满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for...

Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for their holiday. They had a lovely dog called Blackie, but they could not take it abroad with them, so they had to look for a good place to leave it while they were away, and at last they found a place which looked after dogs very well while their owners were away. They left Blackie there just before they started for their holiday.

At the end of their holiday, they came back to Sydney very late at night, and as they thought that the place where Blackie was staying might be closed at that late hour, they decided to wait until the next morning.

So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his car and drove off happily to meet Blackie. When he got home with the dog, he said to his wife, Do you know, dear, I dont think Blackie enjoyed his stay at that place very much. He barked(吠,叫) all the way home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something.

Mrs. Brown looked at the dog carefully and then answered, You are quite right, dear. He was certainly trying to tell you something. But he wasnt trying to tell you that he hadnt enjoyed his stay at that place. He was only trying to tell you that you were bringing the wrong dog home.

1.Mr. and Mrs. Brown wouldnt take Blackie to go abroad because __________.

A. they didnt like it

B. it wasnt allowed to do

C. it didnt want to be abroad

D. it had to look after the house

2.Mr. and Mrs. Brown came back __________ at the end of their holiday.

A. late at night       B. early in the morning

C. in the daytime      D. in the afternoon

3.Mr. and Mrs. Brown stayed __________ before they went to get Blackie back.

A. at home             B. in the car

C. outside the house    D. in the open air

4.The dog barked on the way because it __________.

A. was hungry

B. was ill

C. didnt enjoy its stay

D. didnt know Mr. Brown

5.The best title for this passage is ___________.

A. The Clever Dog Blackie          B. Is the Dog Blackie

C. A Happy Traveling                D. A Lucky Dog


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是与宠物狗相关的故事。布朗夫妇要去度假,因此把他们的宠物狗寄养到一个照顾狗的地方,度假回来时,布朗先生领回一条狗,狗在车上不停地叫,原来这条狗不是他家的。 1.B 细节理解题。题意:布朗夫妇为什么不带Blackie去国外?A. they didn’t like it他们不喜欢;B. it wasn’t allowed to do不允许带狗;C. it didn’t want to be abroad它不想去国外;D. it had to look after the house它必须看家。由第一段里的: They had a lovely dog called Blackie, but they could not take it abroad with them可知他们不能带狗去国外:即不允许。故选B。 2.A细节理解题。题意:在假期结束时,布朗夫妇什么时候回来的?A. late at night晚上很晚;B. early in the morning早上一早;C. in the daytime在白天;D. in the afternoon在下午。由第二段第一句:At the end of their holiday, they came back to Sydney very late at night可知他们是在晚上很晚回到悉尼的。故选A。 3.A推理判断题。题意:去接Blackie回来前,布朗夫妇待在哪儿?A. at home在家;B. in the car在小车里;C. outside the house房屋外面;D. in the open air在户外。根据短文第二、三段可知,他们到家后很晚了,打算在第二天一早去接Blackie,因此他们是待在家里的。故选A。 4.D 细节理解题。题意:为什么狗在路上叫?A. was hungry饿了;B. was ill病了;C. didn’t enjoy its stay不喜欢待在那儿;D. didn’t know Mr. Brown不认识布朗先生。根据短文最后一句:He was only trying to tell you that you were bringing the wrong dog home.可知,那条狗不是布朗先生的,狗因为不认识他而叫过不停。故选D。 5. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。


There are many ways to help improve your memory, so you shouldnt feel ___________ in study.

My first ___________ is that if you want to remember something well, you have to go over it regularly(有规律地). You might go over the material two days after you learn it, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. After a month you will ___________ that you can easily remember the material.

My second advice is to use a red pen to _____________ lines under the important sentences in your book. This will help you in two ways. First, it will help you concentrate(集中) on the most important parts when you learn the __________. It is always easier to remember only the important sentences. Second, this will make reviewing easier. When you open your book, the underlined parts will _________ you the most important things immediately. In this way, you dont have to go over all the materials again.

Another piece of advice is to review all the information in your ___________ just before you go to sleep. Your brain is working ____________ you are sleeping. If you think about the information before you go to sleep, you might be able to remember it better. Another good __________ for memorizing information is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. So you might also ___________ memorize the important information in the morning.

1.A. easy           B. upset            C. excited           D. useful

2.A. choice         B. answer           C. advice            D. action

3.A. forget         B. mention          C. imagine           D. find

4.A. draw           B. write            C. think             D. make

5.A. word           B. knowledge        C. advice            D. number

6.A. show           B. lead            C. take              D. decide

7.A. book           B. idea            C. dream             D. mind

8.A. before         B. while           C. after            D. until

9.A. result        B. way              C. time              D. idea

10.A. lead to       B. send to         C. come to           D. try to



---The mountains are greener and greener and the water is clearer and clearer.

---Sure. Lots of things _________ by our government every year.

A. were done     B. are done      C. have done         D. will do



---Have you ever been to the Tang City in Xiangyang?

---Yes, of course. Its one of the _________ places in our city.

A. beautiful            B. more beautiful

C. most beautiful       D. much more beautiful



---Do all the members in our team know the time of competition?

---No. Ill tell them as soon as possible __________ we can prepare for it earlier.

A. as if              B. even if

C. so that             D. as for



---Is there anything in the fridge?

---Yes. __________ some apples and a watermelon.

A. There is          B. There are

C. There will be    D. There were



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