满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用 (每空一词) 1.Daniel is very hard-workin...

词汇运用 (每空一词)

1.Daniel is very hard-working. Of all the students, he works ______________(hard)

2.The medicine药doesn’t work. He feels even ____________(bad).

3.How ______________(high) Max jumped! ---Yes, he came first this time.

4.My cousin likes writing. He keeps writing in English about his ____________(day) life.

5.To lose ____________(weigh), he keeps doing sports every day.

6.We seldom _______________(讨论) our study with parents when we were children.

7.How long does Nancy spend _______________(练习) playing the piano every day?

8.Thank you for ______________(自愿给予) us so much help with our work.

9.Sandy’s picture is the best in the drawing ___________________(竞赛).

10.Did you have fun ________________(在…期间) your stay in China?


1.hardest 2.worse 3.high 4.daily 5.weight 6.discussed 7.practicing 8.offering 9.competition 10.during 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据of all the students可知此处指的是比较范围是三者或三者以上,故此处用形容词的最高级形式hardest。句意:丹尼尔非常努力。在所有的学生中,他学习最努力。 2.有even修饰,故此处用形容词的比较级,故此处为worse。句意:那个药不起作用。他感到更糟糕。 3.how修饰形容词或副词,此处表示跳得高,故用副词high。句意:Max跳得多么高啊!是的,他得了第一名。 4.修饰名词life故此处用day的形容词,故为daily。句意:我的表弟喜欢写作。他一直用英语写关于他的日常生活。 5.lose weight减肥,故此处为weight。句意:他为了减肥每天一直做运动。 6.根据when we were children可知此处用一般过去时,故此处为discussed。句意:当我们是孩子的时候,我们很少和父母一起讨论我们的学习。 7.spend time doing sth花费时间做某事,故此处用动名词practicing。句意:南希每天花费多长时间练习钢琴? 8.thank you for doing sth因为做了某事而感谢你,故此处用动名词offering。句意:谢谢你自愿给予我们的工作这么多帮助。 9.有动名词drawing修饰,故此处用名词competition。句意:Sandy的画在绘画比赛上是最好的。 10. 考点:词汇。


In Britain students have two hours of PE every school week. They do sit-ups, press-ups and skipping rope(跳绳). These are hard and not always much fun.

But some schools also allow students to jump on trampolines(蹦床), I remember when I was at school this was my favorite. Jumping high into the air always gave me a thrill(刺激). But you need someone standing by the trampoline watching you. Sometimes you can’t land where you planned.

There are also games or sports classes. In these classes kids play football and rugby(橄榄球) in the winter and cricket(板球), tennis in the warmer part of the year.

When you get your report card(成绩单) there will be a grade for PE. Your mom and dad will find out how good you are at push-ups, just as they will find out how you are doing in Maths and Chinese.

It is good to do well because it is important to be healthy. But in Britain the grade for PE doesn’t really affect(影响) how you do in school, and doesn’t affect your chances of getting into a good school.

注意:(1--4 ,no more than four words)

1. How often do Britain students have PE?

2.Why do you need someone watching you when you are jumping on the trampolines?

3. What sports do kids in Britain play in winter?

4. Where do your parents know your PE grade?

5. Does your PE grade affect your chances of getting into a good school?





Here is a report on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed (调查)around 6,200 students from the four countries.


Chinese students spend the most time studying. Almost half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. That’s much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).

◆Sleeping in class

Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off (打瞌睡) in class. In South Korea, it’s 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.

◆Taking notes

South Korean students don’t like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).

◆Distracted (分心的)

American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks and have drinks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.

◆Doing after school

In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most Korean students watch TV.

        1.________of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US

In class

◆Chinese students study hardest. Nearly half of them spend ______2.____ two hours on their homework every day.

◆Japanese students      3.    in class most often. But they like taking notes best, 93% of them write down the teachers’ 4.    in class.

◆The Korean students     5.    taking notes in class, and only a few of them spend more than two hours on their homework every day.

◆American students are the most active and distracted in   6.  . 46.9% of them said they     7.   snacks and drinks in class.

After 8. 

◆Most Chinese students   9.  or surf the Internet, and most American students hang out with their friends in their     10. time.



Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench (长凳). The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me, but I just want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir”, said the poor man, “I am a failure (失败者). I have no money, no family, no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I'll sleep in that hotel.” The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will come true. I'll pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a whole month.

A few days later, the rich man went by the poor man's room to ask him how he was enjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “you see, when I am down here sleeping on my bench, I dream I'm up there, in that big hotel. It's a wonderful dream. But when I was up there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldn't get any sleep at all.”

1.The poor man lived in ________ before he met the rich man.

A. the hotel        B. his home        C. the park      D. the car

2. Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench and __________.

A. waited for the rich man 

B. looked at the rich man's hotel

C. looked at the rich man's car

D. enjoyed the clean air

3. Every night the poor man dreamed of _____________.

A. sleeping in that hotel

B. becoming rich

C. owning that hotel

D. being the rich man's friend

4.How long can the poor man live in the hotel for free?

A. Tonight.    B. One night

C. A few days.  D. A whole month.

5.The poor man moved out of the hotel because __________.

A. he didn't want to live in such a fine room 

B. he didn't like the rich man

C. he couldn't pay for the room

D. he couldn't get any sleep at all there



In schools all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages. Everyone knows his own language, but knowing another one is very useful. If we go to England or the USA, we must be able to speak English. And in Japan people will expect us to understand Japanese. How many languages are there in the world? There are thousands of languages, but most of them are not very important. English is one of the most important languages because so many people use it, not only in England and the USA but also in other parts of the world. About 300 million people speak it as their own language and another 200 million use it as a second language. It's difficult to say how many people are learning it. Million upon million of school children are trying to learn it.

1.There are ______________ languages in the world.

A. thousands of   B. hundreds of   C. millions of   D. billions of

2._____ is one of the most important languages in the world.

A. Japanese     B. English         C. Spanish    D. Russian

3.About 200 million people use English as _____.

A. their own language           B. a second language

C. mother tongue               D. first language

4.If you are from Japan, you must be able to speak _____.

A. French          B. Chinese     C. Japanese     D. English

5.This passage may be from _____.

A. diary           B. dictionary

C. workbook       D. newspaper




One night a man came to my house. He told me, “There is a family with eight     .They haven't eaten anything for days.” After I asked him where the family was, I took some    with me and left.

    When I finally got to that family, I      those little children were so hungry that they could not say      . There was no sadness in their eyes, just the deep pain(痛苦)of hunger(饥饿). I gave the food to the mother, She took half of it, and then     . When she returned, I asked her, “      did you go?” she gave me this simple       , “To my neighbors. They are also     !”

     I was not surprised that she gave the food to others, because poor people are always very kind. But l was surprised that she knew her      were hungry when she was also in need of food. Usually, when we are in trouble or in danger, we always     ourselves first, and we have no time for others.

1.A. children     B. boys         C. girls        D. workers

2.A. flowers      B. water        C. food       D. juice

3.A. found       B. watched      C. showed     D. looked

4.A. something    B. nothing      C. it          D. a word

5.A. went out     B. came back    C. rushed in    D. hurried back

6.A. How        B. Where       C. Why        D. When

7.A. question     B. answer       C. smile        D. reason

8.A. ill          B. unhappy      C. hungry       D. tired

9.A. people      B. neighbours     C. family       D. children

10.A. think of     B. talk about     C. look for       D. laugh at



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