满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读短信,选择方框所提供的单词使信的内容完整、正确。 think, say ab...


think,  say  about,  I,  sale,  woman,  for,  health,  don’t,  old


Dear Jane,

Thank you 1. your letter. I am fine. And how are you? I am 12 years 2.. I am happy today because it’s March 8th, it’s 3. Day. I want to buy a pair of trousers for 4.mother. She is busy every day, and I want 5. “Thank you” to my mother, too. Mr Hot Clothes Store is near my home. Many clothes are on 6._. They have green trousers for only $20. My mother likes green, but my father 7._. He 8.blue looks nice. Do you like sports? I like playing sports, I want to be 9..

What 10. you? I want to know you and be your friend.



1.for 2.old 3.Women’s 4.my 5.to say 6.sale 7.doesn’t 8.thinks 9.healthy 10.about 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文是Tommy写给Jane的一封信,在信中他想和Jane成为朋友,所以给Jane介绍了自己的一些情况。Tommy写信的这天正好是妇女节,他想给他的妈妈买一条裤子。他还介绍了他的家人。 1. sb. for…是一个固定的短语,意思是:为了…而感谢某人。故这里应该填for。 2. old是表示年龄的固定的短语。故填old。 3. Day是一个专有名词,意思是妇女节。Women是woman的复数形式,女士,妇女。Women’s是名词所有格的形式。 4. 5. to do sth.想要做某事,故这里填to say。 6. 名词,销售。这句话中on sale是一个固定的短语,意思是打折销售。 7. 不,是否定形式。根据句意可知,Tommy的妈妈喜欢绿色,句中用but表示转折,故后面应该是说爸爸不喜欢。my father是第三人称单数,故填doesn’t。 8. 认为,是一个动词。根据上文的意思可知,Tommy的爸爸不喜欢绿色,这句话说的是他爸爸的观点,故填thinks。 9. 10. 关于,大约。这个句子中是句型what about…?意思是:…呢?这篇短文中Tommy介绍了自己的情况,他也想了解Jane,跟她做朋友。故填about。 考点:阅读填空。




A:Are you free this Sunday?

B: Yes, I am.


B: Sure. 3.

A:At my home.

B: Can we play games at the party?

A:Oh, yes. 4.

B: Great! Thank you for asking me to go to your party!

A:5.See you then.

B: See you!





A: 1., Tina?

B: My birthday is on December 7th. You know, today is my birthday.

A: Oh, Happy birthday to you!

B: 2., Lucy.

A: I want to buy a gift (礼物) for you. Let’s go to the store. OK?

B: Great! Thanks very much.

(In the store)

C: 3.?

A: Yes, please. I'm looking for a pair of socks for my friend.

C: What color does she like?  A: She likes black.

C: What do you think of these socks?

A: They’re great. 4.?   C: 20 yuan.

A: OK, 5.. Thank you.




It's a Sunday morning. Mary doesn't need to go to school. She says to her mom, "I need some clothes. Can we go to Nice Girls' Store?"

“Well, what do you need, Mary?" Mom asks her. “My skirt is small, so I want to buy a skirt. And I need a pair of sports shoes, too," Mary says.

"I see. Let's go and see now." In the store, Mary sees a blue skirt. It's nice .So she asks the clerk ,”How much is it?"

The clerk says, "It's twenty dollars." "OK. Let me think about it. Thanks."

Mary asks her mom, "What do you think of that blue skirt, Mom?"

"It's nice, but I don't think blue is nice on you. What about this green skirt, Mary? "

"Oh, it's nice! " Mary says.

They take it at a good price. Only 12 dollars! They buy a pair of green sports shoes, too. It's 32 dollars.

1. Who goes to the store with Mary?

A. Her father.         B. Her friend.

C. Her aunt.            D. Her mother.

2.The word clerk”  means (意思是) _______.

A. 店员                 B. 顾客

C. 馆长                 D. 观众

3.The underlined word "it" refers to (指的是)__________ .

A. the blue skirt                B. the green skirt

C. the pair of blue shoes       D. the pair of green shoes

4.How much are the skirt and the sports shoes?

A. $12.                B. $32.

C. $44.                D. $52.

5.We can see ________.

A. Mary needs a hat            B. Mary doesn't like green

C. blue is nice on Mary          D. the store is for girls





1. When is Emily’s birthday party?

A. In July             B. In June             C. In August.

2.What is the letter (信) about?

A. Joy’s birthday party.

B. Emily’s birthday party.

C. Uncle Paolo’s birthday party

3. Where is the party?

A. In Central Park.

B. Near History Museum.

C. At Uncle Paolo’s restaurant.

4. What can they do from 6 : 30 to 7: 45?  They can ________.

A. go to a concert        B. eat and talk        C. go to the museum

5.What time does the party start (开始)?  It starts at about ________.

A. 6 : 30                B. 7 : 45          C. 8 : 00




It’s a sunny Sunday. Mrs. Green is on a bus. She sees a woman get on the bus with ten boys. All the boys wear (穿) the same clothes —blue coats and black trousers.

“Are these all your sons?” Mrs. Green asks the woman.

“Yes, they are,” says the woman.

“Where are you going?” asks Mrs. Green.

“My sons want to play in the park.”

“Why do they wear the same clothes?” asks Mrs. Green.

“Because it’s easy to see them. When I have three sons, I dress( 给…… 穿衣服) them in the same clothes because I don’t want to lose any of them. But now I have ten sons, and I let them wear the same clothes. I don’t want to take other boys home,” says the woman.

1. Where does Mrs. Green and the woman talk?


2. How many children does the woman have?


3. Why does the woman dress her children in the same clothes now?


4. Are Mrs. Green and the woman friends?






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