满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The sweet smell of the flowers in the ga...

The sweet smell of the flowers in the garden comes in _______ the open window, making us feel in good mood(心情).

A. on B. with C. through  D. across


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在花园里的花的甜美的味道通过窗户进来了,叫我们感觉有好的心情。此题考查介词through内部通过。根据句意,应选C。 考点:考查介词。  

Bill, will you get me the dictionary on that shelf, please?

Im afraid I cant _______ it, Daddy.

A. findB. reach  C. sell D. read



It is _______ unusual thing for us to find ________ UFO.

A. a; aB. an; an C. a; an D. an; a



单词辨音  ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填涂在答题卡相应的位置。

1.A. rabbit B. plan C. camping D. alone

2.A. quiet B. enter C. left D. century

3.A. police B. chip C. pizza D. kilo

4.A. sofa c B. both C. notice D. front

5.A. full B. bush C. hurry D. put

6.A. corner B. report C. correct D. fork

7.A. youth B. sound C. around D. count

8.A. leave B. reach C. weak D. break

9.A. chatted B. passed C. stopped D. laughed

10.A. those B. earth C. birth D. everything




    Are you going to have dinner at your Western friend’s home? Then be 1. c       with your table manners. Good manners will make you a nice 2. g     . You may find Western table manners are 3. d     from Chinese manners. Here is some good 4. a     to keep you cool.

When you are 5. r     to eat, sit up straight on the chair. Usually, don’t put your elbows (胳膊肘) on the table. First 6. p     your napkin (餐巾) up and put it on your lap. You can use it to clean your hands or mouth, but not your face. When you finish eating, put it 7. b     on the table.

Don’t make any noise when you eat or drink the soup. It’s not good to speak when your mouth is 8. f     . If you do that, people will see the food in your mouth.

If you want to get some food but you can’t 9. r     it, ask others to pass the dish to you. Put bones on the edge of the plate. And remember, take bread with your 10. h     not with a fork.




1. Don’t      (触摸) anything on show in the museum.

2.As everyone knows      (练习) makes perfect.

3.If nobody drops l     the park will be a clean and comfortable place.

4. The s     we are going to talk about is “Online Manners”.

5. If you don’t look after your pet bird in p     ways it will get ill easily.

6. Tom didn’t mean to be      (polite) when he shouted. He was just too excited.

7. We Chinese often greet each other by     (shake) hand.

8. After hours of      (discuss) they let through the report in the end.

9. People in our country often queue      (patient) while waiting in public places.

10. Mrs Lin is too busy      (explain) any of the long sentences right now. 



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