满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. King was the manager of a hotel. One...

Mr. King was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr. King said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.

    Mr. King wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked them if they would share a room. The three men said they would. Mr. King said the room would be thirty dollars: ten for each one. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.

    Mr. King soon began to feel sorry. "Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as price for that small room. " he thought. He called his assistant over and said, "Here is five dollars. Take it to the men in Room 418. I asked too much for their room."

    The assistant took the money. While he was on the way there, he started to think, "How can three men divide five dollars? I'll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself. The men will be happy to get something back, and Mr. King will never know. " So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.

    Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned them one dollar each, each had paid nine. There were three men, $ 9 ×3 = $ 27. The assistant kept $ 2. $ 27 + $ 2 = $ 29. Where is the missing dollar?

1.The three men were not happy because_________.

A. there was a large meeting 

B. it was weekend

C. there was only one small room 

D. they wouldn't have a place to stay

2.With the help of the manager, the three men________.

A. went to another hotel

B. each got a small room for the night

C. stayed together in a small room

D. got a small room Mr. King kept for himself

3.At first_________.

A. $ 27 was paid by the three men

B. $ 30 was paid by each of the three

C. $ 25 was paid by the three men

D. $10 was paid by each of the three

4. The assistant_______.

A. helped the men to divide the money    

B. kept two dollars for himself

C. kept three dollars for himself 

D. returned three to the three men and two to the manager

5.Where is the missing dollar?

A. There wasn’t any missing dollar.

B. It was taken by the assistant, too.

C. It was taken by Mr. King 

D. It was taken by the three men.


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述一个旅馆里因为客人住满了之后,又来了三个客人之后发生的故事。 1.D细节理解题。根据On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr. King said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.可知这三个人投诉的旅馆没有房间了,他们没有地方住了,故选D。 2.C细节理解题。根据Mr. King wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked them if they would share a room,他们三个人可以共住一个小房间,故选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据 Mr. King said the room would be thirty dollars: ten for each one.可知这个房间要价30美元,平均每个人10美元,故选D。 4.B 细节理解题。根据I'll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself.可知侍者每人返了一美元,自己留下2美元,故选B。 5.A推理判断题。根据文中可知,侍者只退了每人一元钱,自己留了两元,钱总数是30元,因此并没有少钱。故选A。 考点:考查日常生活类短文阅读。

I left home for New Zealand to start my new life on my 15th birthday. My father and mother took me to Hong Kong, where we had to say goodbye. When we were saying goodbye, I suddenly felt afraid that I had never had before.

    This was the first time I had traveled so far by myself. And going to a far-away place I have never been before made me feel terrible. I held back my tears until I could no longer see my parents. As I was wiping away my tears, I realized that, from that moment on, I would have to do everything by myself.

After my arrival in Wellington, my teacher, Ms. Lang, showed me around my new school. A few days later, I started having classes. There were only 20 students in each class. Only math, science, social studies and English were compulsory, and students could choose other subjects for themselves, I chose music, Japanese and health.

In New Zealand, students are very active in class. And teachers are not as serious. They often let us play games in class. We can sit with anyone we like, and the teacher can sit at her own desk or at a student’s desk. The school had an easy manner, with few rules.

Because there was no homework, we could join clubs or do anything we liked. I always went to the library after school, where I found a lot of books to help with my studies.

Studying in New Zealand is very different from studying in China. In New Zealand, students depend on the library to gain knowledge instead of waiting for what teachers ask them to do.

Time went fast. The two months flew by after I arrived. Then a week of exams began. I did not have to take these exams, because I had only been at the school for a short time. However, my math teacher encouraged me to take the math exam, as she thought I could do well.

Though there wasn’t much pressure on me, I worked very hard to get ready for the exam because I know that no pain means no gain.

When the day of the exam came, I found that I finished the paper faster than the other students. One week later, my teacher told the whole class who had got the top mark: It was me! I got 94 percent.

All my classmates were very happy and said congratulations to me. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

1. The word “Wellington” in the fourth paragraph is the name of _______.

A. the writer’s new teacher

B. the writer’s new school

C. a city in New Zealand

D. a person we don’t know

2. When she was wiping away her tears, the writer realized that________.

A. she had already arrived in New Zealand

B. she could no longer see her parents in Hong Kong

C. she had to say goodbye to her parents

D. she would start a new life in New Zealand all by herself

3. The word “compulsory” means_______ in Chinese.

A. 必修的     B. 选修的 C. 义务的        D. 有责任的

4. The writer always went to the library because ________.

A. the teacher asked her to do so

B. she wanted to gain knowledge with the help of many books

C. she had no homework and had nothing to do

D. she must get ready for the exams

5.The writer didn’t have to take the exams, ________.

A. so she didn’t work hard to get ready for them

B. but she thought she could do well and took the math exam

C. but she took the math exam and did best of all in it

D. so she found she finished the paper faster than the others



You’re going to high school aren’t you? Maybe you don’t know what to do. Well here’s a list of the top six things to do when you’re in high school. These things will give you ideas of what your high school life could be like. Here you go!

Find your passion(激情) and what kind of person you are Whether it’s dance basketball or drawing the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in.

Talk to people you wouldn’t usually talk to Meet new people find new friends and even talk to the people you don’t like. It will show what a great person you are. You never know what will happen after high school.

Take part in at least one contest This will give you tears of laughter happiness and memories.

Get a job This will help you see what it’s like to have responsibility(责任).It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself.

Take a trip with your friends It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do the memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place.

Do your best at school Don’t ever get lazy. Working hard now will help you in the future.

1. The writer mainly tells you six things you should do          .       .

A. in your high school years 

B. at the beginning of your high school years

C. before your high school begins  

D. after you finish your high school

2. The writer gives you advice that you should talk to the people you don’t like because          .     

A. you will feel sorry if not   

B. it will show how great you are

C. you can show how clever you are 

D. you can make your study better

3.From Point ③ we know that you can          in a contest.

A. get lots of tears  

B. have a strong body

C. get good grades in high school 

D. have different feelings and memories

4.Which of the following you’d better not do according to the passage?

A. Find your interest.                   B. Get a job.

C. Take a trip with your friends.        D. Get lazy.

5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Have a happy school life.  

B. How to get along with your schoolmates.

C. Ideas of successful high school life.

D. Make your school life easy.




Every child has a dream of what they want to be, right? When Renee Butts was    , her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. Sadly, when she was 14, her father died and she was    able to volunteer with him. Renee’s story doesn’t   there, however, which is why I think of her as a true     . She was strong-minded and never    , which makes her a good firefighter.

Some days she must be ready to deal with any emergency, like    a fire, dealing with a car accident or helping someone     is sick. Other days she is in the driver’s seat. Sometimes Renee works nine or eleven hours a month on 24-hour shifts. She also has a     to take care of. Her husband is a firefighter, too.

Renee remembers the     time she fought a fire. She was awoken early in the morning by the alarm. She said she was very     but did what she had to do.

    I asked Renee what the best part of her job is, she replied, “Helping people and saving their lives.”I think that     signs of being a true hero. She’s always glad to do     for anyone in need. With 140 people in her station, Renee is one of the only three women.

I think she’s great. We could never live     people like Renee who is glad to help others. Renee’s deed helps me believe that     can do anything. Someday I hope to be just her: to wake up and help people every day.  

1.A. young        B. strong          C. old            D. tall

2.A. always        B. never            C. almost          D. usually

3.A. change        B. start             C. end            D. continue

4.A. girl           B. fool             C. volunteer      D. hero

5.A. give up        B. try out           C. go over         D. give out

6.A. getting         B. making          C. catching       D. fighting

7.A. who           B. which           C. whom         D. what

8.A. home          B. house           C. family          D. room

9.A. first           B. second           C. last            D. next

10.A. unhappy      B. excited           C. sad            D. nervous

11.A. When         B. Until            C. Before          D. Unless

12.A. finds          B. sees             C. writes         D. shows

13.A. something      B. anything          C. nothing         D. what

14.A. without         B. around           C. with           D. besides

15.A. you            B. she              C. I              D. he



Just before the English class, I suddenly realized that I _______ my English textbook at home.

A. forgot         B. had forgotten

C. left           D. had left 



— There is nothing wrong with the television, _______ there?

— Yes. It must _______as soon as possible.

A. is; repair                B. is; be repaired

C. isn’t; repair            D. isn’t; be repaired



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