满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We middle school students always have __...

We middle school students always have _______ homework to do every day that we often feel tired during the day.

A. too much      B. too many       C. so much


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们中学生每天总是有太多的作业要做,我们经常感到很累。此题考查副词too much+不可数名词。根据句意,应选A。 考点:考查副词。  

His grandparents live       in a small house but they don’t feel       .

A. lonely alone  

B. alone lonely

C. lonely lonely



--There is going to be _____ NBA game tonight. Would you like to watch it with me?

--Yes I’d love to .

A. a       B. an         C. the




A. some   B. As a result of   C. felt sick   D. is similar to

1.After walking in the rain for a few hours he was ill at last.

2.Thanks to the help of the kind people and the doctors the old man was saved in time.

3.It was 700pm. I still saw several students playing basketball on the playground.

4.Mary takes after her mother. Both of them like helping others.




你知道中国古代的四大发明吗? 你认为哪项发明是最有用的? 请阐述你的观点并详细介绍 这项发明。 词数80个左右。












(A reporter is interviewing a foreign visitor on the Great Wall

A: Excuse me . I`m a reporter from a student magazine.

1.                                             ?   

B: Sure ,please .  

A: 2.                                                 ?

B: I`m from Australia .

A: 3.                                                      ?

B: I came to Beijing three days ago .   

A: 4.                                                           ?

B: Yes, just a little.  I began studying Chinese  four months ago.   

A: How do you like the Great Wall ?

B: It`s great . I like it very much. 

A: Thank you for answering my question. 5.                                  ?

B: Thank you .



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