满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-Why do you like history? - it’s interes...

-Why do you like history?  -       it’s interesting.

A. And                B. After

C. But                D. Because


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你为什么喜欢历史?-因为它很有趣。And和,而且;After在…之后;But 但是,表示转折;Because 因为…。根据疑问词Why可知,这里提问的是原因,故应用because来回答,选D。 考点:考查连词。  


1.These books are____(我的).Can you bring them to me?

2.Can I ask you some q____,Mr. Brown?

3.I am____(空闲的)this evening.

4.The blue jacket____(看上去)very nice.

5.Here are some interesting____(照片).




I have a friend.His name is Lin Tao.He is a student.His family has ___  people(人).They are his parents and him.He likes blue very much.All his things are   __ ,including(包括)his schoolbag.He goes to school from Monday to Friday.He has seven subjects this term.His favorite ______is Science.Mr. Wang is his favorite teacher     he is fun.He has lunch at school.For lunch,he has some vegetables,rice and   ___ egg.He doesn’t like hamburgers.He thinks it________healthy.His classes     at 5:00 p.m.After school,he likes to play basketball with his classmates.

At the weekend(周末),he is always very     .His mother has a clothes store.He often helps his mother sell clothes.The clothes look cool and they are     very good prices.You can come to the store and have a     at the clothes.

1.A.two          B.three          C.four          D.five

2.A.yellow     B.white         C.blue           D.red

3.A.month       B.subject       C.sport         D.food

4.A.so           B.because        C.why            D.but

5.A.some         B.a              C.the            D.an

6.A.is           B.are            C.isn't          D.aren’t

7.A.finish       B.meet           C.take           D.have

8.A.happy        B.busy           C.free           D.nice

9.A.on           B.in             C.at             D.for

10.A.see         B.get            C.watch          D.look




1.Jim watches TV on Sunday.(改为一般疑问旬)

____ Jim ____ TV on Sunday?

2.That woman is very nice.(改为复数句)

____ ____ are very nice·

3.I thank you because you help me with my English.(改为同义句)

Thank you ____ ____me with my English

4.The computer and the CD are on the table.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ the computer and the CD?


____ ____ to you,Mary!




A.What about that pair?           B.Here you are.

C.His birthday is on Thursday.    D.She likes red.

E.How much are they?            F.How about this pair of blue shoes?

G.I need a pair of shoes.

A: Good morning.What can I do for you?

B: Good morning.1._

A: What color do you like?

B: I like blue.But I want to buy shoes for my friend.2.

A: I see.Look at this pair.They're red.

B: The shoes are cool.3.

A: 225 yuan.

B: Oh, they are so expensive (昂贵的)!

A: 4.They' re also red.And they're only 99 yuan.

B: Good.I'll take them.

A: 5._

B: Thanks.





1. What subjects do you have this term?

2. What’s your favorite subject?

3. Why do you like it?

4. Who is your teacher and how is his / her class?

5. When do you have it?










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