满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

还原性阅读(选择正确的句子填入空格使文章句意完整。) An artist (画家...


An artist (画家)went to a beautiful village for a holiday and stayed with a farmer .Every day he went out with his paints and brushes (颜料和画笔) and painted till evening. 1.  At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer ,but the farmer said , 2. .In a week you will be away , 3. .The artists was very pleased and thanked the famer for saying such kind things about his pictures .The farmer smiled and answered ,Its not that .I have a son in London, 4. ,when he comes home next month ,Ill show him your picture, 5. .I think .

A.When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.

B.he wants to become an artist

C.and he will not want to be an artist any more

D.No , I dont want money .But give me one of your pictures

E.but your picture will still be here


1.A 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章介绍了一个画家去农村度假,住在一个农民家,农民不要画家付的房费,而要他的一幅画,以此来断绝他的儿子想当画家的念头。 1.1】A句意:每天他都带着自己的颜料和画笔涂到晚上。当天黑了,他回到农场,在他上床睡觉前吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。联系前后文,故选A。 2.2】D句意:在他的假期结束时,他想支付给农民钱,但农民说:“不,我不想要钱。请给我一张你的照片。联系前后文,故选D。 3.3】E句意:在一个星期内,一切都会结束,但你的照片仍然会在这里。联系前后文,故选E。 4.4】B句意:不是这样的。我有一个儿子在伦敦。他想成为一名艺术家。当他下个月回家时,我会给他看你的照片,我想他就不会想成为一个艺术家了。联系前后文,故选B。 5. 考点:考查还原性阅读。



In Britain the weather never gets too hot 1. too cold.There  2. not a great 3. (不同) between summer and winter .Why? Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is  4. island country. In winter the sea is   5. (warm) than the land .The winds from the sea 6. (带来) warm air to Britain.In summer the sea is cooler 7. the land .The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.

The winds from the west  8. (吹) over Britain.Britain has plenty 9. rain all the year .The west of Britain is 10. (wet) than the east




Bill ,a thirteen-year-old boy ,thought he had grown up to be a man .But his parents told him ,“You wont be a real man until you begin to _ _helping others

One morning ,his parents gave him some money to   some milk for them .Outside a shop he saw a home-less old man who looked very __ __.Bill went to him and asked ,“Whats wrong with you ?

The old man answered ,“I’m hungry, I havent had any food for two days At the thought of his parents words ,Bill said to the old man ,Lets go to the __ __.“When they got there ,Bill asked the waiter to bring bread and coffee to the old man .The old man finished the meal quickly .After the waiter _ _ the plate and the cup ,the old man said ,“Sorry for giving you so much _ ___.Im fine now ,Ill __ __ forget  your kindness! You are a very good young man.

Bill was __ _ when he heard this .Just when he wanted to pay for the meal ,the waiter came Bill and the old man learned _ __ that the food was free _ _it was the birthday of the boss ,and they were the first customers(顾客) that day.

1.A.think about      B.depend on      C.give up       D.go away

2.A.lend            B.buy           C.drink         D.borrow

3.A.afraid           B.glad          C.weak         D.angry

4.A.bank            B.library        C.hospital       D.restaurant

5.A.sent out         B.got down      C.gave in        D.took away

6.A.excuse          B.advice        C.trouble        D.difficulty

7.A.never           B.always        C.usually        D.sometimes

8.A.nervous         B.pleased       C.sorry           D.shy

9.A.in surprise       B.as usual       C.once again      D.at  first

10.A.when         B.until          C.unless          D.because




1.I decided to go on a field trip .( 改为否定句)。

I                   to go on a field trip .

2.The sun will set in about half an hour .(对划线部分提问)

           will the sun set ?

3.Remember to have fun in the park .( 同义句转换)

              to have fun in the park .

4.Wind blows strongly (改为感叹句)

_________  ________wind blows!

5.Theyre beautiful,                ?(改为反意疑问句)





A: Ill spend my summer holidays in Qing Dao   1.   .

B: Yes , Ive been there several times.

A:    2.   .     

B: Yes , I like it very much.

A:      3.     .

B: The city is clean and beautiful The people are kind

A:   4.   

B: No, not very hot .And you may have a swim in the sea .

A: Great !    5.      .

B:Yes , swimming in the sea is more wonderful than in the river.

A: Have you ever swum here ?    

B: Have you ever been there ?

C: Is it hot there in summer ?

D: Do you like the city ?

E: What do you think of the city ?     









Kate and Peter like sports.In summer they swim and in winter they skate.They are planning a skate trip for this weekend, but they don’t know about the weather.It’s 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio.The weather report is giving the weather for the weekend.

  Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it’s not going to rain.The temperature is going to be below zero.It’s going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold and sunny.” Now Kate and Peter are happy.The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip.They are going to have a good time on the hills.

1.Kate and Peter like ___________.

A.listening to the radio    B.watching TV     C.sports      D.music

2.They are planning _________ for this weekend.

A.a class meeting           B.a party    C.a game    D.a skate trip

3.They want to know about ______________.

A.the rain      B.the food       C.the weather   D.the radio

4.It _______ on Saturday and Sunday .

A.will rain                      B.will be windy   

C.will be cloudy                 D.will be cold and sunny

5.Kate and Peter are happy because____________.

A.the weather is going to be nice for a skate trip.  

B.They are going to visit the friends.

C.They are going to see their parents.   

D.They are going to have a good meal.



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