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任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。 When we ...



When we say someone is in a blue mood, it means he or she is unhappy or sad. Are you feeling a little blue? Here are some fast and easy ways to cheer you up.


When you exercise, your brain gives out a chemical called Endorphin (内啡肽). This chemical makes you feel happy. That is why exercise is good for you.

Have a talk

If something or somebody is troubling you. don’t quarrel with other people to relax yourself. It is a good idea to have a heart-to-heart with a friend or a family member. Tell them your feelings. A chat is a useful way to make you feel better.

Have some bobbies

For example, playing pop music, drawing something or listening to your favorite music will make you smile. Act like an artist. Draw,paint or make something.Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less nervous.

Laugh more

Laughing is the best way to improve your moods. Children laugh about 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times a day. What happen? Experts say if we laugh more, we will be happier and healthier.

Think positively

Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful scene or a time. Never think about anything terrible that you can’t change. What’s more, leave your flat and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you. Be a kid for a day. Play games, watch comedy movies or read jokes online.

Title: 1.__________ to cheer you up


It is good for you to exercise.

The chemical your brain2.__________out makes you feel happy.

Have a talk

Don’t quarrel with others to3.__________ yourself.

4.___________ a heart-to-heart talk can make you feel better.

Have some5.____________

Doing your favorite things will make you smile.

Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less6.__________

Laugh more

It’s happier and7._________ for us to laugh more every day.

Children laugh8._________ times a day than adults.

Think positively

Close your eyes and9.__________ a beautiful scene.

Leave you flat and go10.___________ to do you favorite things like playing games,, watching comedy films or reading jokes.


1.ways 2.gives 3.relax 4.Having 5.hobbies 6.nervous 7.healthier 8.twenty 9.imagine 10.outside 【解析】 试题分析:每个人有时都会有忧郁的心情,本文提了一些简单的、快速的使人振作起来的方式:第一,锻炼,锻炼能产生内啡肽,让你兴奋起来.第二,与人交谈.交谈是很有效的方法让你开心.第三,有一些爱好.这会让你更活跃和具有创新意识,使得你对自己更满意.第四,多笑笑.每天多笑笑,会让你更开心,更健康.第五,积极的思考.想象一些美好的、你最喜欢的事物。 1.ways文章拟题.根据"Here are some fast and easy ways to cheer you up,我们可以知道,这篇文章主要讲的就是介绍让你高兴起来的几个方法,所以文章标题可以是Ways to Cheer you up.故填Ways. 2.gives细节理解题.根据"When you exercise,your brain gives out a chemical called Endorphin",我们知道你大脑会散发出一种叫做内啡肽的物质, you brain gives out做后置定语修饰The chemical.故填gives. 3.relax细节理解题.根据"If something or somebody is troubling you.don't quarrel with other people to relax yourself",我们知道不跟人吵架会让你觉得身心轻松.故答案为relax。 4.Having细节理解题.根据"It is a good idea to have a heart-to-heart with a friend or a family member.Tell them your feelings,我们知道来一场促膝长谈,会让自己开心,动词短语作主语,主要动词用成动名词形式。故填:Having。 5.hobbies细节理解题.根据第三条建议"Have some hobbies":拥有一些爱好,得出此处答案.故填:hobbies 6.nervous细节理解题.根据"Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less nervous",我们可以得知活跃创新会让你更易满足,不会再那么紧张,故填:nervous。 7.healthier细节理解题.根据"Experts say if we laugh more,we will be happier and healthier",我们可以得知每天都笑的话,会让我们更加开心和更加健康,所以此处缺少的单词应该是healthier,故填:healthier. 8.twenty推理判断题.根据"Children laugh about 400 times a day.Adults only laugh about 20 times a day",可知,儿童一天笑400次,成人一天笔20次。400/20=20,即儿童一天笑的次数是成人的20倍。故填:twenty。 9.imagine细节理解题.根据"Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful scene or a time",我们可以得知此条建议你闭上眼睛,想象一个美好的场景.空格处缺少动词imagine,故填:imagine. 10.outside细节理解题.根据"What's more,leave your flat and go outside.Sun and fresh air are good for you.Be a kid for a day.Play games,watch comedy movies or read jokes online",我们可以得知,离开你的公寓,到外面去,就当一天的小孩,玩游戏、看喜剧等,去外面:go outside。故填:outside。 考点:考查健康生活类短文阅读。



Teachers require us to ___________________ our homework on time.


John is _________________ look after his pets well.


It turned out that the engineer _____________________the murder.


After a day’s work, he was _______________.


Food on the moon would most probably be _________________ pills and would not be tasty.




1.The boy hopes that he will be a __________(tomorrow) TV star.

2.“A miss is as good as a mile.” I often say to ___________(I).

3.—Why is Alan so popular in your class?—Because he is very ___________(friend) to everyone.

4.Suzy got the ____________(five) place in the competition. She has tried her best.

5.We all know you are smart, but you’d better____________(not show) off.

6.Jackson has difficulty in __________(solve) the problem in such a short time.

7.She is very hungry. Can you give her something __________(eat)?

8.I ____________(keep) the books for three weeks, so I have to renew them this afternoon.

9.We will insist on it until she ____________ (change) her idea.

10.The passengers ____________(tell) just now that the highway was closed because of the heavy fog.




1.Everest is a natural ____________(奇迹). Many people expect to explore it.

2.There are three months in spring, including March, April and _____________(五月).

3.With the development of science and technology, more and more ______________(机器人)are used in factories.

4.Drinking tea is a _____________(传统的) custom in China.

5.Most drivers in Suqian are ______________(礼貌的) enough to let people walk across the street first.

6.People around the world all love p____________ and hate wars.

7.To s____________ time, we’re going to take a direct flight to New York.

8.When I grow up. I’m going to be e___________ a teacher or a doctor.

9.Look at the statue. It has stood here for one ____________(a period of 100 years).

10.Thomas Edison is one of the greatest ___________(a person who has invented something) in the world.



“Neville is my brother,” Sir Henry continued,”about five years ago, my brother and I quarreled, Soon after this, our father died. I am the elder son, and I got everything. I wanted my brother to apologize to me. He didn’t, and so I gave him nothing. With the little money he had, he left England for South Africa. I wrote to him several times, but I received no replies. Perhaps, he never got my letters. I don’t know. But as time passed, I worried more and more about him.”

“Mr. Quatemain, will you please tell me everything you know about him?”

“Very well,” I said, “but you will be the first person to whom I have told what I know.” Your brother wanted to find King Solomon’s Mine. That is why he lelt for Inyati”

“King Solomon’s Mines!”Sir Henry screamed.”I have never heard of it.where are they?”

“There is a tale about them.” I will tell you what I know if you promise to keep it secret,” I said.

“You have our promise.” Sir Henry said.

“An elephant hunter. Evans, told me the tale.” I said, “he told me there was a destroyed city northwest of the Solomon Mountain, and Solomon had his diamond mines there”

“Then one evening a Portuguese(葡萄牙人)。Jose Silvester came to my camp and asked to stay the night. The next day he said.‘When we meet again. I shall be the richest man in the world.”

“A week or more passed, Jose Silvester came back but he was ill badly. I took him into my tent. The next morning when I was awoke. He was looking at the mountains. ‘There it is!’ he cried, ‘but I shall never get there. I am dying’”.

“He took out an old map to me,’ This map has been in my family for hundreds of years,’ he said,’ it will make you the richest in the world.’ Then he died.”

I took the map out of my pocket and passed to Sir Henry. Sir Henry read the writing:”I am Silvester. I am in a cave north of the mountain. I am dying of hunger. With my own eyes I have seen the diamonds in Solomon’s treasure cave behind the white Death. If you do find it, you will be a rich man!”

I took back the map and put it in my pocket.

“It is an amazing story.” Sir Henry said.

“Yes.” I said.” But I have not invented it.” I stood up and left angrily. I thought they were doubting my story.

1.How long has Neville been away from England?

A. A few months                 B. A week or more

C. About five years             D. Less than three years

2.Neville left for Inyati because ___________.

A.he needed to search for his blind wife.

B.he wanted to find King Solomon’s Mines.

C.he decided to go to Portuguese for a visit.

D.he planned to travel abroad with his friends.

3.Who gave Mr. Quatemain the map?

A. Neville                    B. Sir Henry

C. Evans                     D. Jose Silvester

4.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A.Quatemain left angrily because he thought his story wasn’t believed.

B.Si Henry quarreled with his brothers because of their father’s death.

C.Jose Silvester would like to find King Solomon’s Mines with Sir Henry.

D.Solomon had his diamond mines in a beautiful city northwest of England.



Many hundreds of years ago, the moon was a mystery to people on the earth. What was that glowing ball came out at night? Why did it keep getting smaller, then larger? Why didn’t it fall from the sky? Through the ages, people have tried to come up with answers.

To the native people of Bolivia, in South American, the moon was a great chief who once lived on the earth. The Abaluyian people of Kenya, in Africa, believe the moon and the sun were brothers who fought in the sky. In other parts of the world, people believed they saw different pictures in the moon. The Haida Indians of Canada saw a woman carrying a bucket. The Chinese saw a road.

People in the past also used the moon to mark time as a kind of calendar. In fact, in some languages, the word for moon meant “month”. A Native American nation called the Sioux made a calendar of 13 moons, or months. Each moon had a name, such as Moon of Black Cherries, Moon of Green Corn, and Moon of Severe Cold.

Though people of the past found the moon was helpful, mysterious and interesting, they didn’t know much about it. They only knew what they could see with their own eyes.

Then almost 400 years age, an Italian scientist named Galileo made a new telescope(望远镜) that was more powerful than any telescope made before. Galileo decided to take his new implement to look at the moon. He discovered that the moon was not the smooth, shiny ball. The brighter places were mostly hills and mountains. The flat areas were lower, which is why they appeared darker.

As more people saw the moon through telescopes, they discovered more about it. Yet, people still had much to learn about the moon.

1.Which name of the moon is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Moon of Severe Cold.      B.Moon of Red Trees.

C.Moon of Black Cherries.     D.Moon of Green Corn.

2.The underlined word “implement” probably means .

A.idea    B.way    C.tool    D.habit

3.From this passage, we can know that       .

A.Thousands of years ago, Galileo used his implement to look at the moon

B.People in the past also used the moon to mark time as a kind of calendar

C.People discovered that the darker areas in moon were hills and mountains

D.The native people of Bolivia thought that the moon and the sun were sisters



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