满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The river runs_______the small city and ...

The river runs_______the small city and the man can swim _____it. 

A. across, through             B. through , through

C. through , across             D. thought , across


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:那条河流经这个小城市,那个男人能游过它。本题考查介词“穿过”的区别。thought名词,思想,故不对。Through指的是从内部穿过;across指从表面穿过或横穿run through从中间穿过; swim across指游到对岸,故选C。 考点:考查介词的用法。  

Dad, why should I stop _______ computer games?

For your study, my boy. You must stop_______ your homework now.

A. to play; to do         B. playing; doing

C. to play; doing          D. playing; to do



---Isn’t the book about different kinds of animals interesting?

---_______. I am going to read it again.

A. No, it is           B. No, it isn’t

C. Yes, it is          D. Yes, it isn’t



There was a big fire last night, but the firemen _________ quickly.

A. put it up            B. put up it

C. put it out           D. put out it



—How much did you _____ for your new bicycle ?

—2,000 yuan, the price is so______.

A. pay; expensive             B. cost; high

C. spend; expensive           D. pay; high



---So many travellers in Yangzhou.

--- Yes, Yangzhou is famous _______ its nice food and beautiful views.

A. for  B. as C. to  D. with



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