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句型转换 1. The hungry boy ate up all the fo...


1. The hungry boy ate up all the food on the plate. (变为被动语态)

All the food on the plate 1._________2.__________ up by the hungry boy.

2. Mary bought a new car two weeks ago. (用完成时态改写)

Mary 3._________4.________ a new car for two weeks.

3. Work hard, or you will fall behind your classmates. (改成条件状语从句)

5.________ you work hard, you will fall behind your classmates.


1.was 2.eaten 3.has 4.had 5.Unless 【解析】 试题分析: 1.was.变为被动语态主语是the food 是不可数名词故用was. 2.eaten 在被动语态中用动词eatd的过去分词形式eaten。 3.has在完成时态中have/has +done sth.主语是第三人称单数,因此用has. 4.had完成时态中动词用过去分词形式,动词表示持续性的动作,故在这里用had. 5.Unless根据句意:如果你不努力,就会落后于别人。改为状语从句用Unless 引导,除非,故用unless. 考点:考查句型转换。


     “Thank you” is one of the first few phrases(短语) that our English teacher taught us when we began to learn English. Each time we receive help from others, we say “Thank you”. We may say it many times a day. It seems that “Thank you” is very popular among us Chinese students. But is it as popular in the UK?

      The answer is “no”. According to a recent survey (最近的报告)in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, “Thank you” is only the 20th most popular way of expressing gratitude(感激) in the UK.

     The survey shows that British people like “Cheers” most to express their thanks. For example, when friends invite each other for a drink after a game, a smile and a “Cheers” may be the best way to say “thanks”.

     You may often hear the word spoken between two good friends. “Great”, “nice one” and “all right” are also popular informal(不正式的) ways of showing gratitude among friends in the UK.

     Of course, there are some formal ways to say “thanks” among British people. For example, when a stranger is especially helpful, they may say “brilliant” or “much appreciated” to express their gratitude.

     By the way, how do British people usually answer “thank you”? They like to say “ You’re welcome.”, “No problem” or “Sure”.

     Since you have many more ways to show your thanks, next time you want to say “thank you”, why not try one of these new British phrases?

Phrases using

When British people say these    1.  of “thank you”


People invite one  2.  for a drink after a game.

3.  .

Nice one.

All right.


Informal ways among friends.


Much appreciated.

Formal ways---- to a stranger who you do him a    4.  .

You’re welcome.

No problem.



How do British people answer “thank you”.




A Hi, Li Yan! Have you ever been to the local library before?

B You mean the one near the Dragon Tower?

A That’s the one.

B I go to the English Corner in the library every Saturday. Lots of English lovers practice spoken English

together. Why   1.     join us?

A    2.  great! Could you tell me how to get there?

B The No.7 bus will take you there.

A How     3.   is it?

B It’s about twenty minutes’ ride.

A    4.   is the nearest bus stop?

B Go straight one block and turn left. It’s    5.    from the post office. You can’t     6.   it.

A Thanks a lot.

B    7.    welcome.




Salesperson: 1.  We’re planning to have a big sale 

next week.

Customer:     2.

Salesperson: Meat products will be on sale for 20% off.

Customer: What about vegetables?

Salesperson:    3. 

Customer: Sounds great!   4.  

Salesperson: Seafood products will be on sale for 30% off.

Customer:   5. 

Salesperson: Of course!   6.   I’m sure you will be satisfied.

Customer: OK.   7.  

Salesperson: About 9:00 o’clock. You’d better come here earlier. There must be lots of people coming here

that day.

Customer: 8.




unfortunate   direct    distant   see   cloud



It’s easy to find your way over short distances. You can ask a friend or read a map. But what about over long       ? How do people find their way?

Looking at the sun and stars is a good way to find a       . This method works when the sky is clear, but when it’s      , the sun and the stars can’t be     . What can people do then?

When the sky is not clear, a compass can be used. A compass shows north, south, east and west. It can be used in any weather.      , using a compass is not so easy.

( B )

Amy and her older sister were shopping. They saw this sign Oranges 5 for $3.00. Buy some and enjoy their delicious flavour! Amy started to laugh.

“What’s funny?” asked her sister.

“They spelled flavor wrong, didn’t they?” said Amy.

“No, they didn’t. They used British English, said her sister. “Neither of them is wrong.”

“What do you mean?” asked Amy.

“There are many different kinds of English. American and British English are the most popular ones, said her sister.

“What are the differences?” asked Amy.

“The biggest difference between American and British English is the words. For example, apartments are called flats by the British. Erasers are called rubbers. Also, movies are called films, and pants are called trousers, said her sister.








6. n _______ not one nor the other of two things or people

7.s _______ to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order


Neither of them is wrong.         8.    of them     9.     right.


10.What is the biggest difference between American and British English? ___________________



Why don’t birds get lost on their long flights (飞行) from one place to another? Scientists have studied this puzzle for a long time. Now they’re starting to fill in the blanks(空白).

    Not long ago, experiments showed that birds use the sun to guide them during daylight hours. How do birds fly at night? Tests with artificial stars, which are made by people, have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.

They found a bird that spent its lifetime in a cage and never flew under a natural sky. But it was born with the ability to use the stars to look for the direction. This bird’s cage was placed under the sky filled with artificial stars. Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of the bird’s flight. From the experiment, they found that the bird tried to fly in the same direction as those artificial stars moving under the natural sky.

But the stars are of course birds’ main ways of navigation (航行), when the stars are hidden by clouds, they can still find their way by such landmarks (路标) as river courses, mountain ranges (山脉), coast lines and so on. Because of this ability, people use the dove (鸽子) to send messages in some fields. For example, the doves were used to send messages in both World War I and World War II. During that time, thousands of doves were used to carry important messages in order to save the lives of many thousands of people. So it is also the symbol of peace.

But when it’s too dark to see these things, the doves are not able to find their way. They only circle helplessly and get lost.


1.The underlined word “artificial” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.

A. 艺术的     B. 人造的      C. 永恒的

2.According to the experiments, birds can follow ________ in their flight during the sunny days.

A. the stars    B. the sun     C. the river courses

3.Which picture shows the right direction of the artificial star and birds?


4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The reason why birds don’t get lost on long flights has been known to scientists for many years.

B. The stars are of course birds’ only ways of navigation.

C. In the darkness, doves can’t find their way.

5. What is this passage mainly about?

A. Birds can fly a long distance. 

B. The dove is the symbol of peace.

C. How the birds find their ways.



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