满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读填空 Each year there is an increasing nu...


Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars are produced.One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars with gas.American won't live without cars!

  Most Americans find it hard to think what life would be like without a car.However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution by cars.The polluted air is poisonous(有毒的)and dangerous to health.

  One way to get rid of(排除)the polluted air is to build a new kind of car.That's what several of the large car factories are trying to do.But progress in this field has been slow.

  Another way is to take the place of the car engine(发动机) by something else.Engineers are now working on some new cars.Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that satisfies man.

  To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we'll have to make some changes in the way of us live.Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their cars.They are encouraged to travel and go to work by bike.Riding a bike is thought to help keep the air clean.

  But this change does not come easily------a large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down.And the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment(失业).


Advantages &disadvantages of the cars

Cars are very important to Americans, If a car factory closes down, lots of workers will1.________ out of work.

More cars are moving than before. More air pollution is produced by cars. It is 2._________to health.

Problem-solving methods

Try to build a new kind of clean cars, though its easier 3._______than done.

Develop something practical to take the place of the 4._________car engine.

Change or choose some other5._______ways to reduce the pollution.


1.be 2.harmful 3.said 4.traditional 5.living 【解析】 试题分析:汽车与现代人的生活息息相关,但由汽车导致的大气污染问题也很严重。针对这一问题,本文讨论了一些解决方法例如生产使用清洁能源的汽车,或者以自行车代替汽车等等。 1.be句意:车辆对美国人很重要,如果车辆工厂倒闭了,许多工人将会失去工作。由短文最后一段可知,如果生产车辆的工厂倒闭了,许多工厂里的工人会失去工作。失去工作:be out of work。助动词will后跟动词原形。故填:be。 2.harmful句意:更多的车辆在驾驶,更多的污染物被小车产生出来。对健康有害。由第二段最后一句:The polluted air is poisonous(有毒的)and dangerous to health.可知,被污染的空气对健康危险。对……有害:be harmful to。故填:harmful。 3.said句意:努力制作一种新的清洁的小车,虽然说不做容易。由短文第三段内容可知,减少污染的方法之一是生产出清洁的新型小车,但是进展缓慢。做比说难,说比做容易。故填:said。 4.traditional句意:发展一些实用的东西来替代传统的小车引擎。由第四段内容可知,科学家们在试图对车辆作一些改变,不再用传统的引擎。传统的:traditional。故填:traditional。 5.句意:改变或是选择一些其它的生活方式来减少污染。由倒数第二段的第一句:To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we'll have to make some changes in the way of us live.可知,我们必须对我们的生活方式作一些改变来孩子世界被小车污染。生活:live,介词of后跟动名词。故填:living. 考点:考查阅读填空。


1.-----John has changed a lot.

-----Yes. He spends more time than he used to ______ (practice) speaking English. No wonder he has made great progress in English.

2.The young actress promised she___________(play) a role in the new film, but she didnt.

3.----Your name again? I’m sorry I____________ (not catch) it.

-----Will Smith.

4.----- What should I do, doctor?

------ _________ (keep) healthy, you should take more exercise.

5.The wind blows as usual. Flowers blooms as usual. The sun rises from the east as before. But clearly something __________ (change).

6.Next Monday, any student who shows up to school without their school uniforms ____________(require) to change clothes.

7.All food can make a person fat if too much______________(eat).

8.---Which of the couple appeared at your party yesterday?

---Neither. They ____________(celebrate) their sons birthday at home.




1.How ________(luck) the writer felt! He missed the chance to win the prize.

2.In his forties he became __________ (wealth) through hard work than before..

3.Mike felt sleepy at the concert because he __________ (simple) has no interest in music..

4.Whats the result of your ____________ (discuss)? I would like to hear your thoughts.




1.Nowadays, there are many useful things around us. But it’s a pity that we dont know the names of the most ________ (发明者).

2.The coach__________ (保持不变) where he lay, unable to say a word.

3.He always has a lot of energy. I wonder what he does to keep himself in high _______(精神).

4.____________(对话) are supposed to take place between the family in a friendly way.



Ill never forget that summer day in 1965 when my mother suddenly died of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer stopped by to ask my father if the hospital could use Mothers corneas(角膜). I was shocked. “The doctors want to dissect Mum and give her away to other people! I thought as I ran into the house in tears.

How can you let them do that to her? I screamed at my father. My mum came into this world in one piece and that is how she should go out.

Linda, Father said quietly, putting his arm around me, the greatest gift you can give is a part of yourself. Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a difference in just one persons life after we die, our death will have meaning. He went on to explain they had both decided to donate their organs(器官).

The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most important in my life.

Years passed. I married and had a family of my own. In 1980, my father became seriously ill and moved in with us. He cheerfully told me that when he died, he wanted me to donate his eyes. Sight is one of the greatest gifts a person can give, he said.

I told Wendy what her grandpa had said, and with tears in her eyes, she went into her grandpas room and gave him a big hug. She was only fourteen years old------the same age at which I was introduced to such a thing. What a difference!

My father died on April 11,1986, and we donated his eyes as he had wanted. Three days later, Wendy said, Mum, Im so proud of you for what did for Grandpa.

At that moment, I realized that my father gave much more than his eyes.

1.How was it for the writer to agree the hospitals use of her mothers corneas?

A. Easy   B. Possible   C. Simple   D. Difficult

2.According to the passage, the underlined word dissect may be best replaced by___________.

A. cut up   B. search for   C. move away   D. burn away

3.Why did the writer finally agree on her mothers donation?

A. Because she was afraid of her father

B. Because she didnt care about it any more

C. Because she was too young to stop it.

D. Because her father explained to her

4.What did Wendy think of her grandpas donation?

A. At first she couldnt accept it, but she agreed in the end.

B. She begged her mother not to donate her grandpas eyes.

C. She felt proud of her grandpas donation

D. She thought it normal and didnt car about it much.



Successful students have good study habits. They have these habits in all of their lessons. Read about each study habit. Work to develop any study habit you do not have.

Try not to do too much studying at one time.

If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will get tired easily and your studying will not be very effective. Taking short breaks will help get back your mental energy.

Try to study at the same times each day.

Studying at the same times each day makes it become a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.

Set clear goals for their study times.

Goals will help you stay focused(专心致志) and check your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to get during your study time.

Start studying when planned

You may not start your studying on time because you dont like a task or think it is too hard. If you do this, you are procrastinating. If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and mistakes.

Work on the task they find most difficult first.

Your most difficult task will require the most effort. Start with your most difficult task since this is when have the most mental energy.

Review their notes before beginning a task.

Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing a task correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete a task.

Review their schoolwork over the weekend.

Yes, weekends should be fun in time. But there is also time to do some review. This will help you be ready to go on Monday morning when another school week begins.

1.What does the underlined word procrastinate mean in Chinese?

A. 推迟    B.放弃    C.防止   D.推诿

2.Why should we work on the most difficult task first?

A. Because it is easy for us to solve it correctly

B. Because we have more mental energy than any other time

C. Because we dont feel it more difficult

D. Because it requires the most time

3.The writer will agree with the opinion that____________

A .not reviewing will result in careless work

B. taking as many breaks as possible is helpful

C. studying at the same time is as easy as sleeping

D. goals can help you get your work done



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