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汉译英 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。 1.实际上,你爸爸真的很关心你。 ...




In fact , your father truly                     you.


She will look           to           from you all.


Everyone should           a           in saving the earth. 


I           a           to learn English well.


He           this apple           two halves yesterday.


1.cares about 2.forward hearing 3.play; part\ role 4.make resolution\desicine 5.cut; in\ into 【解析】 试题分析: 1.care about关心。因为句子的主语是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单数,故用cares about 2.短语look forward to doing sth盼望做某事,故用forward hearing 3.短语play a part/role in doing sth在某方面起作用,故用play; part\ role 4.短语make a resolution/decisine下决心。故用make resolution\ decisine 5.短语cut sth in/into two halves把某物切成两半,故用cut; in\ into 考点:汉译英。



1.They flew up into the sky 2 years ago. (改为一般疑问句)

          they           up into the sky 2 years ago?

2.There will be a sports meeting the day after tomorrow. (改为否定句)

There                     a sports meeting the day after tomorrow.

3. Mark goes to Nanhu Park four times a month. (对划线部分提问)

                    does Mark go to the Nanhu Park ?

4.Tara doesn’t go swimming because it is raining heavily. (改为同义句)

Tara doesn’t go swimming                     the heavy rain.

5.Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve years old, too. (合并为简单句)

Jim is           old           Tim.






—I hope to get good grades this term.      1.

—Why don’t you take part in after-school courses on weekends?

    2.     I have to do my homework on weekends.


      —But I argued (吵架)with my best friend yesterday.


—OK. I’ll say sorry to her.

—I think you shouldn’t play computer games or watch TV any more.

     5.      I’ll spend more tome on my studies from now on.

A. You should say sorry to your friend.

B. I disagree with you.

C. What should I do?

D. You’re quite right.

E. Maybe you could ask your friends for help.

F. What can I do for you?

G. But I don’t have enough time.













Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. There was another building not far from mine. A woman lived there. I never met her, but I could see her sit by the window each afternoon, sewing(缝纫) or reading.

     After several months, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, "What a lazy woman! I wonder why she doesn't wash her window. It really looks terrible."

     One bright morning, I decided to clean my flat(公寓), including the windows. I worked the whole morning. When I finally finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Everything in the woman's flat could be seen clearly. Her window was clean!

     I began to understand. I watched the woman's window from my own dirty window. That's the problem.

     From then on, whenever I want to judge someone, I ask myself at first, “Am I looking at him through my dirty window?" Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see others’ world clearly.

1.Where did the writer live years ago ? 

A. In the countryside.

B. In a town.

C. In a city.

2.The woman in another building sitting by the window may be          each afternoon.

A. writing or reading

B. sewing or reading

C. washing or playing

3.The writer didn't see everything clearly because __________.

A. the woman lived far away 

B. the woman's window was dirty 

C. his own window was dirty

4.What does the word judge mean in Chinese according to the passage?

欣赏                       B. 评判                  C. 批评

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A. We should judge ourselves before we judge others.

B. We should look at others through his dirty windows.

C. We shouldn't often keep our windows clean.



Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so traveling to different places has become much easier than before.

Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful for you.

Before leaving:

    1. Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

    2. Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

    3. If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing on your trip, you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.

While traveling:

  1. Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

   2. Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

   3. Tap water (自来水) is not safe, so drink bottle water and always clean the cover (表面)on the bottle.

1.What should you do before you leave home for a trip?

Get some medicine.

B .Wear warm clothes

C. Drink water.

2.You had better not             while you are having a trip.

A. wear sunglasses

B. be too tired

C. take a rest

3.What should you do during the trip, you should             .

A. not eat bad food

B. drink clean water

C. both A and B

4.What preparations must you do?

A. You should exercise for weeks before leaving.

B. You should have a new bag.

C. You should not wear comfortable shoes.

5.Your trip will be happier if you             while traveling.

A. climb a mountain

B. eat too much

C. keep healthy  





    A rich man loved his little boy very much. He wanted     him happy all the time. So he gave him everything that he could buy with     . But the little boy was still       .Where he went, he always wore a frown(皱眉).And he always wished for something he did not have. The rich man didn't know     to make his son happy.

One day, a magician came and said to him, “I can make your son happy and     his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price    telling him the secret."

    “All right," said the man, "No matter what you ask for, I    you." The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There were some words on the paper, "Do one        thing for someone every day. "The boy followed the     and became one of     boys.

    I think only those who are always thinking about others can be truly happy.

1.A. to keep                B. to get         C. to make

2.A. money                 B. food               C. time

3.A. relaxed               B. unhappy            C. angry

4.A. why                   B. how                C. what 

5.A. turn                  B. come               C. put

6.A. on                    B. for                 C. at 

7.A. will give               B. will ask               C. will answer

8.A. boring                 B. bad                C. kind

9.A. advice                  B. medicine           C. book

10.A. happier                 B. the happiest         C. happy



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