满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When you watch people on streets coming ...

When you watch people on streets coming and going, you may wonder why they’re so busy, and what they’re busy with. We live in such a busy society that we even have ­    free time to rest or relax ourselves because of heavy work and living pressure. More and more people become ­    . So, it’s very important for us to have healthy lifestyles.

Have healthy ­    . We must eat something with less oil, salt or sugar. More fruit and vegetables are quite   .

Exercise more often. We should do sports every day for an hour ­    . It’s quite a useful way to keep healthy and strong, even ­   young.

Often relax ­   . We should find more time to have a good rest. Have relaxing hobbies to enjoy ourselves, or get close to nature for ­    .

Stay happily. No matter what worries or difficulties we ­    , we should keep happy.

Besides, we should have some other good ­    habits. Keep windows open to let fresh air in. Drink more water instead of other drinks. Get enough sleep even though how much we’re busy.

1.A. much           B. few              C. little             D. several

2.A. unlucky         B. unhappy          C. unable           D. unhealthy

3.A. food        B. body           C. spirit            D. mind 

4.A. expensive      B. necessary         C. comfortable       D. peaceful

5.A. at last            B. at most          C. at once           D. at least

6.A. remain         B. remind            C. realize           D. regard

7.A. myself        B. themselves        C. itself             D. ourselves

8.A. trips           B. risks             C. wishes            D. marks

9.A. make          B. avoid             C. meet             D. hide

10.A. sleeping        B. living             C. reading          D. learning


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:我们生活在一个忙碌的社会,因为繁重的工作和生活的压力,我们甚至没有时间休息或放松自己。所以, 健康的生活方式对我们来说是非常重要的。短文介绍了几种保持健康的生活方式的方法。 1. 2. 3.We must eat something with less oil, salt or sugar.可知,答案为A。 4. 5. 6.ain young保持年轻,结合句意可知,答案为A。 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Last summer, we went hiking to mountains in the countryside. On the top of the mountains, we enjoyed cool wind ­    quietly near our ears. And we watched white clouds walking freely in the sky, clear streams running happily in the valley (山谷), and ­    insects flying gladly in the air.

We were happy to ­    wild flowers and fruits, and caught beautiful butterflies in the valley. I lay on the grass to watch the ­   sky and enjoyed the peace of the valley. Suddenly a tiny insect flew into my left ear. It made so many noises that I feel ­    . So I covered my ears to stop the air from entering my ear. My friends helped me to find some ­    to get the insect out, but failed.

“The insect must ­    in the valley. It happened to fly into the your ear.” a little girl said ­    , “I’ve an idea.”

She led me to a dark place, and covered my right ear. Then she used a torch (手电筒) to light my left ear. I felt comfortable slowly. In the torch ­    , an insect flew out of my left ear.

Maybe we ­needn’t     about the insects that flew into our ears. Give some light to them, they will fly towards the light.

1.A. blowing      B. playing          C. smiling           D. pushing

2.A. helpful       B. thankful          C. successful         D. colorful

3.A. grow         B. pick              C. feed              D. design

4.A. blue          B. green            C. orange            D. coffee  

5.A. happy        B. noisy             C. proud             D. terrible

6.A. ways         B. styles            C. news              D. habits

7.A. get hurt       B. get lost           C. get tired           D. get angry

8.A. deeply        B. angrily           C. easily             D. calmly

9.A. sound        B. light              C. noise             D. shape

10.A. blow       B. think            C. worry           D. talk



The radio says there will be a rainstorm next week, so we have to put off the hiking to the Mountain.

__________. We are looking forward to it.  

A. Never mind             B. What a pity

C. My pleasure             D. No problem



—How long haven’t you been on vacation?

For a year. I will go to Mexico for a trip when my season project________.

A. is finished

B. have been finished

C. will be finished  

D. has finished



What did you do in today’s history class?

We talked about the characters __________ achieve fame in our Chinese history.

A. when         B. what         C. where       D. who



—Why didn’t Mona answer my telephone yesterday evening?

—She __________ with us at Pattaya KTV at that time. 

A. is singing             B. will sing

C. was singing            D. has sung



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