满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

They are talking ________ my parents ___...

They are talking ________ my parents _______ my study.

A. with  to              B. to  with 

C. with  about            D. about  with


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他们正在和我的父母谈论我的学习情况。这句话考查的是talk的短语,talk with/to sb.和某人谈话,第一个空的介词可以用with,也可以用to,排除D;talk about sth.谈论某事,故应选C。 考点:考查介词辨析。  

He can ______ , so he wants to join the ________ club

A. swims  swim              B. swims  swimming

C. swimming  swim           D. swim   swimming.



He eats ____ dinner at 7:30 in the evening.

A. a B. anC. theD. /







2、在山顶欣赏美景(enjoy beautiful scenery)、拍照(take photos);

3、中午在山脚下野餐(have a picnic lunch)、在山谷里玩游戏(in the valley);

4、西山美丽风光让我们流连忘返(enjoy oneself so as to forget to leave)。[




Sunday, May 1st, 2016.                                           Clear.  

I had a trip with several of my friends last Sunday.


We had a great time at West Hill. It was a pleasant trip.





1.When we met, we s           (握住) hands with each other.  

2.Michael is always t           (渴望) for knowledge. 

3.The girl feels scared every time she c           (过) the river. 

4.The scientist always dresses himself s           (朴素地) and cleanly. 

5.Your tiny help may bring much w           (温暖) to people in trouble. 



One evening, I found an electric (电动的) model car on my 6-year-old son’s desk. We hadn’t bought one like that for him. At dinner, I asked my son about it.

“I exchanged my paper model plane from a little girl in the neighborhood.” he said.

We were surprised. The paper model plane really cost nothing. But the electric model car might cost 15 dollars at least. We thought our son might tell a lie. But we said nothing.

The next day, I took my son to the little girl’s home with the electric model car. I was going to make sure whether my son told us a lie, and to return the model car to the girl.

But the little girl’s mother told me that it was true.

“The electric model car belongs to my daughter. It is up to her. I respect her decision.” She said. “Since your son likes the electric model car, it belongs to him.”

Then I took the girl with us to a toy store. I bought an electric model plane to her. And I wanted the girl to understand whether it was worth exchanging an electric model car for a paper plane.

Since then, they have been good friends all their lives.

Education is really an art. It was lucky that we didn’t scold (训斥) our son before we learned about the fact.

1.What did the boy exchange his paper model plane for with the little girl?(不超过5个单词)


2.What’s the mother’s opinion on her daughter’s exchange?(不超过5个单词)


3.What does the writer want to tell us?(不超过15个词)




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