满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you had billions of dollars, would yo...

If you had billions of dollars, would you donate almost all of it to charity? Well, that’s what Mark Zuckerburg, CEO and founder of Facebook, just said he would do.

  Zuckerburg and his wife Priscilla Chan promised to give 90% of their Facebook shares to society. Right now that is about $45 billion, and they plan to donate the money to things like science and education.

   Many billionaires have done similar things. Bill Gates, creator of Microsoft, made The Giving Pledge, an activity in which billionaires promise donate more than half of their wealth to charities. This started in 2010, and now 139 people from 15 countries joined it.

But giving back and helping others isn’t just for big billionaires. People like Zuckerberg, and Gates may have more to give, but people with less are doing it, too.

Especially around the holidays, people want to do their part and give back to people who are less lucky than them. Schools may have food collections where people bring a few food items*, and together they can make a big donation to places like homeless people’s homes.

People also host special events like concerts of runs to be creative while raising money. Regular people donate whatever they can to US charities like the United Way and the American Red Cross.

Then these charities are able to help US communities in different ways like education, health and improving the lives of the poor. These individual* donations come together to make a big difference.

1.Mark Zuckerburg promised to donate______________________ .

A. 90% of their Facebook shares to society.   

B. half of his wealth to the charities.

C. all of his money to charities

D. 45 billion yuan to society.

2.What does the underline word “share” mean?

A.分享            B.给予            C.股份            D.参与

3.According to Paragraph 3, The Giving Pledge___________

A. started just ten years ago          B. is a charity to raise money

C. has attracted 139 people            D. is only for US people 

4.According to this passage, regular people ___________

A. get help from rich people.   

B. hold special events to celebrate holidays

C. help the people who is less lucky.

D. collect food in homeless people’s home.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. It’s rich people’s duty to give more money

B. There are more charities in the US than in China

C. The poor should work hard to make a living

D. Everyone can do their part to help others.


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:世界上有许多亿万富翁都把自己财富的一部分捐赠给慈善机构,然后这些慈善机构以不同的方式来回馈社会,如教育,健康和改善穷人的生活。但这并不是他们的职责,普通人也可以向慈善机构捐款,每个人都可以尽自己的力量去帮助别人。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Zuckerburg and his wife Priscilla Chan promised to give 90% of their Facebook shares to society”可知,马克·艾略特·扎克伯格承诺把90%的股份捐赠给社会。故答案为A。 2.C词意猜测题。“90% of their Facebook shares”可知划线部分为名词,结合下句“Right now that is about $45 billion,”可推测share为股份的意思。答案为C。 3.C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“This started in 2010, and now 139 people from 15 countries joined it.”可知,这个组织结构已经吸收了139名成员。故答案为C。 4.C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Regular people donate whatever they can to US charities like the United Way and the American Red Cross.”可知,普通人可以向美国慈善机构捐款,如美国红十字会和美国红十字会。来帮助那些更加不幸的人。答案为C。 5.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“But giving back and helping others isn’t just for big billionaires. People like Zuckerberg, and Gates may have more to give, but people with less are doing it, too.”可知,每个人都可以尽自己的力量去帮助别人。答案为D。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。

Wonderful Experiences in Australia

Phillip Island Nature Park



Location: Melbourne

Have fun at Phillip Island Nature Park. You will spend half a day there. You can see many animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and penguins at the peak.

Balloon Flight



Location: Melbourne

Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne. After the flight you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast at the Hilton Hotel.

Amazing Sailing



Location: Sydney

Relax and enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat.

Restaurant Tour—Lunch



Location: Melbourne

Having lunch in Melbourne can be a wonderful experience, specially in old trams(有轨电车)that have become restaurants.

1.11-year-old Tony and his parents will visit Phillip Island Nature Park. They should pay_____.

A.£79 B.£146 C.£158 D.£225

2.The Balloon Flight starts in the_______.

A.early morning B.late morning C.early afternoon D.late afternoon

3.When you_______, you can enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney.

A.visit Phillip Island Nature Park

B.sail across the sea

C.take a balloon ride

D.have lunch in an old tram

4.From the passage, we can learn that_______.

A.people can see animals at the Hilton Hotel

B.food in the trams is not good

C.Melbourne is a beautiful city

D.there are no aquatic animals at Phillip Island Nature Park

5.People who want to _______are most interested in this passage.

A.travel in Australia

B.learn about the history of Australia

C.eat Eastern food

D.see forests





写作要点:Sally:  1.外貌:一双大眼睛,长长的头发,和我一样高。

       2.性格: 待人友好,脸上经常带着微笑。



2.下课后经常一起聊天,分享快乐和烦恼。       3.彼此诚实。

Sally is my best friends. We met at a party 10 years ago. ______________________________________









Thomas Edison lost the first job. For the next five years he went around the country from job to job. At last Edison went to New York. He had little money. He could not buy enough food to eat. He had no place to sleep.

  For many days Edison looked for work. He was hungry. At last he found work fixing machines. He could fix the old machines. He also made new ones. The head man liked Edison’s new machines. He was going to give Edison $40 000 for them. Edison would now have money to do what he wanted.

  Thomas Edison was then 23 He used the money to build a shop in New Jersey. He had many people working for him. But he worked more than 40 new things at one time.

   In 1876 Alexander. Graham Bell made a telephone. But it could carry voices only a little way. Edison wanted to make a better telephone. He soon made one.  It could carry voices a long way.


1. What did Thomas Edison do after he lost his first job?


2.Where did Edison begin to have good luck after he found work?


(二) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

3. ___________________________________________________________



5. _________________________________________________________



People and animals live in the same world. We should keep the balance(平衡)b_1.______ people and animals. If the balance is destroyed,there will be bad result to both people and animals. Wild animals are friends of people. We have to p___2._____ them or there will be no wild animals in the future. Now we know that there are  n__3.____ 2000 nature reserves(自然保护区) in China

There is a black and white animal  l   4.          in China. It is always known as the national treasure(国宝) of China. Everyone knows it is  c 5.            Giant panda. Now there are  f  6.          pandas than before. Most of them live in Sichuan and Gansu Provinces. There are also some other rare animals in China.  H  7.         the  n 8.   is becoming smaller and smaller than before. So people should try  t    9.       best to help these animals. They are in  d 10.       of disappearing from the world.



Some advice(忠告):

(1) Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks. But do not talk to anyone you do not know. Never go with a stranger into a motor car.

(2) Before crossing the road stop and look both ways. Look left look right look left again.

(3) Keep away from houses or building that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head or you might cut yourself on broken grass.

(4) Medicines or pills can be dangerous. Never swallow(吞下)any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.

(5) Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep you should have your life jacket on. It’s easy to fall out of a boat.

(6) Do not put your head out of a car bus or train. Many children have been killed by doing this.

1.We are safe from truck or cars _________.

A. if we play in the street           B. if we play on the road

C. if we play in the park             D. if we play by the road

2. It’s ________ to take any pills you find in the cupboard.

A. safe       B. safety      C. dangerous     D. danger

3. Even if your friends ask you to play in a house that is being built you ______.

A. should go          B. shouldn’t go

C. did go             D. didn’t go

4.Which is wrong?

A. Do not talk to anyone whom you don’t know     B. Look both ways before you cross the road.

C. Wear a life jacket if you fish from a boat in a lake  D. Put your head out of a moving bus for a better view

5.Which is not mentioned (提及) in the passage?

A. A stranger      B. Buildings     C. A plane      D. Medicines



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