满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

口语交际。选出适当的答语 A. Let’s meet at my home fi...


A. Lets meet at my home first.

B. Im listening to a CD.

C. What are you doing?

D. Do you want to go to the movie?







A: Hello? This is Jack.

B: Hi, Jack. Its Steve here.

A:   1.   , Steve?

B: Im watching TV. What about you?

A:   2.   , but its kind of boring.

B: Yeah, my TV show is also not very interesting. 3.  

A: That sounds great.

B:   4.  . Come at half past six.

A: OK, see you then.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析: 1.1】C句意:---Steven,你正在做什么?---我正在看电视。根据句意,故选C。 2.2】B句意:---你呢?---我在听CD。根据句意,故选B。 3.3】D句意:---你想要看电影吗?---听起来挺好的。根据句意,故选D。 4.4】A句意:---让我们先在我家会面吧!六点半来吧!根据句意,故选A。 考点:考查补全对话。

---Would you like to go shopping with me?

--- _______. I have much homework to do.

A. Yes, I’d love to 

B. No, I dont

C. Sorry, Im afraid I cant



David is _______ any other boys in our school. He _______ exercising.

A. liking, like         B. like, likes          C. likes, likes



Mary wants to know _______.

A. where Bob lives 

B. where does Bob live 

C. where Bob living



Linda practices _______ the piano every morning. Listen! She _______ it now.

A. playing, is playing

B. play, playing   

C. to play, is playing




--- They are cute and smart.

A. Do you like koalas?

B. How do you think of koalas?

C. What do you think of koalas



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