满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

写作 请以“Welcome to Yangzhou”为题来向外来的游客介绍扬州的...


请以“Welcome to Yangzhou”为题来向外来的游客介绍扬州的吃、住、游、购。






扬州有很多著名的园林,瘦西湖(the Slender West Lake)风光美丽;







Welcome to Yangzhou






Welcome to Yangzhou. Yangzhou is famous for its nice food in the world. For example, Yangzhou baozi, you will really enjoy it. Yangzhou is a beautiful city. The air is fresh here. You can smell the flowers and see the birds sing. There are a lot of hotels in Yangzhou, you can live in any of them easily. Yangzhou is also famous for its gardens, Slender West Lake is really beautiful. There are many old buildings there, you can take a bus around the city. Every year, many visitors come to visit it. There are many big shopping Malls, you can buy many souvenirs. People in Yangzhou are very friendly, I think you will have a good time here. 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一封邀请函,向外来游客介绍扬州的吃、住、游、购。写前要认真阅读表格内容,根据汉语提示去组织写作素材,把握写作的大体方向,运用恰当的语言把所列举的内容准确地表达出来。但不要逐句翻译。根据材料内容可知本文主要是一般现在时态。注意上下文的连贯性。 写作亮点:这篇短文根据表格中的信息提示简明、扼要地阐明了扬州的吃、住、游、购。并包含了文中所要求的全部信息。文章语言规范,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,复合句的运用I think you will have a good time here.为文章增色不少。 考点:提纲类作文。  
















It is interesting to visit a_1._ country, but there are some p_2.__ when you don’t know the language very well. It may be h 3. _to talk with the people there. We may not know h_4.__ to use the telephone in the country that we are visiting. We may not know how to b5._ the things we need.

Also , in a new country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a r_6._. It is not easy to decide how much to tip(给小费) waiters or taxi d 7.__. When we need help, we might not know how to ask for h__8.__. It is not pleasant to have an experience(经历) l_9. that. In a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to speak. We learn to enjoy life in another country and then we may be sorry to l 10.__





In New York, bus and underground are very good. If you are planning to use the underground a lot, you should buy an underground ticket for ten journeys because it’s cheaper. But in fact you can go to many places of interest on foot, such as the Empire State Building and Central Park. The New York taxis are comfortable, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!

    There are lots of good hotels in New York, and the best is Plaza. But you don’t have to pay a lot to stay in the city; there are lots of smaller hotels near Central Park. There are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldn’t eat at McDonald’s every day. Many people think it is unhealthy. There are good restaurants in Chinatown. Shopping in New York is fun. There are big shops in it. They’re open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax(税) on everything you buy in New York.

    There are many places to see in New York-Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, etc. And you shouldn’t go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.

Welcome to New York


What you can do or see in New York

Public transport 

There are 1. main kinds of public transport the writer tells us in New York. If you like, you can 2. to many places for a visit.


and food

You can find both hotels and good 4. in New York. Eating at McDonald’s every day is 5.  for your health.


Shops are open 7.  day. If you buy a T-shirt of $20 in New York, you should pay  $  8.    

Places to see

When you 9.  New York, you should go to see Times Square and 10.  the Statue of Liberty





1.Oh, sorry. I didn’t  ________(注意)the photo on the wall.

2.Mobile phones are used all over the world during the 21st________(世纪),

3.Thank you for __________(邀请)me to your evening party.

4.In April,_______(千) of people joined in Yang Zhou Marathon Race(马拉松比赛).

5.The clothes on the shelf are those_________(医生)

6.Andy’s mother likes watching him _________(飞) kites in the afternoon.

7.The little boy sometimes likes to say to _________ (he) in class.

8.The children found the doors were all_________ (lock).

9.We are all ________ (surprise) to see that a bear can swim well in the river.

10. --- Which is the __________ (twelve) month in a year? --- December.



One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But he was told that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?

    In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans would call the second floor.

  The story shows that there are a few cultural differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English.

    The British usually hide their feelings. They seldom start a conversation with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. They're more active and easier to talk with.

    The British and Americans may use different terms for the same things. The British usually use football, eraser and mail while Americans prefer to use soccer, rubber and post.

1.Simon went to London to   ________.

A. visit his friend          B. spend his holiday

C. study English              D. have a meeting

2.According to the passage, the British usually spend their time ___on the train.

A. playing cards            B. talking loudly

C. doing some reading       D. singing and dancing

3.What does the underlined word "terms" mean in Chinese in the passage?

A. 成果       B. 学期           C. 会议            D. 用语

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Differences in culture           B. Simon's funny story

C. Information abroad(国外)         D. Hiding the feelings



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