满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Life comes in a package. This package in...

Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness,failure and success,hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with kinds of situations.

Love plays an important role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life,our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong,good and bad.. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings.

Happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment.Peace of mind makes you feel happy. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are sad.Sadness comes from the death of a loved one or the failure .But all of these things will pass away.

Failure is the way to success, and it helps us to touch the sky,teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money,fame,pride and self-respect.

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well.Hope makes us dream.Hope builds in patience.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour,because after every night there is a day.

Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control.Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So what we can choose is to work hard today,so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

1.In which section can readers probably read the passage?

A. Education   B. Travel  C. Lifestyles   D. Business

2.In the passage,the author compares life to ___________

A.package             B.happiness and sadness

C.failure and success D.hope and despair

3.What does the underlined word despair mean in Chinese?

A.颓废      B.遗憾   C.悲伤     D.绝望

4.Whats the general meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?

A.What you only can choose is to work hard every day.

B.If you work hard today, you will have a better life in the future.

C.When choosing between today and tomorrow, youd better enjoy tomorrow better.

D.Enjoying a better tomorrow is your only choice.

5.Whats the purpose of the passage?

A.To encourage people to love each other.

B.To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.

C.To remind people of keeping having a beautiful dream.

D.To give readers some information about life.


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇人生哲理的短文。生活就像是一个包裹,里面有幸福和悲伤,有失败和成功,有希望和绝望。我们应该如何正确看待人生的这些东西,如何对待今天和明天,作者提出了一些建议。 1.A推理判断题。题意:在哪种情况下,读者可能读到本文?A. Education教育;B. Travel旅游;C. Lifestyles生活方式;D. Business商业。本文讲述的是人生哲理,教育人们人生中有幸福和悲伤,有失败和成功,有希望和绝望。教育人们要正视人生的中顺境和逆境。故选A。 2.A细节理解题。题意:在文中,作者把人生比作什么?A.package包裹;B.happiness and sadness幸福与悲伤;C.failure and success失败与成功;D.hope and despair希望与绝望。由第一段开头的句子:Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness,failure and success,hope and despair.可知,作者把人生比作包含幸福与悲伤、失败与成功、希望和绝望的包裹。故选A。 3.3】D词义猜测题。题意:有下划线的“despair” 的汉语意思是什么?A.颓废;B.遗憾;C.悲伤;D.绝望。据短文第一段中This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair.的这句话,我们可以看出,这里的happiness 和sadness是一对反义词,failure 和success是一对反义词,故划线的这个词应该是hope的反义词,即绝望。故选D。 4.4】B推理判断题。题意:短文最后一句的主要意思是什么?A.What you only can choose is to work hard every day.你所能作的选择是每天努力工作;B.If you work hard today, you will have a better life in the future.如果你今天努力工作,你将来会有一个更好的生活;C.When choosing between “today” and “tomorrow”, you’d better enjoy tomorrow better.在今天和明天之间选择时,你最好更好地享受明天; D.Enjoying a better tomorrow is your only choice.享受更好的明天是你最好的选择。最后一句话的意思是:因此,我们今天能够作的选择是努力工作,以便我们可以享受一个更好的明天。即通过今天的努力,迎得更好的未来。故选B。 5.5】C主旨大意题。题意:短文的目的是什么?A.To encourage people to love each other.鼓励人们互爱;B.To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.告诉人们怎样处理幸福与悲伤;C.To remind people of keeping having a beautiful dream. 提醒人们保持美丽的梦想;D.To give readers some information about life.给作者一些有关人生的信息。本文讲述的是人生就像包含着幸福与悲伤、失败与成功、希望和绝望的包裹,告诉人们通过今天的努力,迎得更好的未来。即:拥有一个美好的梦想,并为之而努力,梦想终将实现。故选C。 考点:考查人生哲理类短文阅读。

April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on Earth should care about and protect the earth!

The earth has warmed by about 1°F (华氏度) over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer. First, greenhouse effect (温室效应) is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate (气候) change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.

When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. It will affect the growth of plants, animals and people. On a Pacific island, 100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999. Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one meter by 2100.

People can affect the earth's air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can use fridges less. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.

1.Earth Day is probably set for people to ______.

A.learn more about the earth

B.make full use of the earth

C.take better care of the earth.

D.study the warmth of the earth

2.Greenhouse effect comes from______.

A.sea rising           B.climate change

C.nature's unbalance   D.people's activity

3.According to the passage, _______ many affect each other.

A. animals and island

B. climate  and the warmth of the earth

C. fridges and animals

D. sea level and the growth of plants

4.We can infer (推断) from the passage that the reasons for the warmer earth are______ now.

A.not very clear  B.completely secret

C.well known     D.not given yet

5.The passage mainly tells us that ______.

A.there is more rain now

B.we should protect the earth

C.we must stop pollution

D.sea level is getting higher



Daniel likes to do something to protect the environment in his daily life. Next Sunday is his friends birthday. He is going to buy some gifts online for his friend. Now he is visiting the following website for some information about gifts.

Welcome to Nature Posters - the world's largest collection(收集) of nature posters and fine art prints!

We make a donation to help the environment when each nature poster is sold through this website!

Please tell your friends about us, and remember us when you are gift shopping.

Daniel chose the following two beautiful pictures as gifts from the website:

  Parrots in Blue: $5.99            harks: $7.99

1.Nature Posters is a website ________.

A. to help people plan their birthday parties

B. only to provide information about nature

C. to tell people how to buy birthday presents[来]

D. to help protect nature by selling posters or prints

2.Daniel should pay ________ for his gifts.

A. $5.99          B. $13.98          C. $7.99          D. $2.00[



完型填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. ______ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed loneliness . I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls because their souls belonged to the ____.

I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man  ____  in front of it. "I'm Steve," he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can't talk with you. I'm_____ ,"he said. He was chatting online and, at the same time, he was playing a computer game-a war game. I was  _____.

______didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried  again to speak to that computer geek (怪人),  but not a word came out of ____ mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction (反应). I was  unhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, " Leave me alone!" I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the cafe were looking at me. I  ______my head but nobody showed any interest.

At the moment, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their ________, not with people. They were more interested in having a relationship with the  computer , particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to  imagine  the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines  better _____ people.

1.A. Before    B. Since      C. Although       D. While

2.A. home     B. world      C. Internet        D. Cafe

3.A. sleeping B. laughing    C. sitting        D. learning

4.A. thirsty   B. busy       C. tired           D. sick

5.A. surprised B. happy      C. moved           D. worried

6.A. What      B. Why        C. How             D. Who

7.A. my        B. her         C. their           D. his

8.A took        B. shook       C. raised         D. nodded

9.A. machines B. environment C. businesses      D. organizations

10.A. because of B. instead of  C. except        D.for



Ill try harder next time.

—You have said it one hundred times. But ______________.

A. the early bird catches the worm.

B. a friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. you cant burn the candle at both ends

D. actions speak louder than words



Sir, you ______use your mobile phone at the gas station. Its very dangerous.

A. mustnt     B. don’t have to

C. neednt   D. may not



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