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任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 The world is...

任务型阅读  根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。

The world is divided into two important parts. One half of the world is rich and the other half is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, many people eat too much. In one part, children are hungry and in the other, a lot of people are fatter and fatter and have to go on diets or do some exercise. For example, a dog or a cat in North America eats better than a child in the poorer countries.

The poor countries have some difficult problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can get better, but people have to do a lot of things first. They should learn how to enrich their land and how to find water.

But rich countries have problems, too. Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water. The roads and the streets are full of people and buses. Cars usually move very slowly. Noise is terrible. A lot of people do not have houses to live in. People must do something about these problems. We should do something about these problems. We should do something to make the air and the rivers clean and build more houses. But it will take a long time.

Title: Two1.  in the world

People in poor countries only have a 2. food to eat.

People in rich countries eat too much.

Children are hungry.

Many people have to lose weight by going on diets or 3.,

The land is too poor for plants to grow.

The air and the rivers are dirty. There is4. traffic and many people in the roads and the streets.

People should learn how to make their land  rich and find the water.

People should spend a long time  5.the air and the river clean and building more houses.


1.parts 2.little 3.exercising 4.much 5.making 【解析】 试题分析:此篇文章介绍的是世界上的两部分,贫穷的国家有哪些现象和富有的国家有哪些现象。 1.1】根据The world is divided into two important parts.可知世界被分成了重要的两部分。根据句意,故填parts。 2.2】根据In the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat.可知在贫穷的国家,很多人从来没有足够吃的。根据句意,故填little。 3.3】根据In one part, children are hungry and in the other, a lot of people are fatter and fatter and have to go on diets or do some exercise.可知孩子们饥饿了,许多人们越来越胖,不得不节食或做运动,锻炼。根据句意,故填exercising。 4.4】根据Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water. The roads and the streets are full of people and buses.可知空气太脏没法呼吸,河流太脏不可以游泳,或带水。道路和街道上有太多的人们和汽车。根据句意,故填much。 5.5】根据We should do something to make the air and the rivers clean and build more houses.可知我们应该做一些事情叫空气和河流干净或建更多的房子。此题考查固定短语spend…doing sth花费时间用在做某事上。根据句意,故填making。 考点:考查任务型阅读。

完成句子  根据所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。


He is walk that far.


. Shall we go now?

3. 露西没能通过驾照考试。

Lucy the driving test.


What her after that?

5. 你的英语口语变得越来越好了。

Your spoken English is  .


My fatheryears ago.



动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.She wants her son ____________ (be) a teacher when he grows up.

2.Mr Li __________ (bring) us a lot of fun when he was our History teacher.

3.The students __________ (prepare) for the Reading Festival these days.

4.The next Saturday, he _______________ (plan) to go for a picnic, didnt he?

5.Miss Zhang asked us __________ (not give) any food to the animals in the zoo.

6.Do you know what __________ (happen) to Earth in 30 years.

7.He _______________ (drink) some milk and ate some bread.

8. One of the twins __________ (visit) Wuhan this summer holiday, but the other isnt.

9.The key __________ (not fit) the door. So I had to change another one.

10.Mike is twenty years old. He is old enough __________ (drive) a car.




1.______________ (突然),he shouted at me but I didnt know why.

2.After reading the book, he _______________ (琢磨) why people built those small houses there.

3. We saw our dog playing with our neighbours cat. It really _______________ (使……惊讶) us.

4.She is very kind. She never _______________ (抱怨) too much about anything.

5. My parents went to Shanghai yesterday. So I will stay at home _______________ (独自).




1.People didnt know much about the moon ________ (century) ago.

2.Many people _______________ (reply) to the actors words on the Internet last week.

3.Its true that we won the first prize during the _______________ (follow) match.

4.We all felt it _______________ (excite) to visit Changzhou Joyland.

5.Please remember to keep the door ______________ (lock) when you leave the office.



Once a man was shipwrecked(遭遇海难)on a small, lonely island. There was no one living on this island, so he hoped that someone could come to save him. Every day he watched the sea, but no ships ever appeared.

He thought he should do something to save himself. He built a little house out of wood. But one day, he arrived home to find his little house on fire. The smoke rose to the sky. He cried,“God, how could you do this to me?”

Early the next day, however, a ship was coming to the island. It came to save him.

“How did you know I was here?”The man asked these people.“We saw your smoke signal(信号),”they answered.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going badly. But we shouldnt lose heart, because hope is at work in our lives. Remember, next time your little house is burning to the ground, it just may bring you better luck.

1.Why did the man stay on this island?

A. He tried to test his skills to live there.

B. His ship had an accident at sea.

C. He liked the beauty of this island.

D. His friends left him on this island.

2.What did the man do on this island?

A. He did nothing but worry every day.

B. He tried every means possible to call for help.

C. He built a house to save himself first.

D. He did something to enjoy himself there.

3.Those people found the man because  .

A. he made a fire as a signal to call help

B. they found some food on this island

C. they saw his little house on the island

D. a fire happened on the island

4.The underlined word “discouraged”probably means“”in Chinese.

A.兴奋的  B.外向的  C.骄傲的  D.气馁的

5.What does the story tell us ?

A.A bad thing can turn into a good one.

B. Accidents always mean good luck.

C. Everything can go well in the end.

D. Saving yourself is better than asking for help.



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