满分5 > 初中英语试题 >





1.The teacher is angry with the student. 2.I’m looking forward to visiting the Great Wall. 3.The flower smells nice . 4.He is too young to play soccer. 5.Tom is playing computer games while Judy is writing. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.1】The teacher is angry with the student.根据图示和所给短语,显然是老师对学生生气了。 2.2】I’m looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.图片显示长城,根据提示短语可知与之相关的句子。 3.3】The flower smells nice . 图片是鲜花,用提示语,写出与之相关语句即可。 4.4】He is too young to play soccer. Too…to太什么而不可以做某事。根据图片和提示短语造句即可。 5.5】Tom is playing computer games while Judy is writing.根据图片和提示语造句即可。 考点:考查语句表达。


Beijing Opera is our    1.   opera. It came into being after 1770 and has over 200 years of history. Its music and singing     2.  Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four main   3.  in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera is 4.   of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. It is an    5.     part of Chinese culture.




1.Shanghai is in the      ( /i:st/ ) of China.

2.--- I feel a little nervous.   ---Why not listen to _________(柔和的) music?

3.Listen! ______________(某人) is knocking on the door.

4.The girl _____________() on my feet, but did not say sorry to me.

5.They _____ ______ ______ (...骄傲) their player.

6.____ _____ _____ (一….就)they saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily.





1.Tom is never       ( worried / worry ) about his lessons because he does well in them.

2. ---Lots of fans ran to the singer on the stage.

---Wow, how _____________(calm/ crazy)!

3.Will I get a ___________(fine/cold) if I break the traffic rules?

4.Why not _____________(let/ invite) Maria to have coffee?



Good morning! Boys and girls! Do you have any trouble in your lives? How do you deal with your trouble? Now listen to Dr. Lee. He may help you.

If you do badly in one exam. Take it easy. You can work harder and turn to your classmates.

If you feel lonely in a strange place. Don’t worry! You should make more friends or turn to your teachers. It’s normal to feel unhappy when something bad happens to you. You should talk to others or take part in activities. You may feel sad when you lose one of your friends. Going to the movies and playing sports may make you feel better. Also, if you are ill, you may worry about it. Don’t be afraid. Follow the doctor’s advice and have a good rest.

任务型阅读: 根据文章内容完成表格


How to deal with

Do badly in one exam

work hard and turn to your 1.______________

Feel lonely

make 2.__________________or turn to your teachers

Something bad happens

talk to others or 3.___________activities

Lose one of your friends


and playing sports

Be 5.     

follow the doctor’s advice and 6.____________



Bruce’s favorite food is chocolate. His parents and teachers often say that it’s bad for his teeth to eat too much chocolate.____ 1.____. He often puts some in the milk for breakfast, the juice for lunch, even the soup for supper. His mother has to put some chocolate in his bag before he goes to school. Sometimes, ___2.____, he doesn’t leave the shop until his mother buys some chocolate for him.

The little boy came back from school with a painful look yesterday afternoon.   3.    . His mother made some soup for him. He wanted to put some chocolate in it, or he refused to drink it.    4.  . His father bought some medicine for him, but it was of no use. So this morning his mother took him to the dentist. The dentist found that there was a cavity() in his bad tooth.        5.     .

“Now, young man,” said the dentist, “What kind of filling(填充物) would you like for that tooth?” “Chocolate, please,” answered Bruce.




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