满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



    We all need to do sports. Doctors say it is good for us.  1.  And you will feel better about yourself. It’s best to do sports often.  2.  You don’t need to spend too much time on it.

There are many ways to do sports. 3.   Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called “fitness centers”. These places have a lot of equipments(设备). Some people buy equipments for their homes.  4.  . Doing sports can be fun. Friends can do sports together at a fitness center.  5. . How do you do sports?

A. You can walk, run, play sports or swim.

B. Or, they can play sports together in the park.

C. It can make us healthy.

D. Twenty minutes each times is enough.

E. But it is very expensive.

F. We are very happy. We all like sports.










1.C 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章介绍的是我们都需要做运动,做运动的好处及其做运动的方式。 1.1】C句意:我们都需要锻炼。医生说这对我们有好处。它使你的身心健康。联系前后文,根据句意,故选C。 2.2】D句意:经常做运动是好的,每次二十分钟就足够了。联系前后文,根据句意,故选D。 3.3】A句意:锻炼有很多方法。你可以走、跑、玩运动或游泳。联系前后文,根据句意,故选A。 4.4】E句意:一些人在家里买一些设备。但它是非常昂贵的。联系前后文,根据句意,故选E。 5.B句意:朋友们可以在健身中心一起锻炼。或者,他们可以做运动在一起。你怎么锻炼?联系前后文,根据句意,故选B。 考点:考查任务型阅读。


     exercise big   get   when  child  size inside   clean  arrive outside  what   other

         Dogs are very good pets.They are very friendly to people and very beautiful,too.Most dogs get on well with  1.   and their parents. Others are good watchdogs because they cry loudly when a strange person   【小题2

  When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its   【小题3   ---buy a small dog if your home is small and a   2.  one if yours is larger. Many people don't know    3.  to feed their dogs. Dogs eat almost anything! They like meat,rice and lots of   4. things.You can buy lots of food which is made for dogs in shops. Don't let your dog eat too much. Always leave some   5.  water for your dog. It can   6.  thirsty(口渴) very quickly,especially(尤其) in summer.

  Remember that dogs need   7. . You should take it for a walk every day. Don't keep your dog 8.  all day.



完成对话,在对话空格中填入适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。 将答案按编号依次填入表格内。

A:Hello,    1.    is Mike. Is that Tom there?

B:Yes,   2.   Tom here.

A:Hi ,Tom. What are you doing?

B:My younger sister isn't good at English. I'm   3.    her with it. What about you?

A:I'm reading a book about elephants, It's so interesting.

B: What does it say?

A: It tells us the figures of elephants. First, elephants can do many things   4.   playing soccer, dancing and drawing. They can also help do some work. So they are very useful. Second, they are one of the   5.   in Thailand, Elephants in Thailand look like pandas in China. Third, elephants are smart, They  6.  things well and never forget. But they are in great    7.   now. People cut down many trees and kill elephants for their ivory.

B: How terrible! I know people are   8.  elephants in the nature reserves(自然保护区)or in the zoos to save them now. These people are really kind    9.   animals.

A:It's a good way. I think we also need to ask more people not to buy things made of ivory and not to cut down trees. Don't let elephants and other animals   10.   their lives, They are our friends.



There is a very rich(富裕的) man. He is very friendly to people and kind to his mother. He loves his mother very much.

    His mothers birthday is coming. He wants to give his mother a present(礼物). He thinks for many days, and then he has a good idea. He buys a parrot. The parrot is clever. So its very expensive. Its 50,000 dollars. This is because the bird can talk in English, Chinese and other six languages(语言). It can also sing over ten famous songs. On her birthday, the mother gets the bird. However, she doesnt know all these.

    The next morning, the telephone in her house rings, and she answers the telephone. It is her son, Do you like the bird mother? Oh, yes, very much! answers the mother. It tastes great! But you give me only one. Can you give me another one?

1.The man gives his mother _____________ as her birthday present.

A. 50,000 dollars   B. a telephone   C. a parrot

2.The parrot is very expensive because _____________.

A. it is smart  

B. it can sing famous songs  

C. it can speak different languages

3.How many languages can the parrot speak?

A. eight     B. six     C. two

4.What is the end of the bird?

A. It leaves the womans home

B. It talks with the woman in different languages and sings famous songs for her

C. It lost its life

5.How do you think the man feels when he hears the news?

A. Relaxed    B. Surprised    C. Happy




    There is a big park near my home. People like to go to the park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! That is Mr. Zhang. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a big tree. They are talking about their favorite movies. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is singing. This is really a nice park. I come here after school every day.

1. _____________ like to go to the park.

A. Children     B. parents    C. People

2. There are _____________ in the park.

A. balls and kites    B. birds and cats   C. chairs and boats

3.Lucy is talking with _____________.

A. Mr. King     B. Lily     C. the boys

4.We cant see _____________ in the park.

A. children      B. men     C. birds

5.What is writer doing?

A. He is playing a game

B. He is singing under the tree

C. He is watching the people in the park.





    Many students in the US always take the school bus to school every day. Parents think taking the school bus is very safe(安全的). But sometimes it is also dangerous. Some students were injured(受伤的) because they didnt keep the school bus rules. What are the school bus rules?

    First, arrive at the bus station early.

    Second, wait for the bus at the bus station.

    Third, dont play around the bus station.

    Fourth, dont run here and there at the bus station.

    Fifth, dont walk or fight on the bus when it is going.

    Sixth, dont get off the bus if it doesnt stop.

    These rules are good for students. Remember them and dont break them. So you can keep yourself safe.

1.The students in the US all take the school bus to school.

2.Students cant get to the bus station late.

3.Students can run near the bus station.

4.Students have to sit on their seats when the bus is going.

5.It can be dangerous if students dont keep the school bus rules.



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