满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My friend Karen and I always stay togeth...

My friend Karen and I always stay together. Karen is only a few months older than me. I think she is very beautiful. She has long hair and blue eyes. I love Karen so much, because she is such a nice friend. I can share my secrets with her and I am never afraid that she will tell my secrets to others. But I am not such a good friend. I sometimes get angry easily.

  One day, when we were in Grade 4, Karen was going to another friend’s home and asked me to go along with her. But I didn’t want to go to that friend’s home that day. I also didn’t want her to go. Instead, I wanted to go boating with her. However, Karen said she must go to that friend’s home. She said she didn’t want to break her words. I became angry and ran away.

  Later that day, I received a call from Karen’s mother. She told me that Karen had a car accident that day and was in hospital. I immediately ran to the hospital to see if she was OK.

  Luckily, Karen wasn’t seriously hurt. That day, I was afraid that I would lose Karen forever. At that time, I knew how important she was in my life. I decided never to be angry with her again.

1.What do we know about Karen according to the passage? 

A. She had short hair. 

B. She had brown eyes.

C. She became angry easily.

D. She was nice to the writer.

2.That day Karen wanted to _______. 

A. go boating

B. enjoy a car ride

C. buy something

D. visit another friend

3.who told the writer about the car accident that had happened to Karen?

A. Karen’s friend. 

B. Karen’s mother.

C. The writer’s mother.

D. Karen’s friend’s mother.

4.After the writer heard what had happened to Karen that day, she felt _______. 

A. excited      B. bored     C. worried    D. happy

5.What did the writer decide to do? 

A. Stay with Karen all the time.

B. Never be angry with Karen again.

C. Say sorry to Karen in the hospital.

D. Be more careful when walking on the street.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要讲述作者和Karen之间珍贵的友谊。Karen对作者非常痴心,但作者偶尔会生她的气,后来Karen在看望另一位朋友的途中发生了交通事故,作者非常担心朋友的安危,马上跑到医院去看望她,从那时起,作者意识到Karen在她的生活中是多么的重要,决定要珍惜她们之间的友谊,好好相处,不在生她的气了。 1.D细节理解题。根据第一段中的句子“I love Karen so much, because she is such a nice friend.”可知,Karen对作者很好,答案为D。 2.D 细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的句子“Karen was going to another friend’s home and asked me to go along with her.”可知,Karen想去看望她的一位朋友。答案为D。 3.B细节理解题。根据短文中第三段中的句子“I received a call from Karen’s mother. She told me that Karen had a car accident that day and was in hospital.”可知,作者从Karen的妈妈那里得到了这个消息。答案为B。 4.C细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“I immediately ran to the hospital to see if she was OK.”可知,作者非常担心朋友的安危,答案为C。 5.细节理解题。根据短文最后一句话“I knew how important she was in my life. I decided never to be angry with her again.”可知,作者要珍惜她们之间的友谊,好好相处,不在生她的气了。答案为B。 考点:故事类短文阅读。



   A good book may be our best friend. It is the same today as it always was, and it will      change. It is the most patient and cheerful friend. It does not     its back upon us when we are sad. It always treats us with the same     . It can amuse us and comfort us.

   People often make friends with the one who is    the same book. There is an old proverb(谚语) — Love me, love my dog.     there is more wisdom in this, “Love me, love my book.” People can think, feel and sympathize(同情)     each other by sharing things about their favorite authors.

   The best books are treasures of good words and golden thoughts. Books     us into the best society. They bring us into the world of the greatest minds. We hear what they said and see what they did. We see the world as if they were really    We laugh with them and     with them. It seems that we have the same feelings. Their experiences become   .

   The great and good do not die, even in this world. The book is a living voice.

1.A. often    B. sometimes    C. never 

2.A. put        B. turn         C. take

3.A. kindness    B. hate            C. sadness

4.A. tired of    B. interested in   C. surprised at

5.A. If           B. Because     C. But

6.A. with        B. on            C. in

7.A. break    B. introduce     C. enter

8.A. dead    B. born      C. alive

9.A. play     B. cry      C. work

10.A. hers       B. yours     C. ours



---Would you like to have another cake?

---_____ I’m full.

A. That’s ok.  

B. You’re welcome.

C. Thank you.



The ______ of a computer is the set of keys that you press in order to do something.

A. mouse      B. keyboard         C. speaker



---Sorry, sir. But is this backpack yours?

---Oh, sorry. I just took it _____. It looks like mine.

A. by accident

B. by chance

C. by mistake



--- You look upset. What’s the matter?

--- Everyone ______ us to win the game, but we lost.

A. expected   B. challenged   C. promised



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