满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was the golden season. I could see th...

It was the golden season. I could see the     leaves falling with the cool wind. For others, it is a harvest season, while for me, it is an annoying season. I was     for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination. But so many unhappy things made me so tired, so I decided to have a walk along the Yanjiang Road in my university.

"Autumn is a lonely season and life is uninteresting. The days in this season always get me     " I thought when the sound of a guitar flowed(流动)into my ears, like a stream flowing from the mountains. A young girl, sitting on the lawn, was lost in playing her guitar. She was a beautiful girl,     when the wind blew her long hair, l had never seen her before. The music was so attractive that I listened quietly.

    Lost in the music, I did not     that I had been standing for so long. But my existence(存在) did not seem to disturb her. Leaves were still falling. Every day when I passed by the lawn, I saw her playing her guitar.

    Autumn was    over. One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly stopped. To my surprise, the girl came over to me.

    "You must like the music," she said.

    "Yes, you play very well. Why did you stop?" I asked.

    Suddenly, a     expression appeared on her face.

    "I came here just to have a rest because I failed in the college entrance examination. I felt very disappointed. And it was your listening every day that    me," she said, "and I have to go tomorrow."

    "In fact, it was your playing that gave me a    autumn and helped me believe that I have the ability to pass the Postgraduate Entrance Examination." I answered, "I think it was God who gave us the     to know each other and we should be good friends."

    She smiled and I smiled in that beautiful autumn.

1.A. yellow           B. green           C. new            D. empty

2.A. going            B. waiting          C. preparing         D. caring

3.A. across           B. down            C. away            D. out

4.A. mainly           B. specially         C. mostly           D. especially

5.A. realize           B. consider        C. remember        D. understand

6.A. nearly           B. hardly          C. already           D. just

7.A. excited            B. angry            C. sad              D. worried

8.A. moved            B. encouraged      C. wondered         D. saved

9.A. short              B. successful         C. relaxing          D. meaningful

10.A. space            B. gift              C .chance           D. luck


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了作者在一个秋天准备研究生考试的时候,因生活琐事和考试的压力心情烦闷,却因为音乐与一个女孩互相鼓励而成为朋友的故事,从而喜欢上了秋天。 1.A考查形容词词的用法及语境的理解。A. yellow黄色;B. green绿色;C. new新的;D. empty空的;根据leaves falling with the cool wind.故选A。 2.C考查动词的用法及语境的理解。A. going去B. waiting 等;C. preparing准备 D. caring关心。根据the Postgraduate Entrance Examination.可知是为考试做准备,故选C。 3.B考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:在这个季节的日子总是让我失望。固定短语get sb.down让某人失望。根据句意故选B。 4.D考查副词的用法及语境的理解。A. mainly主要是;B. specially特别是;C. mostly大多是; D. especially尤其是格外的。根据She was a beautiful girl, when the wind blew her long hair故选D。 5.A考查动词的用法及语境的理解。A. realize意识到;B. consider考虑;C. remember记得;D. understand理解,懂得。句意:我没有意识到,我已经在那站了很长时间。故选A。 6.A考查副词词的用法及语境的理解。A. nearly几乎;B. hardly几乎没有;C. already已经; D. just只是。句意:秋天几乎要结束了。根据句意故选A。 7.C考查形容词的用法及语境的理解。A. excited激动的;B. angry生气的;C. sad悲伤的; D. worried着急的根据下文可知后面女孩因为考试失败很失望,故选C。 8.B考查动词的用法及语境的理解。A. moved打动;B. encouraged 鼓励,激励;C. wondered 想知道的D. saved救。句意:你每天的聆听给我勇气。故选B。 9.D考查形容词的用法及语境的理解。A. short短的;B. successful成功的;C. relaxing 令人放松的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据文中可知女孩的表演使作者觉的这是一个有意义的秋天,故选D。 10.C考查名词的用法及语境的理解。A. space空间;B. gift礼物;C .chance机会;D. luck幸运。根据I think it was God who gave us the 25 to know each other and we should be good friends根据句意故选C。 考点:考查日常生活类短文。

—What do you think of the wonderful stories written by Cao Wenxuan, who just got the 2016 Hans ChristianAndersen Prize(国际安徒生奖)on April 4?

  —       , they are rather excellent, and really suitable for the persons at my age.

A. It's a pleasure                       B. I'm afraid

C. It's a pity                           D. To tell the truth



Open your eyes and look       it. Share what you see with other people. You might find it makes life a little bit more worth living.

A. Take pictures of                     B. Take care of

C. Take part in                         D. Take place of



A nice holiday would help me relax. I wish I could go       !

A. somewhere relaxed                 B. somewhere relaxing

C. anywhere relaxed                    D. anywhere relaxing



      I have a word with you? It won't take long.

A. Must             B. Can

C. Shall            D. Should



E-mail, as well as telephones,       an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing        B. have played

C. are playing       D. play



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