满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I was waiting on the station platform fo...

I was waiting on the station platform for the Tianjin train when a man asked me if I knew the time of the next train to Tianjin. I often had to go there myself, so I knew and told him .A few minutes later an old lady wanted to know whether the train to Shanghai had already left. I knew that it had not, So of course, I told her . Then a girl came to me and asked why the train from Nanjing was late. I just told her that when trains were late, it was usually because something had happened. I was wondering why all these people were asking me those questions when I noticed that I was standing next to a sign that said “Inquiry Office.”


1.What was the writer doing at that time?


2.How many persons asked him questions?


3.Why was the train from Nanjing late?


4.Could he answer all the questions?


5.What’s the Chinese meaning of “Inquiry Office”?



1.The writer was waiting on the station platform for the Tianjin train. 2.Three. / 3. 3.Because something had happened. 4.Yes, he can. / Yes. 5.问事处。/ 询问处 【解析】 试题分析:作者在火车站等车时,有三个人过来向作者询问有关火车的情况。作者非常纳闷,最后找到了答案,原来自己站的位置正是“咨询处”的告示牌旁边。 1.问题:当时的作家在做什么?根据短文开头的句子“I was waiting on the station platform for the Tianjin train when a man asked me if I knew the time of the next train to Tianjin.”可知,作者当时正在火车站站台上等火车。答案为The writer was waiting on the station platform for the Tianjin train. 2.问题:有多少人问他问题?根据短文内容可知,共有三人a man, an old lady, a girl寻问作者问题。 3.问题:为什么来自南京火车会晚点?根据短文中的句子“I just told her that when trains were late, it was usually because something had happened.”可知,火车晚点是由于发生了点意外。答案为Because something had happened. 4.问题:他能回答所有的问题吗? 从短文内容可知,三个问题的答案作者都能回答出来,答案为Yes, he can. / Yes. 5.问题:“Inquiry Office”的汉语意思是什么?根据短文最后的句子“I was wondering why all these people were asking me those questions when I noticed that I was standing next to a sign that said “Inquiry Office.”作者怀疑为何所有的乘客都向他询问问题,最后从“Inquiry Office.”找到了答案,可推测“Inquiry Office.”的意思为:问事处。/ 询问处 考点:阅读短文,回答问题。

Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasn’t paid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able but they couldn’t get enough money for their family.

Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons. When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked him and married his daughter to him. The young man did not have his own house and had to live with his parents-in-law. His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered. So the young man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.

It was one fine Sunday. The old woman wanted to have a picnic on the top of the hill. She told Mr. Hunt to drive her car. But sometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. The young man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red but she made him turn left. The policeman stopped them and told the young man to give his license to him.

“If I did wrong, sir,” said Mr. Hunt, “It was my mother-in-law’s fault(过错). She was driving the car though she sat behind me!”


1.The Hunts were poor because _______________.

A. they were lazy

B. they were too weak to work

C. they couldn’t make enough money

D. they were not strong

2.Mr. Hunt left the school because ______________.

A. he didn’t like studying

B. his family was poor

C. he wasn’t clever

D. he hoped to stay at home

3.______________, so the old man married his daughter to him.

A. Mr. Hunt became a skilled worker

B. Mr. Hunt was friendly to him

C. Mr. Hunt was paid much in the factory

D. Mr. Hunt worked for six years there

4.The old woman was _________ to Mr. Hunt.

A. good   B. bad     C. friendly   D. helpful

5.Which of the following is wrong?

A. The old woman herself drove the car that day.

B. It was the old woman’s fault.

C. Mr. Hunt disliked his mother-in-law.

D. The old woman told Mr. Hunt to run the red lights.



Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near London with their children. Sometimes Mr. Brown came back home from work very late, when his wife and the children were asleep, and then he opened the front door of this house with his key and came in very quietly. But one night when he was coming home very late, he lost his key, so when he reached his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again. Again nothing happened. Nobody moved inside the house. Mr. Brown knocked at(敲)the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn’t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. “Mother! ”he said. “I want to go to the toilet!” He spoke quite quietly but at once Mrs. Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.


1.The Browns lived in a small town near London.

2.Mr. Brown’s wife and his children went to sleep after he came back from work.

3.One night Mr. Brown lost his key to the door, so he knocked at the front door and the bedroom window.

4.Mr. Brown said “Mother” like a small child because he wanted his wife to wake up.

5.Mrs. Brown woke up at once when she heard the bell rang. She opened the door for her husband.




A. walk    B. never    C. other   D. learned   E. others   F. think

G. help     H. wanted  I. because   J. always   K. crying   L. brought

Bruce ran into a car and hurt his left leg last month. The doctor said that he couldn’t walk anymore. From then on, Bruce __1.___ smiled or played outside.

One day, his sister Kate___2.___ to play outside with Bruce, but Bruce just said no. Kate cried sadly ___3.___ she thought Bruce didn’t like her. “Kate, please stop __4.___! I don’t want to play just because I can’t __5.__.” Bruce looked at his left leg and said. Kate didn’t __6.____ that was a problem. “Bruce, don’t be sad! Doing some sports can ___7.__ you. You will be fine.” Bruce still didn’t want to go out, and he asked Kate to play with ____8.___ children.

Kate felt sad, but she still wanted to help Bruce. Kate __9.___ Bruce a book about great men the next day. After reading, Bruce___10.____ a lot from the book. “ Kate, this book is very good. Thank you for your help.”




Doctor: Hello, Larry. 1._________________________________?

Larry: I feel terrible. I have a sore throat and a headache.

Doctor: OK. Did you take any medicine?

Larry: 2._________________________. I had nothing till now.

Doctor: Well, don’t worry. I don’t think you get the flu. I think it’s just a cold.

Larry: OK. 3.___________________________?

Doctor: You should drink lots of water and take some Vitamin C.

Larry: All right. Is there anything else I can do?

Doctor: Well you can go to bed early.

Larry: Should I stay off school for a few days? Should I stay in bed?

Doctor: 4._____________. It’s nothing serious, so 5.__________________ as usual.




A. Then you will have to talk to animals.

B. It’s important to understand them.

C. Yes, this is my last year at school.

D. What are you thinking about?

E. You can help more people.

F. What would you like to be?

A: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term?

B: 1.____________.

A: What are you going to do then?

B: I want to find a job.

A: 2._____________?

B: I want to be an animal doctor.

A: What is that?

B: A man who takes care of sick animals.

A: That sounds interesting! 3._______.

B: I think so. 4.____________. I’ll learn more about animals. I hear that you like traveling. Do you want to be a guide?

A: That’s true I like traveling, but I am going to be a policeman.

B: Great. 5.____________________.



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