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Food It's Mango Time! --How much do you...



It's Mango Time!

--How much do you know about one of the world's most popular fruits?

Some people call mangoes the "king of fruit"while others just call them delicious! Those who love mangoes anxiously wait for the first ripe ones of the season. And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you!

Did you know…

—People think mangoes were first planted over 5000 years ago in India.

—The countries of India and the Philippines have announced mango their national fruit.

—A mango tree can live up to 300 years.

—Countries that are major mango producers

include Mexico Egypt PakistanBrazilIndonesia Australia and Israel.

—A cup of the fruit has only 100 Calories and is nearly fat-free.

—Mangoes are a vital food source for millions of people.

—One cup of mango contains 100 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C.

—Mangoes contain over 20 vitamins and minerals making them a "superfood."

—The fruit can be eaten raw cooked dried or canned.

So treat yourself to a mango today!


A good night's sleep

Do you get the sleep you need?

When the morning sun looks in through our window do you jump out of bed or go on lying?

Having enough sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one!

Here are the tips for a good night's sleep:

First go to bed and get up at the same time even if you haven't gotten a good night's sleep.

Sleeping late for just a few days can change your body clock to a different cycle.

Also avoid big meals at night. Eating heavy rich food within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake Your stomach works hard because of those fatty foods and that may keep you up. Your body

produces a chemical called melatonin that helps you sleep. Light changes the amount of melatonin. It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime. So at night turn off your TV and PC. Also don't read from abacklit device(有背光的设备) like an iPad. Some scientists think that the light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin. So turn those screens off at least an hour before bedtime.

After a good night's sleep you'll be able to face a new day.

1.According to the passage we can learn that _____.          .

A. Australians consider mango as the national fruit

B. mangoes are rich in fat to meet people's daily need

C. there are all kinds of vitamins and minerals in mangoes

D. People enjoy mangoes because they are healthy and tasty

2.According to the second passage we can make our body produce more melatonin by _

A. surfing the Internet on the computer or iPad

B. changing our body clocks to different cycles

C. turning off TVs at least an hour before sleeping

D. enjoying some outdoor activities in the open air

3.These two articles may come from_____.

A. a story book       B. a magazine

C. a guide book       D. a news report


1.D 2.C 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了芒果的功能,吃芒果对人的好处,以及怎样才能拥有高质量的睡眠。 1.D考查推理判断题。根据“The countries of India and the Philippines have named mango their national fruit” 可知A选项是错误的。“A cup of the fruit has only 100 calories and is nearly fat-free”可知B选项是错误的。根据 “Mangoes have over 20 vitamins and minerals, making them a ‘super food’.”可知芒果不是有各种各样的维生素,只有20多种维生素和矿物质,C是的错误。根据 “And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you.”可知D选项是正确的。 2.C考查推理判断题。根据 “It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime.” 和 “Some scientists think that light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin. So turn those screens off at least an hour before bedtime.”两句得知答案为C。 3.考查推理判断题。这两篇都带有一定的科普性质,介绍芒果以及如何拥有好睡眠。所以故事书和指导书,新闻报导这些都不是很符合句意,很有可能是杂志上的文章。故选B。 考点:考查科普类短文阅读。

Dear Seth                                

     You are only three years old and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you grow up I hope you will find something ____in what I am going to share with you.

     Life can be ___ . There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll ___ you because you are different or for no good reason . You will also face heartbreak and might be ____ by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face these too much but such things happen.                   

     Be open to life anyway. You’ll find cruelty(残忍) and ______ in your journey through life but don’t let that stop you from finding new things . Don’t retreat (退却)from life and don’t hide or wall yourself off . Be open to new things new experiences and new people . You will ____ many times but if you allow that to stop you from trying you will ______ many chances . Do remember failure is a stepping stone to ____.

     You will meet many people who will try to do ___ than you in school in college and at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars bigger houses nicer clothes and so on. To ___ life is a competition .However I believe life is a ___. If you always try your best to ____ others you are wasting your life . Learn to enjoy your life__ and you will make it a journey of ____ of learning and of love.

     Finally know that I love you and always will. You are ___ a really wonderful journey and I will always be there for you.



1.A. unhappy      B. valuable       C. normal         D. interesting                                    

2.A. unkind        B. peaceful        C. right           D. simple      

3.A. look at        B. run after      C. laugh at        D. look after   

4.A. hurt           B. found          C. accepted      D. loved   

5.A. luck         B. pain            C. difference   D. hope

6.A. leave         B. prepare          C. lose           D. fail

7.A. enjoy         B. try              C. miss           D. meet

8.A. success       B. life            C. action          D. sadness

9.A. earlier        B. better           C. less            D. faster 

10.A. you          B. me              C. him           D. them

11.A. challenge    B. drama          C. journey        D. dream

12.A. change      B. pardon          C. follow         D. beat

13.A. somewhere  B. instead         C. later         D. though

14.A. cruelty      B. danger          C. happiness     D. quietness

15.A. starting     B. breaking        C. finishing     D. building



Do you want to do well in exams? Sometimes your knowledge is not enough, you also need good 1 strategies. Here are some for you:

   ·Before you answer the questions, if you feel a little nervous, take a few deep breaths to help you relax.

   ·Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it. Read it a few times if possible.

   ·Find out how much each question is worth or how many points you need.

   ·If it asks to give one answer, only write one.

   · If there’s a difficult question, don’t worry. Go on to the next question and come back to it if you have time later.

   ·4 Try not to leave questions unanswered when you finish the test. Sometimes a guess may get you points.

   · When you finish, go back and check your answers. You will need to check your writing for spelling mistakes.

1.The underlined word "strategies" in the passage means ______.

A. 策略 B. 思维 C. 途径 D. 智慧

2.What had we better do to make sure we understand the question?


3.How many answers can we give when it asks one answer?


4.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


5.Please give the best title to the passage.





Chi Li is one of the best-known Chinese writers in the west. She was 1. b_________ in the 1950s. At the age of 19, Chi entered a medical college in 1976. 2.A_________ she graduated, she worked as a doctor at a hospital in Wuhan. As she loved literature much 3. m_________, she went to Wuhan University to study Chinese language and literature(汉语言文学) in 1983. She chose writing as her profession(专业).

    During the 1980s, Chi 4. w_________ many works full of love. In the 1990s, her works, such as Apart From Love and The Sun Was Born, were about lives of young people and everyday problems. 5. S_________ 2003, Chi has reached a higher level in her works. And many of her novels have 6. r_________ a great honor. Life Show 7. i_________ one of her representative (代表) works and it has been translated into many languages. The 8. s_________ shows the real life of a common woman in Wuhan.

    Chi says, "Writers don't 9. n_________ to be anyone, but they should be able to understand everyone." 10. S_________ she often travels alone to get a feel of how the world is and tries to understand people from all social strata (阶层).



When I was a boy, I was a football fan. I always played football with some other boys in the backyard all the time. My mom was worried that I would get ill in the hot summer.

   1.____________ I came into the yard and played it excitedly. But suddenly, the ball flew through the window. It nearly hit my dad. 2.____________ He took my football and cut it in half.

    I didn’t cry 3.____________ I didn’t expect to get another football. 4.___________ And he told me to be more careful. I was really thankful for my father’s forgiveness(宽恕). He showed me that even when I made a mistake, he still loved me and gave me another chance.

   5.________ We should always give our love and forgiveness to them, too.

A. Dad said nothing.

B. One day my brother gave me a new football.

C. Parents always give us their unconditional love and forgiveness.

D. because I knew how terrible my mistake was.

E. But to my surprise, Dad bought me another one the next month.

F. because my father was a football player



1st January is the New Year’s Day, the first day of the year. It is a legal(法定的) holiday. Many people invite their friends to come and visit them in the afternoon or evening.

The only legal holiday in February is Washington’s Birthday in the USA. Although Washington was born on February 22, his birthday is now celebrated on the third Monday of February.

The last Monday in May is Memorial Day(纪念日).  This holiday remembers the service members, men and women, who died for their country.

America’s great national holiday, Independence Day, falls on the fourth of July. It celebrates the birth of the United States. People had to fight hard to win this independence.

The first Monday of September is Labor Day. The workers in the USA go to all kinds of places to enjoy the fine weather at the end of summer.

1.When was Washington born?

A. January 1st.     B. February 22nd.

C. July 4th         D. May 1st.

2.Which holiday remembers the members who died for their country?

A. New Year’s Day.

B. Washington’s Birthday.

C. Memorial Day.

D. Labor Day

3.The American people celebrate _________ on July 4 every year.

A. New Year’s Day     B. May Day

C. Memorial Day      D. Independence Day

4.From this passage we know _______.

A. American people do not work on New Year’s Day

B. Americans celebrate Independence Day on June 14

C. Labor Day comes on May 1 in the United States

D. Father’s Day falls on the third Sunday in June.

5.This passage mainly tells us something about _______.

A. Independence Day          B. America’s holidays

C. Memorial Day              D. New Year’s Day



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