满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- ______does it take from our school t...

--- ______does it take from our school to the beach by bus?

---- About two hours.

A. How far        B. How long

C. How often     D. How many


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--从我们的学校到海滩坐公交车需要多长时间?--大约2个小时。A. How far多远; B. How long多长; C. How often多久一次; D. How many多少。根据答语可知,这里回答的是时间段, 故选B。 考点:考查疑问词辨析。  

The monkey is_______animal. It’s_______cute.

A. a kind of ; a kind of 

B. kind of ; kind of  

C. kind of ; a kind of 

D. a kind of ; kind of



—Don’t run in the hallways.

—_______,I won’t do it again.

A.Sorry         B. Excuse         C. Thank you       D. No





father:read a book; mother:watch TV;grandfather:listen to the radio;grandmother:clean the room;Kate:do her homework;Bettey:play computer games






There is a zoo near my house. I like to go there. In the zoo we can see many  1.  . Look! There  2.  a koala in the tree. He  3.  leaves(树叶). Isn’t he cute? But he is  4.  of shy. The giraffe is over there.   5.  neck(脖子) is long. She is tall. She is smart. And she is 6.  to people. The elephant is interesting. Look! He  7.  with his long nose. I like pandas a  8.  . They are  9.  China. Do you like 10.  ?





  My name is Scott and I am a teacher. I live twenty kilometers from the school. I take the subway to school every day. The subway is quick and cheap(便宜的), and there are hardly(几乎不) any delays(延迟). The subways run every twenty minutes and run until(直到) 12∶00 pm. The subway station is not far from my home. I usually walk to the subway station. It takes about twenty minutes from my home to school. Lisa is my cousin. She is a salesgirl(售货员) and she works in a big supermarket in the downtown(市中心). But she lives on an island(岛). It’s about thirty kilometers from the city. First, she takes the boat from the island. The boat leaves every half an hour. Then she gets to the supermarket by bus. It usually takes her about fifty minutes to get to the supermarket. Sometimes when the weather(天气) is bad, she is late for work.

1.What does Scott do?

2.How far is it from Scott’s home to school?

3.How does Scott get to the subway station?

4.Who is Lisa?

5.Is Lisa sometimes late for work when the weather is bad?



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