满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I am worried about —Whatever the result...

—I am worried about    

—Whatever the result is, dont be too hard on yourself.

A. how have I prepared for my final exams

B. if I can get great grades in the final exams

C. that my school team lost the game because of my fault

D. why did my school team lose the game


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我在担心我是否可以在毕业考试中取得好的成绩。-不论结果如何,不要对自己太苛刻。A. how have I prepared for my final exams我对毕业考试准备得怎样。宾语从句用陈述句语序,错;B. if I can get great grades in the final exams我是否可以在毕业考试中取得好的成绩;C. that my school team lost the game because of my fault因为我的错,我们校队比赛失败了。结果已出来了,与后句的whatever the result is相矛盾。错;D. why did my school team lose the game为什么我们校队比赛失败了。宾语从句用陈述句语序,错。故选B。 考点:考查宾语从句。  

—Have you watched the boat races this Dragon Boat Festival?

   —Yes.      wonderful races!

A. What an          B. What a

C. What           D. How



—Dont eat junk food. Its bad for you.

   —     .

A. Sorry, I wont              B. Sure, I will

C. Take it easy                  D. Never mind



Look! A dog     a blind man across the road.

A. leads            B. lead

C. is leading       D. led



—Would you like to see a movie with me tonight?

   —     .I have to do chores.

A. Good luck     B. Lets go

C. No problem     D. Im afraid not




   —Great! Everyone had fun.

A. How was the school trip yesterday 

B. How often do you exercise

C. Did you ride a horse

D. Can you do the dishes



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