满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Let ...


Let me tell you about the best day of my life! I got up early and ran to the kitchen in my pyjamas(睡衣).It was my thirteenth birthday and I was really   . In fact, I wasn’t sleeping all night because I kept     all the presents I would get.

I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face,     nobody looked up. Mum and Dad were reading their newspapers while my two older brothers were eating breakfast.     said a word! “They have forgotten about my birthday!” I said to myself. I turned around and walked out of the     . Suddenly, I heard a noise, so I went back to   what it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes! There were lots of   on the kitchen table. “Surprise!” I heard     me. When I turned around, I saw Mum, Dad and my brothers! Mum was holding a huge     with candles and they were singing “Happy birthday” to me. We shared the cake and opened all the presents.

They didn’t   my birthday after all. It really was the best day of my life!

1.A. lonely    B. excited   C. successful   D. weak

2.A. thinking about      B. picking up   C. taking out   D. putting away

3.A. for     B. so    C. or    D. but

4.A. Nobody    B. Anybody   C.Somebody   D. Everybody

5.A. garden    B. kitchen   C. bedroom   D. study

6.A. see     B. taste    C. explain   D. choose

7.A. newspaper       B. presents   C. menus    D. rings

8.A. of     B. above    C. behind    D. from

9.A. picture    B. bowl    C. spoon    D. cake

10.A. realise    B. enjoy    C. forget    D. celebrate


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在作者十三岁生日时,作者的家人给她制造了一个惊喜的生日,让作者感到那是一生中最美好的日子。 1.B考查形容词及语境的理解。A. lonely孤独的;B. excited感到兴奋的;C. successful成功的;D. weak虚弱的。根据上文是我的十三岁的生日,所以我感到兴奋,故选B。 2.A考查动词及语境的理解。A. thinking about思考;B. picking up 捡起;C. taking out拿出;D. putting away收起来。我整个晚上没睡,因为我一直在思考我将要获得的礼物。结合句意,故选A。 3.D考查连词及语境的理解。A. for由于;B. so 所以;C. or或者;D. but但是。我面带笑容进入厨房,但是发现没有人抬头。根据前后句之间的转折关系,故选D。 4.A考查代词及语境的理解。A. Nobody没有人;B. Anybody任何人;C.Somebody有人;D. Everybody每个人。根据上下文可知没有人说话,故选A。 5.B考查名词及语境的理解。A. garden 花园;B. kitchen厨房;C. bedroom卧室;D. study书房。我转了一圈,走出厨房。根据上文作者进入厨房,可知现在是走出厨房,故选B。 6.A考查动词及语境的理解。A. see看;B. taste尝尝;C. explain解释;D. choose选择。突然我听到一声噪音,所以我回去看看是什么。根据句意,故选A。 7.B考查名词及语境的理解。A. newspaper报纸;B. presents礼物;C. menus菜单;D. rings环。在餐桌上有许多的礼物。根据后文可知是礼物,故选B。 8.C考查介词及语境的理解。A. of 的B. above在……之上;C. behind在后面;D. from从……。在我身后我听到“给你个惊喜”。根据后文作者转身,可知是来自身后的声音,故选C。 9.D考查名词及语境的理解。A. picture 照片;B. bowl碗;C. spoon 勺;D. cake蛋糕。根据with candles 可知是蛋糕,故选D。 10.A. realise意识到;B. enjoy喜欢,享受;C. forget 忘记;D. celebrate庆祝。到底他们没有忘记我的生日。根据上下文及句意,故选C。 考点:人生感悟类短文。

Our world will get better and better       each of us lives a greener life.

A. before     B. if     C. though    D. until



      , Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by enjoying the full moon and eating mooncakes.

A. Quickly                 B. Suddenly

C. Secretly                D. Traditionally



Taking some exercise every day will       fat and make you fit.

A. turn to     B. sell out    C. burn off   D. put on



I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon. They       games with their classmates then.

A. play     B. will play   C. are playing   D. were playing



For our own safety, it’s important to       the traffic rules on the way to school.

A. follow     B. change    C. make    D. break



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