满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Which of the following words is pronounc...

Which of the following words is pronounced ?

A. floor             B. fine                C. fire               D.flight


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:下面哪个单词发/faɪn/?A. floor [flɔː]; B. fine [faɪn]; C. fire ['faɪə]; D.flight [flaɪt]。根据发音可知选C。 考点:考查语音。  


假如你是Lucy,想应聘校报英文版的记者( English reporter )。请根据招聘要求写一封应聘信,说明你能胜任此职的理由。


Do you want to be a member of our school’s most popular newspaper?

Now, it’s your big chance!

Join us if you are:

willing to devote some of the spare time

good at both English and writing

careful and outgoing

Anyone who is interested in the job, please e-mail us at stunion@126.com.

注意:1. 内容须包括表中要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译;条理清楚、语句连贯;

2. 文中不得出现真实地名、校名和人名;

3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir,

My name is Lucy. I am writing to recommend myself as your English reporter.                



                                                                               Yours faithfully,




More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is amazing, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s w 1.  there are l. 4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can

t  2.  you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!

Get on a bicycle and r 3.  around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is e  4.  than getting out of your car. You can bike to work and enjoy exercise w  5. polluting the environment.

You don’t even have to ride all the way. Folding(折叠) bikes work well for people who take the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the s  6.  on a plane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a small bike with you when you fly. But be s  7.  to look for information on the airline websites.

Bicycling is good for your health. It helps c  8.  your weight and prevent heart diseases. If you go to and r  9.  from work by bike three times a week for 15 minutes, you’ll lose five kilos of fat in a year. It can a  10.  improve your mood. Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and confident.





Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. He was the oldest of five children in a worker’s family. He enjoyed going to the sea when he was a young boy.

He heard that there was a lot of gold and other valuable things in East India. He wanted to find a short way to get to the Indies by ship. On August 3, 1492, he sailed toward the west from Palos, Spain with three ships. After many days, the sailors had covered a long distance on the sea and were ready to turn around for home when they saw land, an island Columbus named San Salvador. He thought he had found the Indies and called the people he saw there “Indians”. When they got to Cuba, he thought he was in Japan. The world was a lot larger than he thought.

In his life, he made four trips across the ocean. His 13-year-old son, Ferdinand, went with him during the last time. He returned to Spain in 1504. Columbus did not become rich as he had hoped. At the end of his life he only had a pension(退休金) the king and the queen had given him because he was the first to reach the New World. He died in 1506, still believing that he had found a new route to East India and that he had reached Asia.

Columbus didn’t get to school very much, but he learned to read and write Spanish during his travels. He also taught himself Latin because all the geography books were written in Latin. He is remembered by all not only for the New World he discovered, but also for the way he led for other explorers.

Christopher Columbus and His Sailing

Personal information

Columbus was from a worker’s family. His   1.  place is Genoa, Italy.

He didn’t get to school very much, but he loved to go to the   2.   as a very young boy.


His four




He sailed with three ships from Spain 4.  he wanted to look for the treasure in East India. During their first sailing, they found land, an island   5.  San Salvador by him.

The world was   6. larger than he thought and he considered Cuba as Japan by mistake.

Later in his life, he had   7. three trips across the ocean. Finally he came back home in 1504.

  8.  of being rich, he only got a pension given by the king and the queen because he found the New World.

His great


He learnt Spanish and Latin   9.  himself during his travels.

People   10. Columbus because he discovered a New World and led the way for other explorers. 




less than;  shortly after;  used to;  comfortable;  brought into



Have you ever taken a high-speed train—China Railway High-speed (CRH) Hexie Hao? It’s clean,   1. and fast, and it offers good service. At first, all trains were marked with “CRH”, and 2. that, it was changed to the Chinese characters “和谐号” on the centre of the head vehicles and the side of the walls of other vehicles.

Do you still have any idea about what the train   3. be like? Before, the trains ran at the speed of   4.  50km/h.

It is quite slow. Besides, it was dirty because of the use of coal. However, the high-speed train was   5.   China in 2004. China Railway High-speed (CRH) can run up to 380km/h. Now, people can travel from one place to another easily and quickly.




1.Thousands of people enjoy       (they) watching lanterns in Confucius Temple.

2.It’s almost       (possible) for a 5-year-old boy to work out such difficult problems.

3.Kitty knows the Jinling Library well because she has been there       (two).

4.As a big fan of Sherlock, Jim is       (real) crazy about detective stories.

5.You can search the website for       (far) information about the competition.



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