满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One evening, I found an electric (电动的) m...

One evening, I found an electric (电动的) model car on my 6-year-old son’s desk. We hadn’t bought one like that for him. At dinner, I asked my son about it.

“I exchanged my paper model plane from a little girl in the neighborhood.” he said.

We were surprised. The paper model plane really cost nothing. But the electric model car might cost 15 dollars at least. We thought our son might tell a lie. But we said nothing.

The next day, I took my son to the little girl’s home with the electric model car. I was going to make sure whether my son told us a lie, and to return the model car to the girl.

But the little girl’s mother told me that it was true.

“The electric model car belongs to my daughter. It is up to her. I respect her decision.” She said. “Since your son likes the electric model car, it belongs to him.”

Then I took the girl with us to a toy store. I bought an electric model plane to her. And I wanted the girl to understand whether it was worth exchanging an electric model car for a paper plane.

Since then, they have been good friends all their lives.

Education is really an art. It was lucky that we didn’t scold (训斥) our son before we learned about the fact.

1.What did the boy exchange his paper model plane for with the little girl?(不超过5个单词)


2.What’s the mother’s opinion on her daughter’s exchange?(不超过5个单词)


3.What does the writer want to tell us?(不超过15个词)



1.An electric model car. 2.She respected her (daughter’s) decision. 3.Education is an art, and we must learn it. / We shouldn’t scold a kid before we learn about the fact. / We should learn to care for the kid’s young heart. 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:作者的儿子用自己的纸飞机模型从一位小女孩那里换取了一辆模型电动小汽车,起初作者感到怀疑,后来从小女孩的妈妈那里知道这是真的,那位妈妈也尊重自己女儿的选择。从而告诉我们:教育是一门艺术,我们必须学习它。在我们了解事实之前,我们不应该责骂孩子。我们应该学会照顾孩子的幼小的心灵。 1.根据短文中的句子“I exchanged my paper model plane from a little girl in the neighborhood.” he said.可知,小男孩用自己的纸飞机模型从一位小女孩那里换取了一辆模型电动小汽车,故答案为An electric model car. 2.根据短文中的句子“The electric model car belongs to my daughter. It is up to her. I respect her decision.”可知,小女孩的妈妈尊重自己女儿的选择,答案为She respected her (daughter’s) decision. 3.主旨大意题。从短文最后的句子“Education is really an art. It was lucky that we didn’t scold (训斥) our son before we learned about the fact.”我们可以找到答案,Education is an art, and we must learn it. / We shouldn’t scold a kid before we learn about the fact. / We should learn to care for the kid’s young heart. 考点:阅读短文,回答问题。


Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. I have a habit of taking a nap (小睡) after lunch. Without a nap at noon, I will feel uncomfortable the whole afternoon. A nap after lunch can make me feel fresh and comfortable. Then I can work better in the afternoon.

At noon about six to eight hours after you wake up your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. So it is best for you to take a nap after lunch for about an hour.

In many parts of the world, people take naps in the middle of the day, especially in hot weather, where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. In fact, naps are good for everyone in any weather. A daily nap gives one a more relaxing body and mind in the early afternoon, and is good for health. In many countries where naps are traditional, people are seldom ill such as heart diseases.

Many working people have no time to take naps though doctors may advise taking naps in the early afternoon. Here are a few tips about your nap:

Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy later. This can also happen if you sleep for too long. If you don’t have enough time, try a short nap after lunch — half an hour of nap can also be helpful.

1.How long is the best time for a nap after lunch?

A. Ten minutes.    B. Half an hour.

C. An hour.         D. Two hours.

2.Naps at noon can make people suffer less from ________.

A. heart disease      B. stomachache

C. lung cancer       D. headache

3.What does the underlined word “tips” in the passage mean?

A. 规则            B. 小费            C. 禁忌            D. 小贴士

4.The best title of the passage is “________”.

A. How to Work Better

B. Taking Naps In the Early Afternoon

C. How to Relax Body and Mind 

D. Tips to avoid Body Problems



Every time I came home from work at midnight, I often saw a shadow (黑影) walking in our neighborhood. Was it “a night walking”? Someone walked alone in the dark, and this always made me afraid a lot.

I think it was “a sleep walker”. So I never bothered it. But one night, when I walked past it quietly and quickly as usual, I heard a low voice.

“Do you often have to work at night?”

I was a little afraid. I looked around, but no one was nearby. I ran home as quickly as possible.

Later on, I heard it was a neighbor, an old man who has been living alone at home. He’s NOT a sleep walker. He enjoys having a walk at night. So I seldom see him in the neighborhood in the day.

It’s said that he was a soldier many years ago. He has two children, a son and a daughter. His son has a family in Shanghai. His daughter went abroad, in Sydney. He has been living alone since his wife died several years ago. Without any children living with him, he feels lonely and helpless. 

I feel sorry for the old man. We might care less about our parent who lives alone. When we grow up, our parents get old. We should often go back home even though we’re busy with work.

1.When does the writer come home from work?

A. In the morning.              B. At noon.

C. In the afternoon.           D. At midnight.

2.How did the writer feel when he saw “the sleep walker”?

A. Afraid.             B. Happy.

C. Bring.               D. Excited.

3.What was the old neighbor when he was young? 

A. An artist.            B. A soldier.

C. An engineer.         D. A biology.

4.The writer mainly wants to tell us __________.

A. We shouldn’t work at night for money. 

B. Life is full of the unexpected.

C. We should often go back home to see our parents

D. It’s best to live with your parents.




Students’ Dormitory (寝室)


1. Dinner time: 17:30 pm. -19:00 pm.

2. Self-study at night: 19:30--21:30 in the classrooms. 

3. Light out: 10:30 pm. from Monday to Friday.


Keep quiet in the bedrooms at any time;

Keep your rooms and toilets clean and tidy;

No beer, or smoking in the rooms;

No dangerous things in the dormitory;

Open fire isn’t allowed;

No parties or entertainment activities in the dormitory;

No friends or family members staying for the night;

Low Carbon Life (低碳生活)网]

It’s a duty for us to save energy, protect our Mother Earth and make our lives better.   



Come to school by bike or bus instead of by car;

Use shopping bags instead of plastic bags;

Turn off the tap in toilets after using it;

Recycle (循环利用) water as possible as you can;

Use paper on both sides;

Walk upstairs in the teaching buildings instead of using the lifts.

Turn off the lights before leaving the classrooms;

Fewer easy-boxes in the school yard to reduce white pollution. 

School Electric Library

Open time: 18:00. -21:00. on school nights;

          8:00 am. -22:00 pm. on weekends.

Library cards: ¥ 1 for once, ¥ 20 for a month, ¥ 150 for a year.


No foodphone mute No photosNo runningNo climbing  

No fire No smokingNo litter   No pets  Don’t make noise

1.Self-study at night in the classrooms lasts for ________ at school.

A. half an hour                   B. an hour

C. one and a half hours            D. two hours

2.There are ________ attentions for us to have a low carbon life.

A. four               B. five           C. eight                  D. ten

3.What can we do in the school electric library?

A. To take pets into it.                  B. To surf on the Internet.

C. To talk with others.                   D. To bring food and drink.

4.What can we know from the posters?

A. We should pay ¥ 40 for a library card for two months.

B. There aren’t any lifts in the school teaching buildings.

C. Students can have a birthday party in the dormitory.

D. We can use our smart phones to take photos in the library.



As soon as the woman got into the house, her eight-year-old daughter told her that her younger brother drew so many pictures on the clean wall of his bedroom and left the white wall in a mess.

When the woman heard this, she was angry. “Where’s your brother now?”

“He’s hiding himself in the cupboard in his bedroom.” The little girl answered.

The woman got even angrier. She complained about her son when she went towards her son’s bedroom.

The six-year-old boy was staying with fear in the cupboard when he heard what his mother said. He knew she got really angry this time.

The woman pushed the door open with a loud noise. But when she saw the words and pictures on the wall, her anger soon disappeared. “I love you, mum!” covered the whole wall, with so many hearts around them, and so many stars in the sky.

The mother’s eyes were full of happy tears. She opened the door of the cupboard, and hugged (拥抱) her son tightly. The boy said “I love you, Mum!” to her mother in a low voice when he was in his mother’s arms.

It’s the most expensive present from her son “Love on the wall”. Eight years later, the boy suddenly died of heart disease. The mother had kept the wall tidy with great care for nearly fifty years until she was dead.

In the mother’s heart, it seemed that her son was alive, and always looking at her in the sky with many shining stars around him.

1.Why was the woman angry at first after she heard what her daughter said?

A. Her children fought with each other at home.

B. Her daughter didn’t look after her son well.

C. Her son drew pictures on the white clean wall.

D. Her husband left her children at home alone.

2.There are __________ people appearing in the story.

A. three.           B. five.

C. six.               D. eight. 

3.How old might the girl be now?

A. Sixteen years old.       B. Thirty years old.

C. Fifty-eight years old.   D.Sixty-six years old.

4.The boy died at the age of __________.

A. six            B. eight         C. fourteen        D. Sixteen

5.What kind of story do you think it is?

A. A happy story.          B. A love story.

C. A funny story.          D. A humorous story.





A: Hi, Mary. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreams a lot recently?

B: ­  1. 

A: Do you have any idea for the future? I mean what your dream is.

B: Yes. I have a lot of dreams. But the greatest one is that I want to be an artist.

A: Sounds nice.   2. 

B: Well, I'm going to study hard and take some art lessons.

A: Anything more?

B: And I'm going to play more sports to keep fit.

A: Where are you going to work?

B: I'm going to work in the center of Anqing.   3.  I think to be an artist is very great.

A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start?

B:   4.   

A: That's great. 5. 

B: I hope so. Thank you.

A. I hope you can achieve your dream.

B. I hear there are lots of famous artists there.

C. Are you good with children?

D. I'm going to finish high school and college first.

E. But how are you going to do that?

F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing.

G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present



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