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书面表达 暑假快到了,学校倡导同学们多读书、读好书、以阅读为乐,过一个有意义的假...


暑假快到了,学校倡导同学们多读书、读好书、以阅读为乐,过一个有意义的假期。请你以“Ill Enjoy Reading in the Summer Vacation”为题,写一篇90词左右的英语短文与大家分享。






Ill Enjoy Reading in the Summer Vacation







I’ll Enjoy Reading in the Summer Vacation Books are our good friends. They can help us know about the world and make our life full of happiness. With them, we'll never feel lonely. I've made a reading plan for the coming summer vacation. In the morning, I'm going to spend 2.5 hours reading in the City Library. There, I can find books which are suitable for teenagers. In the afternoon, I'll share my thoughts with my friends so that I can get something new in reading. The more books I read, the wealthier I'll be in spirit. Wish all of us could improve ourselves by reading. 【解析】 试题分析:本题是一篇提纲作文,要求以I’ll Enjoy Reading in the Summer Vacation 为题说说阅读的好处和自己的阅读计划,首先要认真审题,本题重点是阅读的好处和阅读计划,写作时要围绕主题展开写作。根据提示要求,本文重点从两个方面:一是阅读的好处;二是读书的计划展开写作。短文主要用第一人称,用一般将来时和一般现在时态。 写作亮点:本范文第一段讲述读书的意义:书是人类的朋友,帮助人们了解世界,使我们的生活充满快乐,有书,我们不会感到孤独。本段立意深远,其中的help sb. do sth, full of, with…等等结构使用准确恰当;第二段主要讲述自己的假期阅读计划,用in the morning, in the afternoon引出不同时段不同的打算,层次清楚,条理分明。其中用到的spend some time doing sth; be suitable for, share with及定语从句等等的运用,使本段生动具体。最后一段以“书读得越多,越富有”结尾,点明主题,突出中心,与第一段首尾呼应。 考点:考查提纲作文。  



like     why     bird     usually     discover



Do you have a dog, a cat or a bird at home? Do you watch them carefully?

Scientists have found that cats, dogs,    1.   and even goldfish are left-handed or right-handed. These scientists work in Queens Belfast University. They said that pets are left-handed or right-handed   2.  people. As we all know, it is important for animals to be good at getting food. Some like to get food with their right hands, but some like to get food with the left hands. Thats   3.   the animals are left-handed or right-handed.

The scientists have    4. that male cats and dogs are almost left-handed, and female cats and dogs are right-handed, because their work in everyday life is different.

People    5.   think that left-handed people are better at languages; some even think that left-handed people are smarter. When it goes to animals, it makes animals act more quickly.









1.The new hotel will be build ______ /bɪˈsaɪd/ the river.

2.Last year Susan gave a ______/ˈflaʊɚ/ to Ms. Lu on Teachers' Day.

3.-Could you pass me those _______(盒子)?

-Certainly. Here you are.

4.Telescopes are _______(有用的).We can look at the universe through them.

5.-We'd better book a standard room before we set off.

-I________(同意) with you.

6.It was a difficult time for them, but they didn't _______(放弃)their hope.





1. _______(What/How)a heavy stone!

2.February is the ______(two/second)month of a year.

3.-Whose home is _______(far/farther)from school, Alice's or Daisy's?

4.We must try ________(our/ours)best to protect plants. They're important to human beings.




I'm Jane from America. I can not sleep well and I always wake up several times during the night. I know for a fact that there are many other people who have trouble going to sleep, too. So, I've collected some advice I've received over the past few months that have not only helped me get to sleeper faster, but helped me get better night sleeps.

  Have regular sleep habits

  Go to bed at the same time every night. Try not to break this habit on weekends when you may be made to stay up late. Wake up at the same time every day. If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm.

Turn off your computer

Don't play on the computer for half an hour before you decide to sleep. Studies show that it is bad for the quality of your sleep. Read a book or listen to some light music to prepare your body for sleeping.

Have a nice bedroom

A clean environment helps people to be happy and relaxed. Make sure that you have turned off all light that might come into your room, and that the temperature is comfortable.

Exercise often

Exercising will help you to fall asleep more easily, so walk out for 45 minutes every day and you will sleep better at night. But don't do it just before you go to bed-you won't be able to sleep!

Eat properly

Eat only a little for supper. A full stomach may make it much harder for you to sleep.


Advice on How to   1.   Well

Have regular sleep habits

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Get    2.   sleep and youll wake up naturally.

Turn off your computer

Dont play on the computer for a long time.

Try to read a book or listen to light music    3.   you go to sleep

Have a nice bedroom

Keep your bedroom clean. It will make you   4.  and relaxed.

Turn off all light that might come into the room.

Exercise often

Go out for a    5.   every day for sleeping better.

Eat properly

Its much    6.  for you to fall asleep if you only eat a littler for supper.



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