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Home Alone is a very funny 1990 American...

  Home Alone is a very funny 1990 American film. It tells us a boy who is left at home alone by accident.

     One night before Christmas, McAlister family meet at their house. They are planning to fly to Paris for the holiday and are busy getting ready. Eight-year-old Kevin is the youngest child and he is fighting with his brothers, sisters and cousins. When he goes to bed, he is so angry that he wishes all his family would go away. In the morning, everyone wakes up very late. They are all in hurry to get to the airport, so they forget Kevin and he is left alone at home.

Although Kevin is alone, he is very happy at first. His terrible family have gone---his wish has come true. He watches TV, eats lots of fast food and play games. He has a good time. But later on, he goes out and hears two bad men called Harry and Lary. Many things in the house get broken as Kevin tries to stop them. Finally, the police come and the men are taken away.

The house is now in a mess, so Kevin tidies it up and waits for his parents. They get back from Paris and are very happy to find that Kevin is safe.

1.According to the passage, Home Alone is       .

A. a movie             B. a book              C. a play              D. a song

2.Why does Kevin think his family are “terrible” at first?

A. His family wake up late.

B. His family are busy preparing for the holiday.

C. He is left alone at home.

D. He is angry with his brothers, sisters and cousins.

3.When Kevin’s family come home, they find       .

A. the house is in a mess 

B. two bad men are at their home

C. Kevin is safe 

D. Kevin is gone

4.From the passage, we can infer that Kevin       .

A. is clever but not brave

B. can’t do housework

C. loves his family 

D. doesn’t want to go for the holiday


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:8岁的凯文是家中最年幼的成员,当他的家人飞往巴黎度假时,他却意外地被独自留在家中。凯文实现了家人不在家的愿望,在家中玩得愉快。凯文听到两个坏人计划偷他家后,想方设法抓住他们。当家人从巴黎回来时,发现凯文平安非常高兴。 1.A细节理解题。根据文中信息Home Alone is a very funny 1990 American film.可知此题应选A。 2.D细节理解题。根据文中信息Eight-year-old Kevin is the youngest child and he is fighting with his brothers, sisters and cousins.可知此题应选D。 3.C细节理解题。根据文中信息They get back from Paris and are very happy to find that Kevin is safe.可知此题应选C。 4. 考点:故事类短文阅读

It’s not just gloves that can help people keep warm in winter. Love can, too.

A pair of 16-year-old American twins, Jack and Jake Moran, stared a program called “Warm Hearts, Warm Hands” last month. Their aim was to collect new and used gloves with fellow students at Richards High School.

     “We started this program a few weeks ago after we saw something on the news about a student who got frostbite(冻伤的)riding his bike to school,” Jack said. “I just kind of realized that there are so many kids who don’t have or wear gloves. The school has started the collection competition among classes, and the class that collects the  most gloves gets a pizza party.

      The twin brothers talked to other students about their program. Many teachers also joined in, bringing in gloves and encouraging their students to help meet the needs of local community members.

“The conversations we are having now aren’t so much about what actions we can take, but about      .This program has really shown me that I don’t need to get on a plane and go to help refugees(难民)to make a difference. I can do it right here. I can do it every day.” Jake said.

More than 500 pairs of gloves have been collected in a month and more donations(捐赠品)are coming in every day, including hats and scarves.

1.       started the program “Warm Hearts, Warm Hands”.

A. The twins      B.A student        C. Many teachers      D. some refugee

2.The class that wins the collection competition will       .

A. get a pizza party later on

B. send gloves to those who need them

C. be interviewed by the local newspapers

D. be invited to visit people in the local community

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Jack would like to get on a plane and go to help refugees.

B. At the beginning, they wanted to collect new and used gloves to help others.

C. They started the program for poor families.

D. All the teachers at Richards High school joined in the program.

4.Which of the following can be put in       in paragraph 6?

A. the value of taking action     

B. the importance of keeping warm

C. the friendship between classmates 

D. the encouragement from teachers





How The Little Kite Learned To Fly?

By Katherine Pyle

“I never can do it.” the little kite said,

As he looked at the others high over his head.

“I know I should fall if I tried to fly.”

“Try,” said the big kite, “only try!

Or I fear you never will learn at all.”

But the little kite said: “I’m afraid I’ll fall.”

The big kite said: “Ah, well, good-bye;

I am off.” And he rose towards the sky.

Then the little kite’s paper stirred(微动).

And he shook himself free for flight.

First whirling(回旋)and scared, then bravery grown,

Up, up he rose through the air alone,

While far below he could see the ground,

And the boys like small ants moving round.



1.This writing is a         .

A. poem            B. play            C. diary               D. speech

2.When the little kite was afraid, the big kite         .

A. laughed at it               B. encouraged it 

C. said nothing to it           D. told it not to move

3.The little kite flew high at last because it         .

A. was free           B. grew up

C. was careful         D. tried bravely





Like any other good mother, Karen did whatever she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, get prepared for a new baby when she found out that another baby was on the way. They     that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after night, Michael sang to his     in Mommy’s tummy(肚子).

Finally, Michael’s little sister was born. But she was in    condition. The baby was sent to St. Mary’s Hospital. Days went by. The doctor told the parents “There is very little     . Be prepared for the worst.”

Michael kept asking his parents to let    see his sister. “I want to sing to her,” he said. Two weeks passed. It looked as if the worst situation would come before the week was over. Michael kept asking about singing to his sister, but kids were      allowed in ICU. However, Karen made up her mind that she would take Michael to see his sister who was sick.

She     him in an oversized scrub suit(消毒服)and went into ICU. The head nurse shouted, “Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.” Karen said firmly,” He is not leaving      he sings to his sister!” Michael was sent          his sister’s bed. He began to sing. In the sweet      of a three-year-old, Michael sang: “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; you make me happy when skies are gray...”         the baby girl moved. The pulse rate(脉搏)became calm.

Michael kept on    You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away...”The breathing became smooth.

Michael kept on singing, “The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my    ...”Michael’s little sister relaxed.

Michael kept on singing, “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”

The next day--the very next day--the little girl was   enough to go home!

The doctors just thought it a miracle(奇迹).Karen       it a miracle of love!

1.A. came out         B. tried out           C. found out          D. took out

2.A. brother          B. sister             C. son               D. daughter

3.A. serious          B. good             C. broken            D. excellent

4.A. work            B. hope              C. meaning           D. energy

5.A. us               B. them             C. her                D. him

6.A. sometimes        B. never             C. often             D. always

7.A. hung             B. threw            C. dressed            D. pushed

8.A. until             B. since             C. after              D. when

9.A. below            B. beside            C. above             D. under

10.A. shout            B. noise             C. sound             D. voice

11.A. Suddenly         B. Carefully         C. Recently           D. Unluckily

12.A. crying           B. saying            C. singing            D. listening

13.A. eyes            B. ears               C. legs              D. arms

14.A. well            B. soft               C. fresh              D. pretty

15.A. showed         B. noticed             C. called            D. Imagined




假如你是Alice, 你想写一封推荐信,推荐你的同学Daniel获得今年的新星奖。推荐


Excellent qualities


Good examples












Dear Sir / Madam,

I would like to recommend Daniel for this year’s Young Star Award.








All the students in our class think that Daniel should get the award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,












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