满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You can be anything you want to be. Don'...

You can be anything you want to be. Don't always       yourself with others.

A. agree           B. connect

C. compare       D. discuss


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你可以成为任何你想成为的。不要总是和别人比。A. agree 同意;B. connect 连接;C. compare比较;D. discuss讨论,故选C。 考点:考查动词词的用法。  

—My sister, Julie, doesn't like to have short hair.

—Yeah. Her hair is much longer than       .

A. Alice and mine                        B. Alice and me

C. Alice's and mine's                    D. Alice's and mine



        great progress you made this term! I am proud of you.

   —Thanks, Mum. I will try my best to enter a good high school.

    A. How a                            B. What a

C. How                              D. What



—We will have       fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer.

—Great!         bicycle race in France is very famous in the world.

A./; The           B./;A              C. a; The           D. a; A




在一堂英语课上,老师组织全班同学开展有关“个人爱好”的讨论。假如以下是你所在小组的记录, 请根据这个记录用英语向全班做一个汇报。






Wu Jun


Collecting stamps


Jia Mei




Wang Peng


Listening to the rock music





提示:1. 汇报内容:小组每个人的爱好及你对爱好的看法。

2. 不少于60词。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

Dear class,

Good morning! Now let me report the discussion in our group.




That’s all. Thank you for listening.





Recently, many English teachers from universities all over China came together. They discussed 【小题h   ____   to use newspapers to teach English. Wu Ping, a university professor, said that her university has 1. b   ______   _ a course on newspaper reading for freshman English majors. They use English newspapers to 2.t_____________. It is said that the 3.s   ______       enjoy the course. “They say newspapers help them learn English, and also tell them the latest news 4. a   ______      the world,” he said.

Outside the classroom, English newspapers are thought by many people to be 5. o  __________   of the most important and effective ways to learn English. One of the professors believes that newspapers are better 6.t    __________  other teaching materials in four ways. First, the stories are 7. i________       and can get the students to read on. 8. S  ______       , the language is modern and up-to-date. Newspapers cover lots of topics like sports, culture, 9. e   ______      and so on. And last but not least, the language is very practical, and can be used in our daily life.



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