满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Mum have you seen my toy bear? —The one...

—Mum have you seen my toy bear?

—The one your aunt sent last week? Im sorry I havent seen_______.

A. ones         B.  one        C. it              D. them


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-妈妈,你看到我的玩具熊了吗?-上周你姑姑送的那个吗?对不起,我没有看到。A. ones指代某类事物中的多个;B. one指代某类事物中的某一个;C. it指代上文提到过的单数事物;D. them指代上文提到过的复数事物。没有看到你姑上周送的那个玩具熊,单数,用it。故选C。 考点:考查代词辨析。  

—I _____reading English every morning.

—Yes, now English is more  and more important. It is used _______first language in many countries.

A. am used to ; by   B. am used to; as

C.  used to ; by    D. used to ;as



—Who can help me carry the heavy box?

—I think David is _______ to do it. But the door is ______for him to go through.

A. too strong; too narrow

B. too strong; narrow enough

C. strong enough; too narrow

D. strong enough; narrow enough



The match was very fantastic,______ when White scored at the last moment.

A. really        B. especially      C. mostly     D. exactly



Dont ___ others too much. You should do things by yourself.

A. agree with    B. think about

C. depend on    D. look after



—Id like to travel to Moscow for vacation.

—Be realistic! For our poor situation at present, we cant _____ a vacation.

A. afford           B. offer            C. accept             D. provide



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