满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear friends, I'd like to share my sugge...

Dear friends,

I'd like to share my suggestions about studying with you. "Studying" is not the same thing as "doing homework"! Studying may include doing homework,but it also includes a lot more, as you will see. So if you say that you have no homework,and therefore you can't or you don't have to study, you're mistaken!

I am going to give you some suggestions on how to study efficiently. They worked for me when I was in the high school and college.

Not only that, but they also worked equally well for me in literature and math.

Although everyone's learning style may be different,and some of my suggestions may not work for you, I still ask you to try them. A lot of successful students have used them.

Please send me suggestions about studying that work for you. I will try to include them into the further version of this guide.

Here are some of my suggestions:

A. Manage your time.

B. Take notes in class and rewrite them at home.

C. Study hard and study in a quiet place.

D. Read texts actively and slowly. Do it before and after class.

E. Finish your homework by yourself.

F. Do not only study for exams.



1.If Tom often tells his parents that he has no homework to do,we can infer that          .

A. Tom's teachers are very lazy

B. maybe Tom's learning style is not good

C. Tom's classmates often help him with his homework

D. Tom is clever enough to finish his homework at school

2.The underlined word "They" refers to          .

A. some of the successful students

B. all Emma's classmates and teachers

C. the suggestions that Emma will offer

D. all the subjects that Emma has studied

3.What does Emma think of her learning style?

A. Hers may not be the best, but it may be helpful.

B. Top students don't have to learn her learning style.

C. It works better in literature and math than in other subjects.

D. It doesn't work well in language learning but students can have a try.

4.What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?

A. To ask students to study harder than ever before.

B. To get some help from teachers and different students.

C. To show that she is very successful in "Studying".

D. To ask for students' suggestions and share her suggestions.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是作者分享的有关学习的一些建议:学习不是“做作业”,它包含更多。作者建议在学习中把握时间、在课堂上作笔记并在家里整理、努力学习并且在安静的地方学习、课前课后积极地慢慢地读课文、独立完成作业、不仅仅为考试而学习等等。 1.B推理判断题。题意:如果汤姆经常告诉父母他没有作业做,我们可以推断出什么?A. Tom's teachers are very lazy汤姆的老师很懒;B. maybe Tom's learning style is not good可能汤姆的学习方法不好; C. Tom's classmates often help him with his homework汤姆的同学经常帮助他做作业; D. Tom is clever enough to finish his homework at school汤姆够聪明,可以在学校完成他的作业。根据短文内容,学习不仅仅是完成作业,总是说没有作业而不学习,说明学习的方法可能不当。故选B。 2.2】C词义猜测题。题意:有下划线的"They" 指的是什么?A. some of the successful students一些成功的学生;B. all Emma's classmates and teachers艾玛所有的同学和老师;C. the suggestions that Emma will offer艾玛将会提供的建议;D. all the subjects that Emma has studied艾玛所学的所有科目。句意:I am going to give you some suggestions on how to study efficiently. They worked for me when I was in the high school and college.我要给你一些如何高效学习的建议,它们在我读中学和大学时对我有用。可以推测出“它们”指的是作者的建议。故选C。 3.3】A细节理解题。题意:艾玛认为她的学习方法怎样?A. Hers may not be the best, but it may be helpful.她的可能不是最好的,但是它可能有帮助;B. Top students don't have to learn her learning style.尖子生不必学习她的学习方法;C. It works better in literature and math than in other subjects.在文学和数学方面比其他方面更有效;D. It doesn't work well in language learning but students can have a try.语言学习上效果不好,但是学生可以试一试。由第四段内容:Although everyone's learning style may be different,and some of my suggestions may not work for you, I still ask you to try them. A lot of successful students have used them.可知:她的学习方法虽然可能不一定适合你,但是许多成功的学生曾经用过。说明他的方法虽然不是最好,但是可能有用。故选A。 4.4】D主旨大意题。题意:作者写本文的目的是什么?A. To ask students to study harder than ever before.叫学生比以前更加努力地学习;B. To get some help from teachers and different students.向老师和不同的学生获得帮助;C. To show that she is very successful in "Studying".展示她在学习上很成功;D. To ask for students' suggestions and share her suggestions.向同学请求建议并且分享她的建议。本文作者分享了有关学习的一些建议同时在最后一段里也向其它的同学征求一些建议。故选D。 考点:考查教育科学类短文阅读。



One evening last summer, when I asked my 14- year- old son, Ray,for help with dinner, his response(回答)shocked me. "What's a colander(漏勺)?" he asked. I could only blame _________ . In the family, nobody else went into the kitchen except me.  But that night, as I _________ to him that a colander is the thing with holes in it,I wondered what else I hadn't _________ Ray for.

As parents,while we focus on our sons' confidence and character,we perhaps don't always consider that we are _________ raising someone's future roommates,boyfriends,husbands,or fathers. _________  I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course. I was _________  to find that he didn't say no. For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine.

I knew that he would rather have been playing basketball with friends than _________  to mend socks with his mother,but in fact he was learning, and more than just housekeeping. "I appreciate(感激)what you do _________ a mom," he told me one day. Ray now realizes there's  _________ masculine(男子气概的)about being helpless.

Now,not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his family. That's _________ I call a man. I'm glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter in-law.

1.A. themselves     B. ourselves       C. myself          D. himself

2.A. explained      B. continued       C. thought         D. advised

3.A. planned       B. prepared        C. produced        D. punished

4.A. even            B. also           C. still           D. either

5.A. But             B. And             C. Because          D. So

6.A. cheerful       B. nervous        C. patient         D. serious

7.A. learning       B. checking       C. asking           D. affording

8.A. by            B. for            C. as              D. with

9.A. something       B. anything       C. everything     D. nothing

10.A. what           B. how           C. why            D. who



一Thank you for looking after my son while we were away.


A. Why me?             B. My pleasure.

C. It's my fault!      D. With pleasure!



一A latest China Daily,please!

一Only one copy left. Would you like to have       ?

A. one       B. it         C. this       D. that



What should we do for the disabled children in the Children's Home?

一You're supposed to       a study group to help them.

A. take up      B. fix up    C. set up     D. stay up



Is Mr. Wang at home? I have something important to tell him.

No, he isn't . He       America. He will come back in a week.

A. has gone to        B. has been to

C. has been in      D. went to



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