满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Why do many people buy things online on...

—Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November every year

—Because there are many sales.The prices are  _____

A.much cheaper    B.much lower

C.more expensive   D.much higher


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--为什么每年在双十一的时候那么多人在网上买东西?--因为有许多促销活动,价格是非常低的。A.much cheaper更便宜;B.much lower更低;C.more expensive更贵;D.much higher更高。当prices作主语时,应该说价格的高低,故选B。 考点:考查形容词的比较级的用法。  

—I will buy you a new bike if you get good grades in the final exam.

Is that a _____ ? I’m sure I’ll get the bike.

A. chance        B. trick        C.promise        D. treat



Could you please_______the rule of the game to me ? I’d like to learn to play it.

A.keep           B. break         C. explain       D. follow



We can’t be successful _____we keep working hard.

A..if             B. unless        C. because       D.although



假如你是Sally,进入初中将近一年的你,在学校的生活得还好吧?请你根据下面的提示内容,向你的朋友Jane介绍你的初中生活吧。大约80词左右。( 15分)

提示内容:1. 你的特长和能力;       2. 你的学校距离,上学的方式和时间;

          3. 喜欢和不喜欢的课程及原因; 5. 介绍至少两条校规及对校规的看法。


                      My School Life




XIII. (A) Tim正在给他的朋友Tom写一封介绍中国传统的节日“龙舟节”的信。 因粗心漏掉几个单词,请你帮他填上,完成这封信。每空一词。

Dear Tom,

     Thanks for your letter. Now 1.________ me tell something about the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional Chinese festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.

The festival is about a great Chinese 2._______- QuYuan. He is good and friendly, but he is framed(被诬陷) by the bad people in his country. He is very sad, so he jumps 3. ______ the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month.

     The people near the river know QuYuan a lot and they want to find his body, 4.______ they can’t. Then they throw rice into the river, because they don’t want the fish to eat Qu Yuan’s body. They 5.______ take dragon boats, and try to scare the fish away by playing the drums In this way, the festival begins.

Today, people eat zongzi and have dragon boat races to remember QuYuan on the Dragon Boat Festival.






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