满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。 ...


A Miss Snow can you tell me what happened to you yesterday evening?

B I was attacked (袭击).

A Now what do you remember about the    1.  ?

B Well I was so   2.   the whole day yesterday that I couldn’t stop my job for a break    3.__    I finished it very late in the evening.

A What time did you    4.  your office?

B At a quarter past nine.

A Are you    5.   ?

B Oh yes. I wear a watch every day.

A What did you do then?

B Well I closed the door and quickly went down to the first floor. When I got to my car I    6.    that I had left my phone at the office.

A Did you go back then?

B Yes I quickly    7.    to my office. At the door I was about to take out my keys from my purse

   8.   suddenly someone from behind hit me on the head.

A Did you see the person     9.    at that moment?

B No. It was dark for there was no   10.    on in the building then. Besides the person was wearing a stocking (长筒袜) over his head.

A OK. Thank you Miss Snow please take care!


1.accident/ attack 2.busy 3.until 4.leave 5.sure 6.remembered/realized 7.returned 8.when 9.clearly 10.light 【解析】 试题分析: 1.1】句意:你还记得有关那个事故吗?根据句意,故填accident/ attack。 2.句意:昨天一整天我是如此的忙以至于我没有停下来休息直到晚上很晚我才完成了工作。根据句意,故填busy。 3.句意:昨天一整天我是如此的忙以至于我没有停下来休息直到晚上很晚我才完成了工作。根据句意,故填until。 4.句意:---你什么时候离开的办公室?---九点一刻钟。根据句意,故填leave。 5.句意:---你确信吗?---是的,我每天都戴手表。根据句意,故填sure。 6.句意:当我到车的时候,我忽然意识到我把电话丢在了办公室。根据句意,故填remembered/realized。 7.句意:我快速地返回到办公室。根据句意,故填returned。 8.句意:在门那的时候,我要从钱包里拿出钥匙,突然这时候,有人从我那后面敲击了我。根据句意,故填when。 9.句意:那时候,你清楚地记得那个人吗?没有。根据句意,故填clearly。 10.句意:天很黑,建筑物里没有灯。根据句意,故填light。 考点:考查补全对话。

Overweight (超重) is one of the biggest health problems now. Being overweight affects more than how you look. Too much fat can kill you. What's worse overweight children turn into overweight adults (成人). If you're obese now you probably will grow into obese adult. But here's good news. You can fight overweight.

Change your eating habits

   You are what you eat. Kids like snacks. Did you list any healthy snacks? One study of eating habits showed that soft drinks are the first in the snack list. Next kids choose salty snacks like chips. What's more the list is full of junk food from No. 3 to No. 11. Finally No. 12 kids picked a healthy snack--fruit so think about your snack choice again.

   Get outside to exercise

   Jim a player on his school football team had a weight problem not long time ago. He could never get anyone to play with him. So his father and he started playing football for a few minutes every night. Ten minutes turned into an hour or more. In just a few years the heavy kid became athletic fit and healthy.

   More TV means more fat

   Nearly every American kid watches TV for 2 hours and 56 minutes every day that adds up to 44 days a year of sitting. More TV (or more Internet surfing or more computer games) means more fat.

   Eat an apple a day walk around the house play with your family...Do it today and do it more tomorrow. It will help you a lot.

1.According to the passage kids put      at the end of the snack list in one study of eating habits.

A. chips             B. ice cream           C. fruit

2.What does the underlined word "obese" mean in Chinese?

A. 苗条的           B. 虚胖的            C. 健康的

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. When we watch too much TV we will probably get too much fat.

B. A few years ago Jim was fat.

C. Being overweight only affects how we look.

4. What can we do to fight overweight according to the passage?

1. Try to get up early.  

2. Try to take more exercise.

3. Try not to sit in front of TV or computer for too long. 

4. Try to eat more healthy food.

A. 234            B. 123                C. 134

5.The passage mainly talks about ______

A. one of the biggest health problems overweight

B. how to play football      

C. how to fight overweight



  After a serious earthquake (地震) happened a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to his son’s school only to find that the building where his son studied had collapsed and looked like a pancake.

   He was shocked. He didn’t know what he should do for a while then he remembered the words he had said to his son “No matter what happens I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes. He started digging through the ruins (废墟).

   As he was digging other helpless parents and the firemen arrived and tried to pull him off the ruins saying “It’s too late! They’re all dead! There’s nothing you can do !” To them he replied “Are you going to help me now?” And then he kept on digging.

  No one helped however. He went on alone because he needed to know for himself “Is my boy alive or he is dead?” He dug for eight hours…12 hours… 24 hours …36 hours …then in the 39th hour he pulled back a rock and heard his son’s words. He shouted his son’s name “ARMAND!” He heard back “Dad! It’s me Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive you’d save me and when you saved me they’d be saved. You promised ‘No matter what happens I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it Dad!” “What’s going on there? How is it?” the father asked.

   “There are 14 of us left out of 33 Dad. We’re frightened hungry thirsty and thankful you’re here. When the building fell down it made a triangle (三角) and it saved me.”

   “Come out boy!”

   “No Dad! Let the other kids out first because I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens I know you’ll always be there for me!”

1.The underlined word “collapsed” probably means “___________”.

A. take down     B. stand by       C. set up

2.Who came to help the father when he was digging?

A. His wife.      B. Other parents.   C. No one.

3.Other parents and firemen wanted to pull him off the ruins because they thought ____________.

A. he was mad.

B. all the children had died in the earthquake.

C. he was too dangerous to others.

4.How many students were already dead when the father found them in the ruins?

A. Fourteen     B. Thirty-three     C. Nineteen

5.We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. it took the father one day to find his son and other students.

B. his wife died in the earthquake.

C. his son was the last one to come out of the ruins.




Foggy weather (雾霾天气) always makes people uncomfortable. When it comes to our health it becomes more dangerous. When winter comes we see a lot of foggy days in North China. The air is very bad for our health. The government decided to fight air pollution until the end. On December 5th the Ministry of Environment Protection made a plan for cutting down air pollution for the coming years. According to this plan China tries to cut the PM 2.5 pollution at least 5 % by 2015 in 117 cities. Human activities are the biggest reason of the PM 2.5 pollution especially like motor vehicle emissions (机动车排放物).

   Health experts say that smaller particles (颗粒) are far more dangerous and may get bad results on hearts and other important parts of our bodies. They can not be stopped in our nose so they can travel into our bodies.

   "The beginning of the plan is to improve air quality and solve the PM 2.5 problem. This problem has a bad result to many people" said Zhao Hualin who works for the ministry. He added that the key point is to protect (保护) people's health.

   To finish the five-year-plan China will use clean energy (清洁能源). At the same time the country will use more city buses and subways to control the number of new cars.

1.China tries to cut the PM 2.5 pollution at least 15 % by 2015 in117 cities.

2.Smaller particles are far more dangerous and may get bad results.

3.The key point of the China government is to cut down the use of cars.

4.China will use more city buses and subways to control the number of new cars.

5.The China government decided to fight air pollution until the end.



One summer a library in Texas in the US was having a terrible problem. For years the number of books in the library     growing. As a result they became too big for the     and had to move to a newly-built library across the town.      was finished and paid for but the workers in the library found out that they didn't leave       to move their mountain of books across the town. Even   _  moving company (公司) was going to ask for several thousand dollars to move the books. What could they do? They thought and thought.   one clever worker had a good idea. She said that during that time the library would be closed.     allow the readers to borrow more books and ask them to come in to borrow 20 40 or 100 books? At the end of the summer they could       them to the new library. The idea      beautifully and the     were happy to have more books to enjoy. The library saved a lot of money and people read a lot of books.

1.A. go on               B. continue             C. kept

2.A. building              B. home               C. university

3.A. Something            B. Everything           C. Nothing

4.A. enough books          B. enough money         C. enough people

5.A. the cheapest           B. the cheaper           C. the cheap

6.A. Finally               B. At first              C. At the same time

7.A. Why not                B. Why don't            C. Let's

8.A. give back             B. return                C. bring

9.A. was                  B. work                C. worked out

10.A. workers              B. writers               C. readers



It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went out. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents so he opened the    quickly.

A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and asked politely if our parents were at home.

Without thinking my brother said" No." Then the man asked if we would like to       some story books. I refused him. When I wanted to close the door he suddenly pushed the door very hard and came into our house. He took out a     and ordered me to tie up my brother's hands with a rope (绳子). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie (解开)      easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked     of us in the kitchen. Soon he went upstairs to     money. I taught my brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police       _ the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to lock the kitchen window. We got out of the house through the kitchen window and to the     pay phone to call the police. Soon   came to our house and the man was caught. By that time my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were     that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from opening the door to strangers. I learnt a lesson on safety.

1.A. window           B. door               C. book

2.A. lend               B. sell                 C. buy

3.A. book              B. knife                C. gift

4.A. himself            B. myself             C. herself

5.A. all                B. neither             C. both

6.A. look for          B. look at              C. look after

7.A. and               B. so                  C. but

8.A. farthest            B. nearest               C. largest

9.A. my friends         B. the neighbors         C. the police

10.A. glad             B. angry               C. sad



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