满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Is the girl popular at school? —Yes. No...

—Is the girl popular at school?

—Yes. Not only her classmates but also her English teacher __________ her.

A. like          B. likes        C. dislike         D. dislikes


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-那个女孩在学校很受欢迎吗?——是的。不仅她的同学而且她的英语老师都喜欢她。Not only…but also连接两个主语时有就近原则,排除A,C;结合语境理解,答案为B。 考点:考查主谓一致。  

—When accident happened you must_______________.

—Yes because losing our temper isn’t going to help.

A. cheer you up         B. let you down

C. keep your cool       D. feel down



—Bob has changed a lot!

—That’s true. That fact is that he’s___________ five kilos since he gave up smoking.

A. put up       B. put off      C. put on     D. put down



—Don’t __________ when your parents ask you to do something. You should know what they say is good for you.

Thank you for your advice. I’ll follow it.

A. talk back       B. give up

C. hurry up       D. call back



—Do you know if Jack will drive to New York this weekend?

—Jack? Never! He         driving so far.

A. has hated   B. will hate    C. hated   D. hates



—The population of the world in the 21th century became much _____ than that in the 20th.

—Yeah and over eighteen percent of population in the world_________ Chinese.

A. bigger is            B. larger are

C. greater is          D. more are



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