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书面表达。 作为中学生,你可能面临各种压力,所以有时难免会感到困惑,焦虑,伤心等...


作为中学生,你可能面临各种压力,所以有时难免会感到困惑,焦虑,伤心等。当你遇到这些情况时,你是怎样解决的?请你以Learn to Relax为题,根据下列图示写一篇80词左右的短文谈谈自己的做法。(不得使用真实姓名和学校名)

As students, we may have much pressure(压力)in our daily life.











Learn to Relax As students, we may have much pressure in our daily life. So sometimes we feel tired or sad. And it’s necessary for us to learn to relax ourselves, or we won’t have enough energy to study our lessons well. As we know, there are various ways to relax ourselves. As for me, I prefer doing sports with my friends when I feel unhappy. Sports can not only build me up but also help me relax. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play it with my friends after school. In this way, I will feel relaxed and study better. Listening to music is my another way to relax. I like soft music best. When I feel upset, music can make me happy again. In short, it’s normal for students to feel tired or sad. But it’s important for us to learn to relax. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇命题作文,以“Learn to Relax”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态的运用。人称为第一人称。写作中注意运用动名词作主语,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。另外,写作时,还需注意语句间的衔接,使文意连贯,表达流畅。 写作亮点:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头我们生活中可能会遇到各种压力。接下来每个人如何应对这些压力As we know, there are various ways to relax ourselves.并提出自己的做法。最后谈一下自己的体会In short, it’s normal for students to feel tired or sad. But it’s important for us to learn to relax. 论点明确,论据充分,表达的非常完整。 考点:提纲类作文。  


Now more and more people get to know the importance of doing sports. It can 1. fun to us and it’s good for our health. 2. what should we do?

First, we should choose (选择) our favorite ones from different kinds of sports. The sports should be right for us. Second, we 3. warm up (热身) before exercising. Third, as a beginner, you had better have an exercise plan. For example, how long are you going to exercise each time? How many 4. a week? If you’re a lover of sports, it’s important to know this. Last, you had better not exercise if you fall 5. , or it will be very dangerous.





1.should, twice

2.play, tomorrow

3. beautiful, what

4.Tom, at this time yesterday

5. way, keep




1.–-I feel            [wi:k] these days.

–-I am sorry to hear that. You’d better take care of yourself.

2. –-I think the country is quieter than the city.

–-Yes, people can enjoy the beauty of            ['neɪtʃə(r)]there.




1.–-Forests help to            (控制) the weather.

–-We should try our best to protect them.

2.–-I think pigs are really very            (愚蠢的).

–-I don’t think so. I think they are cute.

3. –-What’s your            (梦想), Jack?

–-I want to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao.

4. –-What time did you get up yesterday morning, Sally?

–-I                       (醒来)at 7:00 a.m..




1. –As we know, Mozart(莫扎特)is a great            (pilot/musician) in the world.

–Yes, I like his music a lot.

2.– My bike is missing. Can you            (borrow/lend) your bike to me?

– No problem.

3.–Sorry, I did            (well/badly) in football.

–Practice more, and you can do better next time.

4. –When the fire happens, we shouldn’t            (turn on/turn off) the gas and lights.

You are right.



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