满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Lucy isn’t in the classroom. Where i...

--- Lucy isnt in the classroom. Where is she?

---She _________ to the playground.

A. has been         B. has gone

C. will go          D. was going


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-露西不在教室里。她在哪儿?-她去操场了。A. has been去过某地(已回);B. has gone去了某地(未回);C. will go要去,表示将要发生的动作;D. was going在去,表示过去某时正在发生的动作。现在在教室里找不到她,她去了操场未回来:has gone to。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语辨析。  

---Well move in the new classroom next week.

--- _________ good news! Its much bigger and brighter.

A. How an          B. What an        C. How              D. What



---___________ hand-writing do your like better?

---I prefer Toms. His looks much more smooth.

A. Whose           B. What          C. Who             D. How much



---I still remember __________ your parents came to see you here for the first time.

---Me, too. It took them nearly a day to walk here.

A. when            B. how           C. why               D. where



---The skirts all look beautiful. I cant decide which one to choose.

---The red one fits you best __________.

A. in order to         B. in line with

C. in the case          D. in my opinion



---Why dont you go out for a walk at night?

---Because Im ___________ the dark.

A. responsible for     B. afraid of

C. used to           D. sure about



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