满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---The interview will start soon. Do you...

---The interview will start soon. Do you feel ___________?

---No, not at all. You know I have taken part in many interviews after I graduated.

A. nervous         B. tired

C. necessary         D. successful


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-面试马上就要开始了。你感到紧张吗?-不,一点儿也不。你知道我毕业后参加过许多面试。A. nervous紧张的,不安的;B. tired疲劳的,累的;C. necessary需要的,必需的;D. successful成功的。面试前,感到紧张。故选A。 考点:考查形容词。  

---I hope you wont _________ my invitation. Its my 18th birthday party, you know.

---You are my best friend. I am sure to come.

A. remember        B. attend          C. refuse           D. receive



---Is the person who you spoke to with body language __________?

---Yes, he can hear nothing.

A. blind            B. deaf            C. strange          D. super




如今,运动已成为人们生活中不可缺少的部分,有人将运动视为健康的一种方式,有人将它视为一种休闲方式,还有人没有任何理由,就是爱运动。同学们,在学习之余,你钟爱什么运动? 请你以“My Favorite Sport”为题写一篇短文。

要点:(1) 你喜欢运动吗?你常常做什么运动?

(2) 你最喜欢的运动是什么?你是如何喜欢上这种运动的?

(3) 这种运动的好处。

要求:1、 按提示进行写作,可适当发挥;语句通顺,意思连贯;

2、 词数90词左右;文中不得出现真实的姓名、地名和校名等相关信息。





Success comes from good habits.The most important reason that h__________1.you succeed is what you do every single day.Your habits are so important that they will decide whether you are s__________2.or not.If you have strong and healthy positive(积极的)habits, it does not matter whether or not you f__________3.today because you are sure to succeed in the end.Having positive habits does not mean that you will succeed every time.However, in the long term, you will without d___________4.achieve all your goals and be successful.

A single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated l,000 times will have an important i____________5. on your life.For example, if you listen to English only one time, you won't see a big d____________6.in your English studying.However, if you listen to English l,000 times over a five-year period, you will find you've made p________7. in English.The same principle applies to(适用于)health, relationships, work and school.

Everybody can change.All it takes is courage and persistence(毅力).Decide right now to improve your life by c____________8.your habits.Take actions right now! Don't be afraid.You will p__________9.make mistakes along the way, but n___________10.forget that success is there for you if you have good habits in your life.And if you refuse to give up, success will be y____________11..





1.--- I don’t want to go to a university.

---Your parents ___________________(将不会同意你), so you can’t do that.   (disagree)

2.--- I ______________________(忘了倒垃圾) when I left home this morning.

---That’s too bad. (take)

3.--- What is Jack doing?

--- He ________________________(正考虑删除) some words in his article . (consider)

4.---Alice is too fat and her mother ________________________(建议她每天跑步减肥).

---That’s a good idea.      (advise)

5.---The two students ______________________(应该被告诫不要抄别人的作业)next time.

---Yes. The headteacher will talk to them this afternoon.   (warn)

6.---How do you like the trip to London last week?

---It was nice. It ________________________(我去过的最精彩的地方之一). (wonderful)

7.---Do you like math?

---Yes. You ___________(无法想像成功地算出一道题是多么令人兴奋). (imagine)[



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