满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1...



1.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long         (历史).

2.Mrs. Wang,a new          (顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.

3.Please put the book back to its          (right or correct)place after you read it.

4.All children between the age of 5 and 16 in his country must          (go to)school.

5.If you go to         ,you’d better not miss the Opera House in Sydney.


1.history 2.customer 3. proper 4.attend 5.Australia 【解析】 试题分析: 1.考查名词。句意:莉莉很骄傲,她出生在一个有着悠久历史的城市。根据汉语提示,答案为history。 2.考查名词。句意:王夫人,我们商店的一位新顾客,已经成为我的朋友。根据汉语提示,答案为customer。 3.句意:读过书后请把它放回原处。根据英文释义right or correct正确的,恰当的。故答案为proper。 4.句意:在他的国家5-16的孩子必须上学。根据英文释义go to去,到。故答案为attend。 5.句意:如果你去澳大利亚,你最好不要错过悉尼歌剧院。结合汉语意思,the Opera House in Sydney.悉尼歌剧院,可知悉尼在澳大利亚。答案为Australia。 考点:考查单词拼写。

When I was in the second grade,my teacher gave all her students some seeds(种子). She told us to watch the magic of the seeds once we planted them. Excitedly,I put a few seeds in my pot. I watered them for a few days and purple flowers came out.

In class,I reported back to my teacher that the magic was the purple flowers. My classmates reported back with the red,white or yellow ones. I was wondering why we didn't have green flowers. When the bell rang,we drew a conclusion” a flower garden is beautiful”,and this was my first gardening experience.

Years later,one day,when we drone by Naperville downtown in a summer. Mom pointed out a big land.” Look,this is the community garden land.” she told me.” What is a community garden land?” I asked.” When people live in apartments or town homes,they don't have much land. People pay a little money to rent(租)a piece of land from the city. They can grow anything.” Why don't we rent one?” I curiously asked.” We don't need to. We have a house,so we have a small piece of land.”

A few years ago,an older couple moved in next door. They gave us some tomatoes from their garden. They grew the best tomatoes I had ever tasted. I asked my mom to buy some tomatoes just like our neighbors'. Mon said it was impossible to buy those tomatoes from the supermarket.

So,last year,I decided to try. I had my dad dig out a small land in the back yard of our house,put it some peat moss(泥炭藓)and mushroom compost(蘑菇肥). For the start,I only planted some tomatoes and cucumbers. Day by day,I looked after my garden and took out weeds(杂草).I was surprised to see that cucumbers actually grow on the vine,and my tomatoes had a special kind of earthly smell.

At the same time,I found myself suddenly having an interest in weather. I always wished rain to water my little garden. My brother Alex teased me.” You are an old farmer now.”

One day,I found some tomatoes gone in one plant. I was a little sad. Who dared to steal my ttomatoes? It was a few rabbits. When I was about to drive them away,my dad stopped me and said,” Alice,the rabbits are thirsty. Let them eat as much as they want. Sharing your food is a good thing.”

Later on,I found people picking a few tomatoes in my little garden and eating them with a satisfying smile. I never said a word. Instead,I felt joy in my heart. When harvest time came,I picked so many fresh cucumbers and delicious tomatoes.

In America,people grow gardens everywhere. The air is always fresh and clean because of many trees,different plants and beautiful flowers. People there learn to love our earth,and love hearing the expression” go hug a tree”. Gardening needs lots of hard work and patience,but mother earth rewards us a lot.

1.The underlined word“teased”in Paragraph 6 is close to“       ”.

A.played a joke on                       B.was strict with

C.got angry with                         D.had pity on

2.Alice learned to share things with others       

A.when she began to plant seeds in the second grade

B.when she asked her mother to rent a piece of land

C.after the couple next door gave her some tomatoes

D.after her father stopped her driving the rabbits away

3.We can learn from the passage that       

A.gardening takes lots of time and effort  

B.gardening gives a few rewards to humans

C.gardening helps the writer love tomatoes 

D.gardening makes the writer hate rainy days

4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.My Little Garden                     B.Gardening Experiences

C.My Magic Plants                      D.Gardening Knowledge



Globalization means that people,ideas,technology,money,services and many other things are moving between countries and changing the way people think and act.

Not everyone thinks the same way about globalization. Some people think it is bad,and some people think it is good. Some believe that globalization helps rich people get richer and makes poor people poorer. These people say that globalization helps big companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's destroy(破坏)local businesses. However,the people who think globalization is a good thing argue that globalization helps poorer people to become richer. They also think that it doesn't destroy local cultures. These people also believe globalization helps prevent wars. This is because countries with economic(经济的)connections will try hard to keep good relationships so that their economies aren't destroyed.

Whether you think globalization is good or bad,it affects the world in two areas:jobs and cultures.

Globalization has had a very strong influence on jobs all over the world. For some workers,such as engineers,lawyers and bankers,globalization has been a good development. These workers are able to successfully compete(竞争)globally and have seen an increase in their pay. But for those who work in factories or in the aervice industry(at hotels,shops and restaurants),it has not been good. Workers from poorer countries are trying to get these types of jobs. They will do the same job for less money. This decreases the pay for that job,so people get paid less to do it.

Cultures have also been affected by globalization. Foods such as Japanese noodles,Inaian curry and French cheeses have spread around the world. We can also see an increase in the use of Chinese characters(汉字)in tattoos(文身). Some people get these tattoos but they don't really know what the characters mean. Globalization also affects the film industry. Most people have seen American movies. But because of globalization,Korean. Indian and Japanese movies have become more worldwide.

No one knows the future of globalization. Most experts agree that it will continue to grow and have an increasingly greater influence on people's lives in the future.

1.Some people think globalization is good because it may       

A.change local cultures

B.help local businesses develop

C.make rich people become richer

D.help stop wars among countries

2.According to Paragraph 4 we know       

A.engineers will get a lower pay 

B.people can get favourite jobs more easily

C.globalization greatly affects people's jobs

D.workers from rich countries get paid less

3.Globalization helps people in the world       

A.know Chinese characters very well

B.go to different countries for movies

C.own the same culture in the end 

D.Enjoy foods from different countries

4.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A.Globalization is sure to do good to people.

B.Globalization will be limited in the future.

C.Globalization may change people's in the future.

D.Globalization will be loved throughout the would.



Each summer,you hear news that some sports players are sent to hospitals because it is too hot. Our bodies can't be outside in the sun for a long time. So in hot summers,be careful about playing sports outside.

Firstly,to play sports safely in hot weather,you must drink water. Sports drinks are great for athletes,but they have so much sugar that they'll dehydrate(使脱水)you more. However,drinking a few bottles of sports drinks will be good for you.

Secondly,be sure to take enough breaks to let your body rest. If your coach doesn't let you take enough breaks in the heat,don't wait until you feel uncomfortable. Just be honest with your coach when you need breaks.

Thirdly,when you have a break,don't sit in the sun. With the sun beating down on you,you'll only heat up and sweat(冒汗)more. Take a seat under a tree,or even better,go indoors for a little while. Cooling yourself down can help you stay active longer.

Fourthly,remember that the earlier in the day you start your exercise,the cooler it will be. If you can start practice before the sun comes up,you have a few good hours to practise in the cool hours of the morning. Also,the earlier you practise,the earlier you can finish the exercise. If you need more practice time,come back to the field later in the evening,when the sun is setting.

Last but not least,you should watch what you eat. Eat food which is high in water,starch(淀粉)and carbonhydrate(糖类),but be sure to get a good balance in your diet.

As long as you pay attention to the above,playing sports safely in the heat isn't a difficult thing.

1.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage?

A.Three            B.Four            C.Five              D.Six

2.From Paragraph 5 we know       

A.we'd better start our exercise early 

B.it is not wise to have practice after aunset

C.we have a long time to practise after sunrise 

D.it doesn't matter whether you practise early or late

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Sports drinks are good for you with no harm.

B.You need to tell your coach when you feel tired.

C.Sitting under a tree is better than staying indoors.

D.Eating lots of sugar is necessary for sports safely.

4.The passage mainly tells us about       

A.eating habits in hot summers 

B.drinking more water in the heat

C.sports safely in hot weather

D.taking exercise in different periods



Many pet owners see their pets as family members. However,when they have to go away on business or for some other reasons,and cannot take their pets along,they feel guilty about it and wish they could do something for their deeply loved pets. The Pet Hotel is set up especially for this reason.

What do we offer?

The Pet Hotel offers pets large rooms and the latest equipment(设备).Like other hotel rooms,we offer color TVs,suitable beds,sofas and other pieces of furniture for pets.

We prepare great food for the little guests,walk them at least twice a day,and provide them with all kinds of amusements(娱乐活动). In addition,we brush and clean pets. To make pets feel at home,we play the sort of music which is often played at their homes and turn the TV to the pets’ favorite channels. Pets will surely feel comfortable in our hotel!

We also have video cameras in each room so that owners can check online twenty-four hours a day to make sure that the pets are having a good time at the hotel. We also have phones so that pet owners can call their pets and talk to them every day.

How much does It cost?

The prices change according to the size of the rooms. A regular room with standard service costs 1,500 dollars.

1.Pet owners send their pets to the Pet Hotel probably because they       

A.treat pets as their close friends

B.can't take pets along on business

C.are not happy with their own pets

D.Want to send their pets to others

2.The Pet Hotel provides pets with       

A.magazines and sofas                    B.color TVs and toys

C.beds and magazines                   D.color TVs and beds

3.In the Pet Hotel,pets can       

A.take photos for their owners

B.enjoy their favorite TV programs

C.brush and clean themselves

D.book rooms according to their size





A gift in a wrong place brings unexpected happiness.

Since I came to my new neighbourhood,I have had the pleasure of meeting a few neighbours.They seem to be quite   people. For Christmas,I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbours that I know.I sat down and   .There were nine neighbours,and I also knew which houses they lived in.

However,I decided to   one more person to my list,the lady I met every morning walking to work as I drove down the street. She always managed a sweet smile and a hearty wave(挥手),     I had no idea which house she lived in.

My gift idea was to make small   baskets and leave them on each of my neighbour’s front porches(门廊)the night of Chrismas Eve.I kept the last one for the friendly lady,since I was still not exactly sure where she lived—   the house down about where I met her each morning. Finally I decided to put it there. My neighbours really enjoyed the baskets and a couple even came by to   me.

This morning on my way to work,I placed my mail in the mailbox and noticed a Thank You card.I opened it and read the   which really caught me by surprise.

The card said,“Thank you for those lovely apples and strawberries you left on the porch of Tod. He   on January 19,but he never stopped talking about how nice it was that someone   him in his time of illness. He really enjoyed it.”

I was very   I had no idea who Tod was or that he had been seriously   .I had left that nice lady’s basket on Tod’s porch by accident.I believe that Tod never expected to have that basket. I feel   that the nice lady did not get a basket from me this Christmas,but I believe that if she knew what had happened,she would   me.

I feel lucky to have helped Tod be more cheerful in his last days.This just makes me further believe that sometimes   in life are beautiful.

1.A.rich             B.kind            C.strong           D.shy

2.A.imagined         B.rested          C.counted          D.watched

3.A.send            B.add             C.connect          D.put

4.A.but              B.so             C.unless           D.because

5.A.flower           B.food            C.vegetable        D.fruit

6.A.clearly           B.certainly        C.maybe           D.simply

7.A.thank            B.protect          C.encourage        D.touch

8.A.advice           B.story            C.notice           D.message

9.A.passed away      B.ran away          C.drove away       D.flew away

10.A.invited          B.remembered      C.trusted          D.accepted

11.A.nervous         B.relaxed           C.surprised         D.satisfied

12.A.painful         B.wrong           C.hurt             D.ill

13. A.worried        B.sorry             C.helpless         D.afraid

14.A.understand      B.punish          C.stop             D.doubt

15.A.jokes           B.problems         C.mistakes         D.gifts



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