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Free Help for Mothers of 3 years old Th...


Free Help for Mothers of 3 years old

The Clinic at Brook University is looking for volunteers for a research study from June 11th to the end of the year, which provides free help for mothers who are having difficulty dealing with their 3-year-old kids. To get more information, call the Clinic at 633-7788.

Women’s Heart Health Series

The Brook Heart Center is preparing a lunchtime symposium (座谈会) on heart diseases in women. The symposium, which is free, begins on Thursday July 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 13:00 p.m. at Room 401. Lunch will be provided and registration (登记) is required. The series will continue on July 20th and August 15th. To register or find out more information, call 631-5583.

Summer Camp at Brook, June 24th-August 16th

The Summer Camp at Brook is back for its third exciting year. The Camp provides educational activities and sports games for kids between the ages of 5-12. Cost includes a camp T-shirt, as well as a hot lunch and snack every day. For more information, please call the Camp office at 624-4550 or visit our website at www.brook.edu/daycamp.

1.Women’s Heart Health Series will be held on     .

A. June 11th      B. July 20th     C. June 24th      D. August 16th

2. Women who have 6-year-old kids may be interested in     .

A. the summer camp                 B. Brook University

C. the lunchtime symposium           D. the research study

3.We can learn from the above that     .

A. all the three notices above are written for women to know

B. the Summer Camp at Brook has already been organized twice

C. people can learn more information about the above through the website

D. Registration is needed if people want to join in any of the above activities


1.B 2.A 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了三则广告。第一则广告介绍Brook大学的门诊正在为一项研究寻找志愿者,这项研究为很难应对3岁孩子的母亲提供免费帮助。第二则广告是Brook心脏中心准备了一个午餐时间的座谈会,它关于妇女的心脏疾病。第三则广告介绍了在Brook的夏令营活动,在6月24日到8月16日进行。 1.B细节理解题。根据The series will continue on July 20th and August 15th.可知妇女心脏健康系列将在7月20日和8月15日举行,故选B。 2.A推理判断题。根据Camp provides educational activities and sports games for kids between the ages of 5-12.可知夏令营提供给5到12岁之间的孩子们一些教育活动和体育游戏,因此带有6岁大的孩子的妇女应对这个夏令营感兴趣,故选A。 3. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



I went to the supermarket with my kids last weekend. On the way, we found a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to feed.”

At this store, a sight like this is not normal. My 10-year-old kid noticed him and thought how bad it must be to have to stand     in the cold wind.

In the store, I asked each of my kids to   something they thought our “friend” would     . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old kid suggested giving him a gift card. We were low on cash (现金) ourselves, but sometimes giving from our need is   what we need to do! All the kids declared (宣告) something they could do away with (取消、结束) for the week.

When we handed him the bag of     , he cheered up and thanked us with watery eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for     his family might need, he burst into tears.

This has been a wonderful     for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can     ! Things will happen so differently if I simply say, “No, we really have no     to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a person in need, it also gave my kids the     taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.

1.A. alone B. proudly   C. happily       D. angrily

2.A. draw B. pick     C. sell          D. say

3.A. order B. like       C. donate       D. discover

4.A. yet B. even     C. just          D. still

5.A. food B. medicine   C. drink        D. money

6.A. who  B. when      C. why         D. what

7.A. experience B. example    C. message      D. journey

8.A. thank B. help       C. learn         D. respect

9.A. time B. power    C. patience       D. money

10.A. strong B. strange     C. sweet         D. simple



—What did Lisa ask you about the trip to Jurong?

—She asked me     .

A. who was the guide of the trip

B. when they will visit Mount Mao

C. if she can go to Huayang Park on the second day

D. how long would they stay at New Fourth Amy Memorial Hall



—People can     running everywhere. Do you know what is happening?

—I don’t know. Let’s ask the man over there.

A. see          B. be seen         C. seeing        D. to see



—You’ve done such a great job in the English speech competition, Sarah.


A. I agree with you

B. Thank you   

C. Please don’t say so

D. It’s hard to say



That’s our new teaching building. But there     old houses here.

A. used to have              B. used to be

C. was used to be           D. was used to have



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