满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--Are you a football player?--- ______. ...

--Are you a football player?--- ______.

A. Yes, I used to

B. No, but I am.

C. No, but I used to be.

D. Yes, but I used to be.


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你是一个足球运动员吗?---不,我曾经是。A. Yes, I used to 是的,我习惯了;B. No, but I am. 不,但我是;C. No, but I used to be. 没有,但我曾经是;D. Yes, but I used to be. 是的,但我曾经是。 根据句意,故选C。 考点:考查交际用语。  

--How do you like the twins?

-- They are _________ helpful _________ generous. Few people make friends with them.

A. not only; but also          B. both; and

C. neither; nor                D. either; or



—You don’t have to take a raincoat. It isn’t going to rain.

—Well, I am not sure. It ________ do.

A.must B. need C. may D. would



--- Would you like some juice or bread?

--- ________. I am really thirsty and hungry after walking for a long time.

A. None B. Either C. NeitherD. Both



---It seems that your daughter shows an interest ______ playing the guitar.

---Exactly. Her teacher says she has a gift _______ music.

A. in, of B. in, forC. for, of D. for. In



--Is it true that most of the students don’t believe John?

-- Yes. It’s very unkind of him to ________ stories about others.

A. put up B. set up

C. make upD. give up



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