went to look for them together. Finally they found her parents. They were so thankful for his help. After the rich boy arrived home, he looked in the mirror as usual. To his surprise, his face looked very happy. The boy understood the magic of the mirror. The mirror could show the true feelings of its owner. This was true—the rich boy had helped that little girl so he felt really happy.

1.One day a rich boy bought _______.

A. a magic mirror           B. a normal mirror

C. a small mirror          D. a magic book

2.The boy’s face always looked _______ in the mirror on the first day.

A. happyB. sad C. terrible D. funny

3.On his way to buy some chocolate, the rich boy saw_______ crying sadly.

A. a little boy B. a little girl

C. a little dog D. a little cat

4.From the story we know the boy was _______.

A. brave             B. foolish

C. clever            D. helpful




Today’s radio

640 AM

1650 Light music

1900 International news

2100 Interesting stories

2310 Chinese songs

0010 World famous piano works(作品)

0130 (over)

90.5 FM

0930 Chinese songs by famous singers

1000 Animal world

1030 Songs of the century

1210 Happy talk show

1800 Chinese songs

1930 Radio songs

2100 (over)

720 AM

0900 Happy 30 minutes

0935 World famous piano works

1200 The latest news

1400 Chinese classical music

1700 Songs of the century

1935 Chinese songs

2300 Chinese folk songs(民歌)by famous singers

0000 (over)

97.4 FM

0900 Hello taxi

1000 Modern music

1100 Pop music

1230 Chinese songs

1300 World famous operas

1600 Old records

1800 International news

2000 Famous Chinese songs

2130 Love the human world

2300 Music magazine

0100 (over)


1.All the bands have .

A. light music

B. Chinese songs

C. country music

D. world famous piano works

2.Which band broadcasts(广播)for the shortest time?

A. 640 AM B. 90.5 FMC. 720 AMD. 97.4 FM

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. You can listen to “Radio songs” at 1930 at 90.5 FM.

B. You can listen to “Chinese songs” at 1230 at 97.4 FM.

C. You can listen to “International news” at 1800 at 640 AM.

D. You can listen to Chinese songs” at 1935 at 720 AM.



根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

One of David's friends loved money very much and     gave anything to anybody. Soon he became     .One day, he had fun     near the river with his friends. Unluckily, he slipped(滑倒)and fell into the river. His friends ran to help him.And one of them held out(伸出) his hand and said,"   me your hand , and I will pull(拉)you out."The rich man's head went under the water and then came up again,    he didn't give his hand. Again another of his friends tried but again the   thing happened. Then David said,"    my hand and I will pull you out!"The rich man took his hand and David pulled him    of the water.

"You don't know our friend very well."he said to the   ."When you say give'to him, he does    , but when you say 'take', he takes at once."

1.A. always  B. never C. sometimeD.not

2.A. good   B. poor   C. rich   D. bad

3.A. walking   B. walks    C. walk     D. walked

4.A. Take B.Get C.Hold D. Give

5.A. but B. or C.then D. and

6.A. different B. sameC. otherD. worst

7.A. GetB. HoldC. Give D. Take

8.A. fromB. upC. out D. down

9.A. other B. anotherC. others D. ones

10.A. something B. nothingC. everythingD. anything



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