满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday, Mrs. White said to her husband. The children don' t have any lessons today, and you're free too. There's a new funfair(游乐场) in the park. Let's all go there to play.

Her husband said, "I want to finish some work today." "Oh, I forget it. Go there and make our children happy. That's the most important work." Mrs. White said.

So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair. Mr. White was forty-five years old but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of the children said to her mother, "Dad is just like a small child, isn't he, Mom?" Mrs. White didn't want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered, "He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend(花费)more money than a small child."

1. There were          children in the White family.

A. two                 B. three

C. four                D. five

2. One Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to          with their children.

A. school              B. work

C. a funfair          D. a shop

3.Mr. White liked the place so much that he             .

A. bought lots of sweets

B. followed his wife all the time

C. hurried from one thing to another

D. asked a lot of questions

4.From the story we know Mrs. White          when Mary asked her the question.

A. was still excited to play

B. was a little angry with Mr. White

C. looked for Mr. White everywhere

D. ate a lot of sweets

5. Of all his family members,          enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.

A. Mr. White          B. Mrs. White

C. Mary               D. the boys


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文说的是关于Mr. White 一家。一个星期天,他们一家决定去游乐场玩,开始的时候Mr. White 还说有事要做,不想去。但是到了游乐场后,Mr. White 玩得比孩子们还要高兴,这让Mrs. White 有点不高兴了。 1. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters.可知,Mr. 和Mrs. White 有两个儿子,三个女儿,故他们家一共有5个孩子。故选D。 2. Sunday, Mrs. White said to her husband. The children don' t have any lessons today, and you're free too. There's a new funfair(游乐场) in the park. Let's all go there to play.可知,有一个星期天,Mrs. White 对她的丈夫说,“孩子们今天都不用上课,你也有空,公园里有一个新的游乐场,让我们去那里玩吧。”由此我们可以知道,他们想去游乐场玩。故选C。 3. White was forty-five years old but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets.可知,虽然Mr. White 已经45岁了,但是他比他的孩子们还要喜欢游乐场,他玩完了一个又玩另一个,还吃了很多甜食。由此我们可以看出选C。 4. White didn't want to follow her husband around和Mrs. White 所说的话,Mrs. White 不想再到处跟着她的丈夫,还说Mr. White 花费得比一个孩子还多,由此我们可以看出,Mrs. White 对他的丈夫有点生气了。故选B。 5. White was forty-five years old but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, 可知,在游乐场里玩得最开心的是Mr. White。故选A。 考点:故事类短文阅读。


There  are  four  people  in  my ______ . They are my father ,my mother ,my brother ______ I.

My father is a teacher. He goes to his school ______ 7:30 in the morning. He often has lunch at school.

My mother is a teacher, too. ______ works in the same school with my father. She ______ have lunch at school. She has lunch at home with us.

My brother is a ______. I am a student, too. We are in the same school, but we ______ in the same class. He likes Chinese. And I like English. He ______  basketball and I like ping-pong. He joins the school basketball club. And I join the school ping-pong club. Yao Ming is his ______ basketball player (运动员). And Ma Lin is _____ favorite player.

1.A. school              B. class                C. family

2.A. and                 B. with                 C. but     

3.A. in                  B. at                    C. on

4.A. He                B. Her                  C. She

5.A. don't               B. doesn't             C. isn't

6.A. teacher           B. doctor                C. student

7.A. isn't               B. aren't                C. are

8.A. like              B. likes                C. is like

9.A. good               B. favorite              C. love

10.A. my                 B. I                     C. his



Mary doesn’t play soccer. She only watches them _______ TV.

A. on                   B. in

C. to                  D. at



------Where are my books? -----_________. Are they in your schoolbag?

A. I see                  B. Yes, they are

C. In the room.          D. I don’ t know



Peter _________ a baseball, but he doesn’t ________ a baseball bat.

A. have, has              B. has, have

C. have, have           D. has, has



Excuse me, he wants _____ your family name.

A. know                   B. knows              C. to know



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